Lowest Rank Matching With Highest Rank

Please tell I'm not the only one constantly running into the top ranks while being the one of the lowest....

The game doesn't seem to descriminate between my survivor or killer. I just picked the game up again and this is absurd. Before I would run into top ranks every once in awhile, while being lower...but it's literally every game now. I CLEARLY don't belong in a lobby with the high ranks right now. I used to be pretty decent at the game but as I said, I haven't played in almost a year. I would understand if I was still just as good as I was, but I'm not....clearly. I should never match with the highest rank, while being the lowest....period. Things would be different if there was NO rank based matchmaking, but there is and it's matching with people I don't belong playing against. (ignore the different names, I play on Windows Store version and Xbox)
