Should keys just not exist?

Is the key a item that gives fun to both the survivor and killer or changes how you play the game positively or makes the game funner?
In my eyes no.the gameplay is if I random find the hatch on the floor u win killer sad or if I'm part of a group we can ignore the objective and just screw the play wise it's add-ons and general use does not make gameplay fun.the same way people hate wall hacking wraith is literally the Same gameplay as blood amber key.
And on the killer side it changes how they play in the worse way.its puts them in instant death mode tunneling the key guy and even then someone can grab it so there not even having fun.
I'm not saying take away hatch I feel when one survivor is left and there's like 3 gens left you can throw them a bone but in the world where the nerfed mori's and even said they would eliminate them as a offering keys should be sent to the twilight zone along with mori's.
What are your thoughts? Be civil 🤣 BYE
Key is #########.
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In my opinion, ideally, no. Keys should not exist.
That said, it’s way too late for them to just flat-out remove keys at this point, unless they make a completely new item to replace them.
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Can't remove keys when the 4 man hatch escape achievement is a thing
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Also, they plan on making moris and keys earnable in a trial, not completely throw them to the void
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they should exist but getting them should be rare and a single key shouldnt let 4 survivors escape.
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Keys should exist but Not via the bloodweb.
New Franklins can deplete the key’s charges btw.
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My Felix with Built to Last would like a word with Mr. “New & Improved” Franklin’s…. 😆
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The camping hag that trapped your item already made your build to last useless. 😉
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As a solo survivor main: no, I don’t like or need keys. They are there to ruin the game experience for everyone else except the key user.
The hatch mechanic should then get a rework.
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Keys can still open hatch without charges. The charges are just for aura reading.
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Note the part underlined in red, the same is listed under Skeleton Key.
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Thank you
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True! Oh if I know lol- if it’s hag that item is gone. 🤣