Players Saying You're Bad Because You Run Certain Perks

I've been hearing and seeing some players say to others that oh you're a bad killer because you run Ruin, Undying, Tinker, Corrupt, BBQ, NOED, etc or you're a bad Survivor because you used DS, BT, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Spine, etc.
The people that say this stuff just need to stop if they wanna use it they can use it who cares if they're bad they're just playing the game. Ruin helps slow gens BT helps with unhooks don't be just throwing hate at a player because they use a certain meta perk or something you don't like.
Only 1 perk in the game tells me you are a bad player, and that is NOED. Everything else is fair game.
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Noed is good against the bully squads. If you can get someone down just before final gen pops and camp the hook, they are none the wiser. They all run at you to bodyblock the way back, slugs lol. Works even better with save the best for last.
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The people who say that perks are a reflection of your skill or character don't care. They just need to convince themselves they are competent or righteous and powerful perks get in the way of that. I mean, someone literally read this thread and was like, "yes, but my personal struggle is actually valid though." They will always fall back on that logic even when directly reading a post that calls them out because "it doesn't apply to them." They aren't one of "those" players, they will convince themselves.
All you can do is smile and nod.
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I get mad when survivors use all meta perks, because they don't really need them. Killers I'm fine with. What I do get mad about across the board is when people win with those perks and puff their chests and act like it was all skill, when I can count the moments in the match where a perk bailed them out rather than their own game sense.
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I'm sorry but any Claudette running self care is BAD. It's a scientic conclusion based on years of research and large quantities of evidence.
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just do totems
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People are still unironically saying "just do totems"?
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When people blame perks its because they're the ones that are trash , you're using what is legally allowed in game only to be treated like you're cheating at the end when they see your load out, people who complain about perks are the problem with this game because Everytime a meta shifting perk comes out they cry for it to be nerfed before they can even see how its gonna change the dynamic, THEN those very same people will come to the forums and cry they're tired of seeing the same old meta and want to nerf that as well, so basically they want you to run nothing and then they're still gonna find ######### to complain and make excuses about.
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NOED is a crutch perk. "Do bones" is irrelevant. The whole point is that it gives someone who would otherwise 0k a 1k/2k. Yet, if you didn't run it you might 3/4k instead because you have a perk that actually does something before the game is over. The complaint isn't that it's overpowered. It's that noobs use it to get kills that they shouldn't get. Running Dead Hard will not make you a better or worse survivor. Running NOED will actually make you a worse killer.
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The perk I personally have a gripe with overall is Adrenaline. I don't think it should heal you off the hook. Every other perk I've come to terms with. Lucky Break I still think is MASSIVELY underutilized. Lucky Break with Iron Will makes it....just incredibly difficult to continue a chase and quite often can just get you out for free. I think if more survivors ran it, you would definitely see people like o_O with its balance.
I still get hit by DS sometimes when it makes no sense. Due to the fact that DS has to do with YOU doing something to someone else, or someone else doing something to you. If you self heal with a medkit, you can actually keep DS. I have had games where the person was unhooked, healed themselves with a medkit, got into a chase with me, went down, and I was DS'd. It happens actually about once a day or so and when that happens it's pretty highly irritating. Other than that DS is as it should be, and because survivors can no longer abuse the ######### out of it, its mostly gone.
Iron Will would be the only other perk I think that needs to be looked at. It's just too strong for what it does. It's an every game use perk, that gets value literally every single game. If you didn't get value from it, that means you could have run the game perkless and still won. And its value is tremendous, from hiding from a killer, to throwing off their chase based on sound which is far more than just Spirit.
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Just waste 2 generators of time on a maybe
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leave a comment
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I agree with this 100%. It sucks that people are looked down on for running the perks that they want.
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On CSGO they hate if you use P90... it's normal... low skill requirements make people think you have low skill.
Matches are much easier if you use META perks... so players assume "Oh, he must be bad", even though the game balance warrants for its use. Also you can't tell if the survivors are using META perks themselves, so you just assume they have the best perks so you equip your own best build.
Also NOED can be very useful to compensate for mistakes, and survivors hate that the killer can have a comeback so cheaply... and I agree that Noed should be a little weaker... even though it's very counterplayable
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There is no perk that shows you to be a bad killer or survivor. It's all excuses. However, there are perks that show you are a gutsy and good player, and those are lesser-used ones like Dark Sense, Spies From The Shadows, Unnerving Presence - perks which are not high on the meta, but a good victory with these shows you're more skilled and less reliant on perks.
Those players I respect much more than those who stick to the norm, although I do get why people choose to use those same meta builds.
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It's funny that dead survivors can call you bad killer
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People have called me trash for playing Spirit. Like I’ve loved her for a long time, since I was still fairly new to the game and didn’t really know she was unfun to go against yet.
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Noed is fine where it is.
Do Bones, nuff said
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Spirit is fine. NOED is not.
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As a Huntress main i see D.S As the ultimate bad perk.
Cant dodge Hatchets so you need a "clutch" free escape.
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i don't get mad when a killer uses NOED, but coming from a 50/50 surv/killer, i think it should be revised somehow
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I have no idea why you said that, since it has no bearing on what I said. Note that I wrote "there is no perk that shows you to be a bad killer"
Read comment properly. Nuff said.
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Someone said I was a garbage 'newbie' player because I wasn't running Borrowed Time. Entity forbid I try new and interesting options for builds, but I guess its my fault for, and I quote, "Dragging down the game's quality."
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Five totems at 14 seconds cleansing time each gives us a total of 70 seconds to cleanse all of them, a far shot from 160 seconds, which is the time it takes to repair two generators.
If every survivor in the group just looked for totems on their way to every next objective and cleansed them it doesn't even add up to that much extra time.
And finally if you're working on the one of the final generators and you see some bones in front of you? Leave them a minimum of 1 in (5 - n), where n is the number of totems you personally have cleansed and confirmed other broken bones, of having the NoED hex totem activate in front of you is better than zero percent.
Hell, I get how frustrating NoED can be for solo queue, I personally only play solo when I play survivor, but that tiny amount of additional time that it takes to cleanse totems are insignificant compared to how little time killers have to kill all survivors if they are actually doing generators. Which brings me to the actual crux of the problem, you are either not as good as you think and struggle because you and your teammates are not doing generators quick enough or you just last less than 10 seconds per chase.
If we compare the time for a killer to down twelve survivors to one survivor repairing five generators we get that the killer is the one that has no time compared to survivors. Assuming 15 seconds per hit, to make it a really simple comparison each hit happens 15 seconds after each other, also assuming only one survivor repairing five generators that are unrealistically right next to each other in a line. This gives us a total time for killers of 360 seconds and 400 seconds for one survivor to complete the generators.
So from someone that plays solo queue survivor I will leave you these words, do bones.
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Not factoring in travel time or the complete ineptitude of solo teams in general. If you unironically stop and do 5 dull totems, it's more likely that you will have wasted bare minimum 70 seconds.
The only real counter to NOED in solo queue is to not go for endgame unhooks, so as to not reward the killer using NOED
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Not factoring in travel time or the complete ineptitude of solo teams in general.
Yes, I pretty much wrote this in my post but good job on comprehension. But I fail to see the point of reiterating it? Yes, I did simplify the comparison to the simplest I could think of, since a lot of factors are completely random. For example I ignored the time it takes to pick up and carry a survivor to a hook because the times varies so much, some times you down someone right next to a hook and sometimes you down someone in a quadrant of the map where there are zero hooks in range. Additionally I did limit the number of survivors repairing the generators to one to show how ridiculously little time a killer has before survivors escape.
Also ineptitude of solo teams does not equal noed being overpowered. The tools and ways to prevent it is exists and is completely in the survivors hands. But they refuse to, instead of doing 1 bone each they ignore them and force one survivor to run around to find them most of the time.
For example, there is nothing like having Devour Hope reach three or more stacks and seeing the speed at which survivors start to cleanse totems like their lives depends on it. I was running a totem build with Wraith for the tome challenge to hit people while exposed using Ruin, Undying, Devour Hope and Haunted Grounds and every match was almost the same, until Devour Hope was triggered no one barely touched the bones and all of a sudden they got them all done in less than 30 seconds. It's magical how fast they go when people actually don't ignore totems.
If you unironically stop and do 5 dull totems, it's more likely that you will have wasted bare minimum 70 seconds.
I am proud to say that I sometimes do unironically stop a do totems when I am traveling between generators, depending on totem spot I might leave it for later. Free points and emblem score if nothing else.
The only real counter to NOED in solo queue is to not go for endgame unhooks, so as to not reward the killer using NOED.
You play how you want but I find this extremely boring and cowardly to leave people behind unless absolutely necessary, I.E. built in one hit down or if someone opened the door and putting us on a timer to find the NoED totem.
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There's always people that have some sort of superiority because they're not running Meta perks/killer.
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I love it. The argument against noed is the ineptitude of teammates but when the killer gets more than one kill with it then that ineptitude is not the source of the problem by feeding the killer.
Either your teammates are good and everybody can keep totems in mind so it takes average way less than 70 seconds to cleanse all totems or you get potatoes and simply leave them once noed comes into play.
Either you bake the cake or eat it. Not both.
Wanting to ignore totems despite good teammates or escaping with all 4 when teammates are potatoes is asking to get handheld by the game.
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Leaving or not, NOED is still a free kill and often more. It stomps the ######### outta soloQ players with no effort required. Only a SWF is going to have time to get all the dulls out of the game.
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I think you should be using the most effective perks for your killer/survivor. That's what they are there for. Undying was literally made for pairing with ruin to counter how fast it goes down most of the time. Mentioned survivor perks were made to counter being focused by the killer too quickly. Why gimp your character?
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there are perks that show you are a gutsy and good player, and those are lesser-used ones
Those players I respect much more than those who stick to the norm
No perks dictate skill when it's the meta..
perks which are not high on the meta, but a good victory with these shows you're more skilled and less reliant on perks.
Perks which are not high on the meta, but a good victory with these shows you're more skilled and less reliant on perks.
Issue is. you won't win with bad perks when you verse a swf that just pre-throws against you and rushes gens, =D
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In response to the first point, the reason I respect lesser ised perks is not because of skill, moreover someone is willing to try something different. I respect that more for people thinking beyond the few big ones, but doesn't mean I think poorly of others.
And second point, I have won with bad perks against swf. And others have. And many more will. Maybe there is a better chance, but with a mindset as you described, you've already talked yourself into a loss. Skill can outweigh any perk, when learnt well.
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Not when you wanna play a low tier killer with a meme build,
Those killers already don't stand a chance =D. (Mainly lookin at you trapper)
And sadly. i Used to have fun with trapper. Now i can't even look at him in this...Mmr!!
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I don't think everyone that run these perks are necessarily bad, but I do think that all bad players seem to run these perks. There are a lot of people that get carried by their perks in this game, and most people are not as good as they think they are because of this.
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Trapper is a weaker killer, sure. He's also a late-game demon. Trick with him is to isolate the last 4 gens or so. Keep them close by and set up a trapper's paradise for when survivors charge in (and they'll most likely be feeling confident), which will lure them into making mistakes.
Sure you won't win every time. But then again it's not expected to. However, it gives you a better chance :D
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Any perk that stagnates or pigeonholes your skill growth can be a bad one, IMO.
Stuff like NOED, Ruin, Dead Hard, they're easy targets there because they're not just playstyle perks, they're safety nets which people can and do often come to rely on too heavily. Each of them isn't inherently bad, but what they can do to how a player actually participates in a trial - like how the clicky squads and their Dead Hards or the Insidious basement bubbas often stagnate - isn't really good for individual or community health.
Use whatever you want, especially if it's fun, just also make room to play around and try things without the safety net.
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or, better yet, run Small Game and/or Detective's Hunch
there, you can continue to slam gens and have a way of dealing with NOED somewhat efficiently
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My opinion on this topic. There are some perks I simply do not like facing against but at the end of the day, the only person I can control is myself. If you didn't pay for my copy of the game you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot use.
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Despite him being the cover for the game. WE NEED EM BUFFED
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Yeah cause that blight/spirit/nurse definitely needs ruin pop undying tinkerer.
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No it won't degrade your skills but it will slow your improvement.
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It's a party game. People say you're bad because they're bad.
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I love this thinking. Question, I just want to clarify with you. Do you honestly think that the game is over when you pop the 5 gens and open the gates?
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Eh, I think the complaint comes less from the perks themselves these days (Afterall, we don't have old Tinkerer Ruin Undying) and more so the mentality with the people who run those perks. If you see a Survivor running DS+UB, BT and IW then you're probably going to associate them to trying a lot harder compared to a goofball running Babysitter. On the same thing with Killer, there's gonna be a far different thought process between playing against a Blight with a full meta build and a Blight with Dragon's Grip. (God, love that perk, wish more people used it.)
Mix that with just how strong meta perks are in this game, and how overbaring they can be for the opposition, mixed with many player's seeming to not like the idea of letting up a little on the opposition when they're getting absolutely rolled, and it's frustrating to get out perked instead of outplayed. And in the same vain, if you go in with a meme build and you play well verses the team who were running meta perks, but still act like they have the largest schlongs in history in post-game chat, it is frustrating.
With that being said though, I will always agree that I do think NOED and Self-Care make you worse for running them. Self-Care encourages you taking far, far too much time off the other objectives to get value out of. NOED encourages that you don't have to play well since you get rewarded in end game- many times landing you free kills against solos- while also taking up a valuable perk slot that could have easily been used by another perk that would have been guranteed to get more use, against both coordinated and uncoordinated teams.
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You tell me. 🤷 What I've been observing in this game for years and still am now is that default gen speed trumps any kind of skill-based chase action. Therefore killers use all gen defence perks. But those perks do nothing for you, as killer, without skill to go with them. Ruin and Pop nothing for you if you can't get downs, which DS/BT/Unbreakable/Dead Hard makes nearly impossible. And those are all survivor-killer interaction perks. Killers run killer-generator interaction perks. That's why they have little going for them in chase. If they didn't have to run 4 gen defence perks, they'd run 4 chase perks which would allow them to perform way better on average. But because I'm All Ears and Spirit Fury/Enduring do nothing to gens, they're unviable, and so are any killers that run them.