Couple things that justify tunneling to me

Msterflex Member Posts: 126
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

If a survivor has a key then killer has the right to tunnel them cause they could end the game against the killers favor too quick. Also if a survivor has decided to become a aggressive flashlight savior particularly with a powerful flashlight with strong addons then they’ve made themselves a major threat to your win and can be tunneled.

Im not saying bringing a key or flashlight saving is toxic but if you bring them make sure you’re confident in your chasing skills cause those will draw attention to you.


  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited September 2021

    Weird thinking doing something that exists and is part of the game needs justification in the first place. It's as dumb as people who don't use specific killers or specific perks because someone else who plays the game might call them a mean word because of it. Who cares?

    If you go into every game with the intent to tunnel and camp, then it's probably a you're a bad player problem for sure, though.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Camping and tunneling is annoying as hell, but it's a tactic. It's #########, but it's a tactic. It's frustrating, but... it's a tactic. And I'm saying this as a survivor main.

    The only thing when I'll say something 'mean' about the killer when he's camping/tunneling is when they do this purely to ruin someone's fun. Like you know, youtuber/TTV who's doing that and giggling and is like 'oh, let's see how salty they'll be in the end game chat'. So yeah, if you do this purely to provoke people's salty reactions, you have room temperature IQ. In Celsius of course. If you're doing it because situation requires that tactic (for example it's end game collapse, you hook someone so maybe it's safer to camp them rather than trying to get another down, which might not work), you don't need to justify yourself.

    As for keys... I don't even know if tunneling a key is a good way to deal with it. It's just better to pop Franklin's and you're done without a single drop of sweat. Because even if you kill the 'key bearer', someone else can still use it and... you're back to square one.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Imho, tunneling is a necessary evil. Particularly in cases like End Game, where you're just trying to secure your last kill, or against a team who is all really good except for the one weak link.

    However, tunneling because of a key or someone annoying you probs isn't the play bud. If they're running a key, they're probably also running a perk like DS, or they're a memer with a chest build. (Or maybe they just brought a green key!) They can also just... drop the key somewhere and tell their buds, which doesn't eliminate the issue from the game. (Or they might just not have the add-on to keep it in the first place. Heck, they might just be trying to get the achievement or an archive challenge done.) If you're truly worried about a key, you need to play well and keep up pressure on everyone. Tunneling against good survivors just encourages them to spread out on gens and finish them ASAP, because they won't have time to do anything else.

    If you're tunneling due to flashlights... you just need to learn how to counter flashlights??? Look at walls when you go to pick up. Fake pick ups to catch the flashlight user out of position. If someone is harrassing you with a flashlight, usually it's something avoidable. And, if they're doing that, they're not doing gens- meaning they're probably the least threatening person on the team. (Seriously, I've had multiple games where the team would just throw because they all ran flashlights, and I knew how to fake them out- and so they would get injured/downed/slugged, and because no one was on gens and I cycled through their health states so fast, they didn't have a chance.) Flashlights are the items with the most counterplay.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    You do you mate.

    But yeah, tunnelling will probably make you win and climb MMR to finally... Taste your own medicine by facing sweatsquad that know how to handle it.

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    I don’t normally but sometimes the situation forces me too

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    I don’t normally tunnel unless I’m forced too. Depends in the situation

    ya you’re right just bait them out. Thanks.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Things that justify tunneling to me...

    • It's allowed.
  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    Ya but you can stand to be a decent person lol I remember my noob days as a survivor and it sucked getting tunneled and camp. But you be you I guess I’m just a nice guy lol

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited September 2021

    Oh i never tunnel.

    Not cause i think it makes me a douche but cause it's not my style.

    And i don't think tunneling is a douche thing to do either, i personally don't care if i get tunneled, i don't care enough about Survivor gameplay for feelings like that.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    Tunneling is punishment for survivors performing unsafe saves. If you don't perform an unsafe save, then tunneling will only hurt the Killer because they are wasting that much time to return to the hook.