Key VS Mori Argument

RantGod Member Posts: 36
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

In a recent QA a representative said Moris are supposed to be great for killers, terrible for survivors, whereas keys are supposed to be great for survivors and terrible for killers.

How are moris great for killers? An animation? That's it, as far as I can tell...

I'm a killer main and never use moris, not even before the rework.


Well, before the rework, you'd have to hook at least once and then you could mori. Basically take a player out of the game with less hooks than otherwise possible. This is great, if you want a player out of the game, but I like BPs, so I preferred using XP boosts over moris and getting as many hooks as possible.

Post mori nerf, they are now pointless. You must hook a person twice, then down them to mori. What is my benefit? A small amount of time saved from walking to a hook? Maybe avoid a small chance of being flashlighted? The benefits are so minimal I don't see the point. Not to mention the animation, while cool, is excruciatingly slow sometimes.

So, Moris are useless IMO... How about keys...?

Hatch spawns, open hatch, instant victory for you and any nearby players.

So, survivors get a free win, often times doing very little on generators, because they lucked out and found the closed hatch.

The difference in strength is incredibly survivor sided.

I have to work 4 times as hard to get my mori benefit, where as a survivor just has to crouch around long enough for the hatch to spawn.


Keys and moris should be removed. Plain and simple.

Find another way to stick the animation of a mori in there, with perks like Devour.
