What are the worst killers on console and how can we change them?
PC players have an advantage with certain killers(oni flicks and trickster and huntress having better aim for example).
Is there any way to optimize their powers for consoles?
Probably Trickster. People always talk about some other ones, and I have never had any issues. When people call Trickster OP, I genuinely cannot comprehend what the hell they are on about and vaguely feel lesser about them as a person. Rofl.
So perhaps that is a sign that he just isn't particularly great on console.
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His aim is just off and if you hold the button down good luck🤣 I usually chase and throw 2 blades max unless they do something dumb like vaulting then I go crazy and hope for the best.
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Blight was a good step, but I feel he needs just a little bit more.
Maybe increase the turn rate a little bit during the lunge of his lethal rush.
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They could add something like 'm2 sensitivity ' so it would be easier to aim/track, instead of the being like
Lower sense: track better but move with tank controls around regular tiles
Though the fact that its cross play mean we cant do anything for console without thinking about how it affects pc when it comes to balance decisions like the popular " make trickster faster".
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That would fix so much...it seems his "hug" tech to lethal rush is harder to do.
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The only one who is horrendous to play is Trickster. Everyone else is fine imo.
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The main ones hurt on console that I've noticed are:
-Hillbilly: Lack of accurate sensitivity means that high-level play with curving and the like is harder, as you cannot mindgame as easily with turns.
-Huntress: Self-explanatory.
-Plague: Sensitivity problems means the main method of long range puking (zig zagging with vomit stream) doesn't work, as it'll either not cover enough ground or the vomit stream will be too spread out to count as hitting. General issues with the vomit stream actually hitting at close range.
-Deathslinger: Lack of accurate sensitivity means shooting through gaps is much, much harder, and general aiming is trickier. Lower sensitivity settings are almost mandatory, but those gimp your ability to counter spins, and also sensitivity settings keep changing every other patch it feels like.
-Blight: Not only are flicks and most of the techs with him near or outright impossible on a controller, but Blight especially seems to have a problem with general framerate. Seems to chug noticeably more when playing him. This makes the timing needed to attack the moment you collide with the survivor's model much harder to achieve. Also, the look angle during a lethal rush attack is very fast moving, meaning that although you can't curve all that much your attack direction can shift very quickly and whiff survivors next to you.
-Trickster: Self-explanatory.
-Cenobite: Possessed chain can't be aimed as accurately, especially when actually controlling the chain itself.
There are many others like Nurse and Nemesis who are negatively affected, but that's mainly just from the framerate. The ones above are limited in strength due to the controller.
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If you put in the work, Nurse and Blight can be mastered, although imo not played to their fullest potential on console. Trickster still had a funky random recoil issue to me. The other ranged killers will take more practice to get good with than on PC but certainly are viable. Also what @Bloodshade suggests is vital for our controllers to approach the, well, control we need.
All this is contingent on how the frames are treating ya that day as well. The game's performance on console has been and continues to be the deciding factor for everything in the fog.
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I don't play on console so I can't really have an opinion on this. From what people have told me, it seems like Trickster and Nurse are the two worst right now. Blight was but thanks to McLean, he's in a decent spot right now.
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Yeah without optimization the only ones that dont seem affected are slower m1 killers...I remember after the resident evil patch trying to use wraith ot blights speed would cause the game to slow down (in some instances blight would bounce backwards fast and could not be interrupted with another rush🙁)
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Trickster because you need to Land multiple Knives with weird hitboxes and travel time + managing recoil on a game with terrible optimisation and controller settings with awful base deadzones and uneven vertical and horizontal sensitivity.
The only real and honestly simple way to fix it is just to add better controller settings because the current ones are awful with too many locked settings, it would help Trickster but any killers as well, even basic M1 ones because with how the current settings are + optimisation it's incredibly easy to get spun as a console killer.
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This is all I want. The controls for normal movement and M1 are fine on the console but the hatchet, chain, gun control are just slow and laggy IMO. I play at 100% sensitivity and when I jump to an M2 weapon it literally feels like my sensitivity drops to 20%.
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That's it for me just trickster. He is demoralizing on console sometimes I feel helpless where as every other killer mentioned I like my chances to kill.
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This would be nice if it were ever implemented😁
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God, I know. I still have a clip from the Resident Evil DLC patch where I was playing Blight and kept bouncing backwards until the fatigue happened, where the survivor was literally right in front of me. Very glad that hasn't happened in a while.
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Trickster, Huntress, Nurse, Blight... Anything with a aim basically is worse on console.
Sad to say but there's nothing to do about it.
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Not totally true, look at how games like COD, Apex, and others tackle it. They have separate settings for ADS, multiple ramp curves to choose from and many more fine-tuning options to work with.
Now that doesn't make a controller the same as a really good M&K setup but it certainly bridges the gap really well in the FPS world.
Or they could allow native K&M support for console and the problem is gone instantly.
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I was just making a thread about this because this exact thread reminded me of it, still gonna make it to go much more in detail as its pretty important and the setting in this game is outdated and the settings looks like this game was made in 2010
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Trickster does have terrible aim. I can't agree more. Especially using a joystick.
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The worst killers on controllers are the ranged ones, but there's not much to be done there and I've met people that absolutely prove controllers are less of a true limitation and more of a difficulty hike. Especially console Huntresses. They scare me. It's either going to be constant missing, or I have a glowing bullseye on my back, and at the dead centre is a powerful magnet. Also Deathslingers, but I guess that's just FPS players that are used to controllers.
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it would be great for m&k support but I doubt they are going to implement since it a “low priority ”
wish they did so that many player could just have the same advantage (except for fps) without putting a lot of time into it just to level the playing field which is difficult to do and it not far fetch that bhvr decision and effort aren't the best.
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Trickster: recoil, sensitivity, FPS.
Huntress: Surprisingly not bad. Could be better.
Blight: Doing flicks, Wall hugs, FPS.
Oni: FPS
Nurse: Sensitivity, FPS.
Deathslinger: Similar to huntress it's not bad imo, but it definitely could be better.
Hillbilly: Flicks, FPS.
Overall the problem is sensitivity during power use and the fps being really bad.
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Yes please make it the developers need feedback like this the better the game.
I honestly dont know if they even test things on console
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Expunge Trickster
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well knowing im a console player (ps5 of course).
ive played nurse, but i feel as if my hits just dont register. ive even hit the window a surv was vaulting over.
trickster, huntress, and deathslinger are okay, i dont have problems aiming, they just move unbearably slow in my opinion.
my friend plays blight on his ps4, seems to get 4 mans alot and has had no issues except a "stutter".
and i dont talk flicks since they dont seem to be 100% intention to the games design. (just how i feel).
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THIS. You can’t even aim properly with huntress or trickster. Thankfully nurse isnt too reliant on aiming so console nurse isn’t too bad
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Anything involving aiming. Console just feels so slow compared to how the aiming is on PC.
This makes killers like Huntress, Trickster and Deathslinger have a noticeable handicap when compared to how they run on PC.
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Trickster. I've only been able to play him recently because MMR puts me against potatoes with him.
Honestly, no amount of optimization or controller sensitivity options will ever truly save him on console. The very nature of his power requires consistent accuracy that is impossible for someone to do with a controller.
I'd prefer he just have a complete rework. He's already at a point where he's OK at best and incredibly unfun for survivor, but any more buffs will probably just make him OP. They need to start from scratch and make his power useful for all platforms.
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Blight is actually really good on console now, even better than billy's turn rate while he's even using dad's shoes add-on.
Trickster and Nurse is not playable (for me at least), at least optimally. Deathslinger and Huntress are iffy but can be played.
Pinhead's chain turn rate is not too bad, actually very good.
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Yeah it is like night and day on pc