A few things that really need to be in the game

Now I fully expect not everyone is going to agree with these ideas, that's fine. Share your own, critique what I have here, I'm just posting it here instead of on the steam forums in hopes that A: it reaches better eyes and B: the conversations here are much more civil. Trying to have a serious discussion on the steam forums is like pulling teeth, it's just excruciating. Anyway, a few miscellaneous ideas that I think would help the game a lot:

  1. A recycling system. It's too often that your main's inventory clutters up with tons of items, add-ons, and offerings you'd never use. Having the ability to recycle them back into bloodpoints, even at a 10% return (so a common gives you 300 bp, since it cost 3000) would make inventory managing so much better than either burning up all of the useless crap or simply keeping 16,493 worn-out toolboxes.
  2. Keys need an interaction timer. Hatch instantaneously opening is beyond unfair, the comparison to an instant-escape is an instant-kill via the Memento Mori offerings (or certain perks/powers/add-ons/whathaveyou.) The major difference here is, killing a survivor takes way more specific conditions, takes time to go through, and only affects one of four players. A hatch being opened via a key is literally as fast as you press the button, opens the possibility for everyone to skip the endgame phase, and only requires the hatch to spawn. Sure, you can kill survivors earlier than hatch can spawn, but a single kill is far less impactful than insta-hatch. Also, if you weren't aware, the hatch is already physically present and can be found by running over it. Sure it's unlikely, but basic programming intuition tells me that its hitbox should be unloaded until it spawns in.
  3. Bots to replace DC'ing survivors. Yeah, the current AI is ultra wonky and very amateur, but if it got sharpened up and fleshed out, having them replace a survivor who either crashed or quit would be leagues better than them vanishing entirely. You can have an entire game flip from the survivor's side to the killer's side off of a single disconnect. There's gotta be a middle ground here.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I LOVE the recycle idea and think it would help out new players a bunch. I mean, it would help everyone, but it would REALLY make the perk grind much less of a pain for people who have more killers than sense. That would be me.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited September 2021

    They did talk about a crafting system once that enables you to turn items you didn't use into something useful but nothing has been spoken of it since. I think it was the 4th anniversary stream.

  • knight_killer
    knight_killer Member Posts: 54

    A selling back system would be good anything to get more points, I played a lot during the fifth anniversary and prestiged like twelve times but I haven't leveled someone to fifty in a while. Honestly I believe keys are fine, there are noticable on person, tunneling is a strategy to get them out of the game adding a timer probably the length of waking someone up would be fine. There is also literally a bot system (not a very good one) in DBD mobile, it shouldn't be too hard to implement something similar on PC.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Recycling: Yes

    Keys: interaction sure, but best to just remove them. Unfair for killers, and unfair for survivor teammates they leave behind. It's just a cheap mechanic that allows survivors to escape when they haven't earned it.

    Bots would be great. Other games have done that. Not sure how they would work with the skill based MMR system, though. At low levels they would likely play better than some survivors. At high levels, they would not be nearly as effective as a regular survivor. You couldn't really give the killer full points for a bot kill, at that level, but they would need to get something for the effort.