Unpopular Perks

Boss Member Posts: 13,614

Not really a new question, but it's been a while.

What's a Perk you like to use that very few others seem to like?

I still like Brutal Strength enough to put it in my top 10 favorite Killer Perks.

It's not like i don't understand that the time reduction is quite low and with each Pallet that you don't kick means less value out of it, but idk, i just like the feel of it.

It's also fun for me on Wraith's Anti-Pallet build.


  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    I love Play with your Food. When you get those delicious 3 stacks it's amazing.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I like No Mither but I haven't ran it in a while.

  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246

    I like playing with Fixated. I wouldn't say it's unpopular but definetly not meta. All honesty I just love having Fixated as my core perk and add perks like Dance With Me, Deception, and Quick and Quiet for some extra stealth and scratchmark knowledge.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited September 2021

    For killer I like using bloodhound from time to time. Not only does it completely counteract Iron Will, but having a nice bright shiny trail lead you to where the survivor is, is a nice touch. Not to mention it combos really well with sloppy butcher.

  • knight_killer
    knight_killer Member Posts: 54

    I always run Shadowborn it's nautious to play without it. Blood Warden is pretty popular but that is something I always have in my back pocket while playing it's really funny to see people's reactions to getting hit by it. I think Zanshin Tactics is good on Pyramid Head I use that always.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I like Surge alot. I don't see it very often. Detective's Hunch doesn't show up too often either.

  • FrogDispenser
    FrogDispenser Member Posts: 10

    Just a few I have that I don't think get used a lot.

    1. Retribution. Since Ruin/Undying is still somewhat meta, I'd say this perk can get a lot of value if you're running meta.
    2. Dying Light, ESPECIALLY PAIRED WITH THANATOPHOBIA. Imagine the value. At least 8 stacks with all survivors injured means that it is nearly impossible to get a single gen done.
    3. Hysteria. Literally I never play plague (my main <3) without this perk. Since good survivors will typically never cleanse, having all survivors injured and oblivious is the most value you can get out of this perk + they will (hopefully) never heal.
    4. Plaything + The Third Seal. Self-Explanatory. Survivors can't see the plaything totems aura if they are blind. Meaning they wont hear you coming or see other survivors on the ground or where they are hooked. Pretty fragile though considering third seal is a hex, so be careful.
    5. Dragon's Grip. Very niche bully squad counter. If you hit the gen and there are two people on it, one of them will most likely try and get you to chase them so the other can finish the gen. Best possible scenario is that they do the gen right in front of you and become exposed. Value.
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Seeing @FrogDispenser say what I was going to say about Retribution....

    I'll say Surveillance with other perks to play around it's effect but by itself it's good cause of the 8 more meters of repair sounds can be useful (I know that sounds in this game are as fragile as hexes are but still)

    Ohhhh, Before I forget DL with 8 stacks means GG either way (I think they need to increase the debuff applied)

    Small Game (Outside of NOED threads) it's hardly a thing but I will say that more can be done to make this perk better and that I use this perk on some of my survivors... having a totem counter is great and all but why only have it reduce the vision cone why not make cleasing faster (oh that's already been made into a perk) or reveal auras of other totems (oh that's already a perk as well... Bad Word)

    It seems that the weaker perks are being totally (Bad Word) over by the newest perks rather then being the buff we all want them to be... Sorry about the tangent

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Alert: It is a staple in my survivor build. I get more info from it than I do other information perks imo.

    I play 50/50 so that means a lot of survivor. Back when I needed BP to unlock perks etc I always ran We're Gonna Live Forever - it helped with getting people off ground faster and with BP. I still think it is a great perk for players who need BP and want to play survivor.

    Soul Guard: This is a great perk in my opinion. I play solo survivor 98% of the time and people will try to get you up while the killer is coming towards you - well no problem with Soul Guard.. get up run at killer.. get hit...get that 8 second Endurance effect and the speed boost when the killer hits you. Also a great perk against Hex perks - especially NOED in the end game. This perk is fun to run with Unbreakable and Tenacity. That combo has saved me and allowed me to escape numerous times.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Alert is so underrated. You get knowledge where the killer is, and where pallets are broken, so you can avoid running over there during chase. Too bad it's also painful to see your solo teammates use like 10 pallets within a span of a minute.

    For killer I think Hex: Retrubution is pretty underrated. I like to pair it with Undying and Haunted Grounds. 10 seconds of aura reading so you know where to go to use your Haunted. If you're lucky you get to do it twice a match, if the surv don't cleanse Retribution or Undying first.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Open hand and kindred best combo. On killer dying light is a personal favorite on Oni

  • Bloodhound. It really helps with tracking injured survivors especially because so many survivors use Iron Will.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited September 2021

    Object of Obsession. People think the "nerf" killed it but i think its honestly a buff. the majority of the time if a killer sees you have it they ignore you. and if they do chase you it works MIDCHASE, pair that with alert and you can see the killers aura constantly. making it so any mindgame they try to play becomes allmost worthless the majority of the time. also lets me dodge lethal pursuer and tell if there is bbq and chili , I'm all ears (against pyramid heads mostly) , and any other aura reading perk. a must have on the majority of my builds.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’m going to be crucified but I genuinely enjoy using Gearhead and think it’s a decent perk

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Here's 3 from each side I adore, but it doesn't come up as part of the more popular, yet limited, selection:

    1. Deja Vu: This perk is so underrated in SoloQ! It progressively makes the killer work harder to stop the gens flying by, along with preventing a 3-gen problem in the late game. It's difficult to see the results of Deja Vu's benefits, but it is a supreme game changer.

    2. We'll Make It: This perk switches a dire situation into a positive one so quickly. Paired with Empathy it's amazing, but alone it's still an extremely efficient perk to get your fellow survivors back into action.

    3. Smash Hit: It basically ends the chase for the killer. Not only do they have to recover from the smack, but then they've lost a ridiculous amount of ground. I call this "Roadrunner", as it reminds me when Wile Coyote gets smacked by his own trap, then Roadrunner appears, goes "Meep meep!", and sprints off.

    1. Spies From The Shadows: Never underestimate the crows. Those guys have been so good I was even accused of cheating because a crow alerted me to them sneaking into a locker .. on The Game! A keen eye, plus survivor unawareness, makes this a brilliant perk.

    2. Iron Maiden: For those trying to deal with über-immersive of Quick & Quiet survivors, or even those just needing a locker, this can be great, especially if they had to leap into one at the last moment. Catches out more than you think, and dynamite with BBQ & Chili.

    3. Trail Of Torment: With the variety of perks that light up gens for survivors, this perk can easily sneak in and cause a ruckus. Also, oblivious is a great status to impact on survivors. It's just a great perk I get a lot of use out of.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    i wish trail of torments aura would have a smaller radius to see. not as small as say Hex:Plaything but smaller than it is.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I wouldn't say these perks are unpopular but I use balanced and inner strength. I love windows of opportunity but I've been getting tunneled badly recently so ds is a must -_-

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    You ever paired trail of torment with dragon's grip? Can be pretty spicy

    DG would also be my submission. One of my treasured memories is a a survivor tapping a gen mid-chase and going down instantly, plus he was a streamer so I got to watch his reaction afterwards.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I have to have Shadowborn on every killer, the default fov makes me feel so slow when I need to feel fast in games

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Well there have been some really cool suggestions in this thread that I actually can’t wait to try out for myself!! Thank you! Posting a comment so I can easily come back and find these another time if I want to remember what some of you wrote!

    But I’ll go ahead and participate as well for the fun of it..

    2 of my favorite “non meta” perk combos that I run on Survivor include:

    • Open Handed, Bond, Kindred, Windows of Opportunity/Detective’s Hunch.
    • Deception, Quick & Quiet, Head On, Inner Strength/Iron Will.

    For Killer I have noticed that these 3 Perks pair and and have a lot of synergy together - the 4th can be substituted for anything in particular that’s good. I’ve tested it with Brutal Strength, BBQ, Tinkerer, Oppression, Fired Up, Deadlock just to give some examples.

    • Eruption, Thrilling Tremors, Pop.

    Good luck - Have fun! Enjoy ;)

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Giving a few on both sides here:


    Surge: Pretty much my favorite regression perk. It can be inconsistent, but the sheer time saving function of it alone makes it worth it in my opinion. Plus that 8% regression can sometimes be the difference between a gen popping or not.

    Hex: Plaything: haven't seen many people comment on this one much, but I actually really like it. It's almost a reverse beartrap in the sense it stalls the game out a bit, and you can get free downs if you're lucky with it too since people don't always know you're coming. I prefer it to be used without other hexes because otherwise a single dull totem cleansed means you lose the effect on the fourth survivor.

    Lethal Pursuer: I've seen it seldom enough I feel this is off meta, which I think is a shame - the perk is extremely useful to give you an immediate first chase, and eliminates the scare and worry of those games where you pick every side of Ormond but the one they all spawned on and now you're down a gen with nothing to show for it.


    Blood Pact: I know people say Bond and Empathy are stronger, but the fact of the matter is those both only work for you, not two people. Free aura reading on a team member if either of you are injured makes for a super useful tool, and they get it too, so if they're smart they know to not go where you're working on a gen now.

    We'll Make It: Not the first person to say it here, but it's so so nice getting someone off the hook and having them healed in 8 seconds. Plus since it's active for 90 seconds you can further benefit the team if there's more injured survivors around.

    Kindred: Controversial opinion since people know it's strong - after all, they want it basekit, but they refuse to put on the perk because it's not a meta perk. It's core on all my survivor builds as early as 2017, and the buff it got last year just cemented it as my favorite survivor perk. It's 100% worth a perk slot, even in casual SWF. Put on the perk people. DO IT.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    I've started putting on Lightborn too when I get two or more flashlights in the lobby. The results are always hilarious. Half the time they don't even realize I have it and keep trying to blind me at pallets and they go down.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Same lol I’ve become a big fan - especially on Wraith

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Alert is nice, but I prefer Bond simply because you can see what your teammates are doing, and if one of them is being chased it gives you the comfort of knowing whether or not you can stay on the generator that you're at. Not to mention you can pinpoint exactly where someone is if you need a quick heal.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I pretend that I don't have it, like I drastically spin away, face walls when picking up, camp bodies pretending that I am afraid of a save. And then when they need it most, Hello Zep starts playing in the background and I get so much value they might as well rename it "value, the perk."

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yo I'll pretend to do the same sometimes too XD. It's hilarious.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    Dragons Grip. Fun perk. The problem is unless you're a stealth killer, you're pretty much never going to get to effectively use it. I basically call Dragons Grip "Ghostface only"

  • Definitly iron maiden

    killers i run it on billy survivors like to jump in lockers hoping for a bait

    ghostface survivors who are exposed try to avoid a hit using lockers

    also basement hooks become stronger and it can give nice info

    example i hook dwight claudette gets in a locker to avoid bbq ( wich i never run )

    and bam i know where claudette is

    as i go on i chase others knowing dam well claud wont go for the save as she is exposed

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    Soul guard punishes the killer for using hexes especially if they slug with noed

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Killer: Oppression, Eruption, and Fire Up.

    Survivor: Alert, Counterforce, and Detective's Hunch.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Blood Pact, Pharmacy and Small Game on survivor.

    Death bound, Surveillance, Brutal Strength, Surge, and Trail of Torment on killer.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    I usually have atleast 1 unpopular perk on my 3 mains.

    Pyramid Head:

    Brutal Strength, helps deal with pre-dropping which is one of his best counters


    Shadowborn, I was miserable between the pinhead release and the bugfix because I could not play Blight without the increased FOV


    Mindbreaker, counters the sprint burst megheads who try to run to a pallet when Victor shows up

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Fire Up has been a fan favorite for me

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I really like The Third Seal. You can just tell it's working when nobody is making the hook save, or nobody is going to revive the survivor I left to slug while I finish another chase.

    Lithe. I don't know why all the other survivors are running Dead Hard or Sprint Burst. With Lithe when you vault a structure the Killer has to go around, through, or over that vault location. Which takes time, and by the time they catch up to you again you ended the chase, got a bunch of emblem points because the game thinks you "escaped". The best part is that it's a fast and easy way to get between loops, which is what you take Dead Hard, and Sprint Burst for anyways.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Mettle of Man, baby!

    I'm the first to admit it's not the most reliable perk, but some of my favorite games are ones where I get it to work.

    First time i take used it I was doing some point farming as survivor and MoM was the only obsession perk I had on my Dwight. Then I actually got it to work in my next match. Can't remember if I was actively trying to make it work or if happened organically. Some other great MoM moments include

    Being able to charge out of a Killer guarded gate while wounded.

    Building up enough protection hits between hook bombing teammates and a campy/tunnelly Deathslinger it saved me from getting downed right away on death hook and let me get in a solid chase.

    Getting downed by the Killer, getting picked up, and having MoM save me from getting immediately re-downed, ultimately enabling my escape.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    I've been quite enjoying Dead man's switch on Pinhead, especially when a chain hunt starts.

    Loving scourge hook gift of pain on my twins also. A sloppy and a slow down in one perk.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I think its awful design but I have to admit Crowd Control is my guilty pleasure on twins. Also Iron Maiden on like anyone especially huntress/trickster . ######### YOUR LOCKERS BUSHES ARE THE ONLY PLACE TO HIDE

  • Trickstom
    Trickstom Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2021

    Shadowborn, Bloodhound and PWYF are my favorites non-pupular perks.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    Spies From the Shadows

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Aftercare, Object of Obsession, Lucky Break, and Flashbang. All of them are good perks - Lucky Break is borderline broken given that you can run a killer as though you were predropping pallets, only without using any resources - but no-one seems to run them all that much.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Lol lucky break is completely broken imo but survivors don't seem to realise that so I can run it while not worrying too much about having to face it

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I know exactly how you feel. I've seen it maybe 3 times, and one of them didn't bring Iron Will and then tried to hide in the basement instead of just running away.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    As survivor probably Vigil. It's gotten me out of some tight spots mid chase maaaany times

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Gearhead is nice on Freddy, I had fun with a Gearhead+Dragon's Grip+PWTG build, you should try it.

    Ligthborn is my choice here, mainly because flashlights make survivors play stupid, they drop pallets when they shouldn't only to blind you, and if they stun you instead of gaining distance they stay there trying to blind, with Lightborn that's basically a free M1/power so in a nutshell this perk saves TIME which is the most important thing for killers.

    With 2 flashlights on the lobby I always put it and I can tell you, Lightborn wins games.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Windows of Opportunity for survivor and Rancor for killer.