Opening The Box With Chain Hunt

DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

Chains interrupt opening the box, which makes it impossible to open the box unless you are in a tight area where chains don't have much space to spawn, which is pretty difficult to find in some maps, and even then you need a bit of luck. Is there a better method for this?


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Yes I experienced this once. It was so annoying. Is it intentional because it seemed impossible to do the box with the chain hunt interrupting you?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,892

    Once you start solving the box there should no new chains spawn to interrupt you.

    there could be chains that spawns right before you started solving the box though, that is very much intentional.

    though I have experienced a bug where chains spawned way after. If you experience this make a clip and attach it here in the Forums to the bug report.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    From my experience Chains spawn in waves, solve the box between the waves

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Yes omg this is so annoying! I’ve had this happen to me in SEVERAL matches so far. Hope it gets patch in next update

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    The easiest way is to solve the box before chain hunt begins, in the first place. Other than that, when the chains hit you, immediately switch from holding m2 to holding m1, to remove the chains quickly, then back to m2 to finish the box.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    It’s still bugged in the update that came out today…

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,311

    I thought they fixed this.

  • Exult
    Exult Member Posts: 101

    I think you're right. It's about 3 or 4 chains that will spawn per "wave" and after there is a small period where they won't spawn. Start solving it then and you should be okay.