Lowest Rank Matching With Highest Rank

Please tell I'm not the only one constantly running into the top ranks while being the one of the lowest....
The game doesn't seem to descriminate between my survivor or killer. I just picked the game up again and this is absurd. Before I would run into top ranks every once in awhile, while being lower...but it's literally every game now. I CLEARLY don't belong in a lobby with the high ranks right now. I used to be pretty decent at the game but as I said, I haven't played in almost a year. I would understand if I was still just as good as I was, but I'm not....clearly. I should never match with the highest rank, while being the lowest....period. Things would be different if there was NO rank based matchmaking, but there is and it's matching with people I don't belong playing against. (ignore the different names, I play on Windows Store version and Xbox)
Grades (aka ranks) are not used for matchmaking purposes.
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"Things would be different if there was NO rank based matchmaking, but there is and it's matching with people I don't belong playing against. "
There is indeed no Rank-based Matchmaking. Those are Grades, not Ranks and they are not used for Matchmaking.
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I wouldn't know 100% because I haven't played in awhile so forgive me if I'm wrong but.....it's higher "grades" that I notice tend to be better. Last night I did play a single game with lower grades and it was obvious to me, they were not that great (I mean neither am I right now but you understand what I'm saying). From my experience so far with this "grade" system is that Higher = Better, Lower = Worse. Again I could be wrong but it's consistent with how my games have been going.
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My Quote^
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The new Matchmaking is in effect since a few days. Ranks basically became Grades, so someone who had a high Rank before (which was used for Matchmaking before) will have a high Grade. On the 13th, everyone will be set to the absolute lowest Grade and they can climb up again. But Grades should only show the time someone is playing, no Matchmaking Purpose.
You can read more about it here:
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So what your saying is, there is a little validity to my experience? Like, as of now if you were Red rank before, you got placed in the Red Grade. So if I run into Red Grades right now, there is a decent chance they are decent at the game until the 13th?
This is fine and dandy, but why am I being placed AGAINST so many Red Grades? From the over 20+ games I've played so far for the past 3 days. Either my "rng" is insane, or there is something beyond it being that....RNG.
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Those Red Grades were "decent" at the game when Ranks were still a thing. But now, they can be the worst players ever, but still have Red Grades, since they had Ranks before OR because they play a lot.
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The reset is the 13th. of the month. SBMM will probably work better later. Actually it is clearly a big mess.
No clear explanation to give on it but just don't focus on the numbers. The logic never will be the BEhaviour's trait.
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So let me get it clear just so I don't make myself look dumb. As of recently (5.2.0) there is NO rank/grade/skill based match making anymore, all random? If this is the case I guess I either suck REALLY bad now, or I am just getting really unlucky going against decent players frequently.
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Yea, I just want clarity on everything but.....yeeeeaaaaa. It's just frustrating because I'm not fully grasping whats been going on.
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It is not random. There is a system in the background which calculates a Rating and pairs players of similar skill level with each other. But nothing is known how this system actually works.
It will also need some time to settle.
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Okay so basically (unlike before) it's a hidden MMR? Grades should be looked as nothing more than "How much you play"..?
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that's exactly it.
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Okay, well I really appreciate the feedback from everyone and the clarification! :)
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It is true But on the same time... grades got attributed depending your previous rank this time
So the killer was iri ranks and the survivor obiously not
Even if the MMR would match them together, it just doesnt feel right to me right now
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From my understanding now, it will change come the 13th because everyones Grade will be reset to what is it...Ash (I think). So even if you got to the Iridescent Grade because you were Red Rank before....this reset you will go all the way back down. So in other words, on the 13th, Grades will have no correlation with skill. Just how often you play. (Obviously the better you play the faster you will go up in the grades, but there is no 1:1 comparison).
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That i know, and yes it will be the case
But for the current MMR time, people in ash or silver still shouldnt face people in IRI since they got graded depending their ranks
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Yea, which is my concern and why I thought more was going on. Cuz while....yea grades not mean skill. Right now there is some overlap with grades and skill until the 13th.
The only thing I can think of, there is no "Skill Regression" in a sense. Which is pretty silly if you ask me because while yea at one point I was a red rank every reset, but I haven't played in awhile so I suck now compared to how I was before. So regardless of my time off, the MMR still thought I was a Red Rank, because at one point....I was. That's my only guess of whats been going on. Which is kinda frustrating because I have to really really try and get good again because of this but...it is what it is I suppose.
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My matches look exactly like your's as killer, and it's not fun right now lmao. I came back after not playing for over a year and I'm just getting so whooped that I'm losing interest in the game again. But I've read through and a lot of people are saying it will be better after the 13th, sooo let's see! Fingers crossed. Glad I didn't buy the pass yet cause it would be a waste lol.
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I don't think this is really ture yet because grades transferred directly from rank atm the higher grade tends to mean higher skill. Now once reset happens it will be less an accurate.