I watched the SQUAD interview with Dave Richard that barely anyone knows about so you don't have to
May I please request that people do not use the quote feature on this post, nor should they paste it's link to these forums in any form other than a hyperlink, because if you do you'll get a rich post error and nobody wants those. Your comment will be lost to space time and all of your hard work will be yeeted so let me repeat do not use the quote feature on this post nor paste it's link to these forums. Hyperlink if you must.
A bit different this time but hey, it's me, GoodBoyKaru, once more with a summary. The devs have given us some radio silence recently in terms of QnA streams so here I am! For people who don't know, I watch streams and give a summary of that stream for other people to use as reference or completely ignore the context of and ######### on the devs for anyway!
This was uploaded to YouTube on Sepember 3rd, 2021. This means it was uploaded before the official release of the Hellraiser Chapter, in case some things look a bit weird. For the previous stream, this time from the devs, which was the 5th Anniversary stream, see here.
I may end up writing this in bits and pieces and using the Save Draft feature, so if you see a half-completed post which quickly becomes a photo of a cow, that's why.
The following contains official information, unofficially worded. Unless it's in quotation marks ("like this") please do not look too far into the wording of a particular anything. That would be my bad in getting something lost in translation, not the bad of the developers. Thanks!
Please note I will try my best to stay as true as possible to all information said on-stream, however, and apply more context where needed, or just add in my own opinion or jokes. The latter 2 will be in italics to make it clear what is my input and what is not.
Remember, this is a summary. For the full experience, please check out the video, which can be found below:
This interview is with Dave Richard- Creative Director of Dead By Daylight (@Dave) and Victoria Crego (niva1agaming on YouTube; if you have a forum account you wish for me to shoutout I will).
Q) So, how long did you guys have your sights on Pinhead for Dead By Daylight, and did you have to go through many iterations of his power to decide on the final one to go into the game with? And what were some of the surprises and challenges in adapting Pinhead to Dead By Daylight?
A) "Right- okay- so of course, Pinhead being an icon of horror- I mean, he is, he's a clasic and very well known, he's been on our list for the longest time. You know, a lot of the team are fans of this franchise and wanted to see this character in, so we're really pleased it's finally happening, that he's finally a part of the family of Dead By Daylight."
So, that second part of the question was 'How did we come up with the power', or if there were any challenges. So, of course his power is quite unique, and required a little bit more tech than usual. In terms of the ideas and how they wanted the fantasy of the character to happen- you know, like using torture or using the chains- it was identified quite early on, and they really wanted to go all in and use the puzzle box and make it an important part of the power design. In the process, the design team went through a protype phase where many different ideas are iterated that they want to try out with the power, and thankfully they managed to identify what they wanted exactly quite early on.
The challenges were mostly technical- chains, chains, chains. Posessed chains, Chain Hunt chains, Puzzle Box chains, controllable chains.
Q) Pinhead's perk, "Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain" puts a rewarding twist on killers hooking survivors. Can we expect more "Scourge Hook" perks in the future, and why did you decide that survivors cannot see Scourge Hooks.
A) Firstly, yes, we will be seeing more Scourge Hook perks in the future. They're like Hex perks with the Hag- they won't be exclusive to him from now on out. This is a type of perk they want to create a new gameplay space with- more around the hooks.
So they chose that type of balance based on PTB feedback and internal playtesting, and this is the best set up they feel like they can have for the moment. Of course, as players interact with the perk more, and it becomes one of the normal perks you can use, they'll see if they need to adjust it a little bit more.
Q) I remember during on your events, survivors would specifically sabotage event hooks so killers couldn't get a reward. Was that a concern with the Scourge Hook perks as well?
A) Not really- sabotage has changed a lot (hooks are now gone for 30 seconds instead of... instantly, for example) and so it's less of a problem than in the Early Days(tm). But of course, it's important that when you equip a perk, it stays relevant in the trial.
Q) Something else we saw in the Public Test Build is that killer and survivor ranks look completely different- why did you decide to change the rank system if it will no longer be used in matchmaking, and will ranking up still be based on emblems?
A) Yes- the emblem system is here to say for the grading system. The visual was changed to ranks, to attempt to seperate both systems and make it clear that there is a definite separation between rank-based match making, and skill-based match making (RBMM and SBMM respectively). Ranks are part of the past and will not be used for matchmaking, but they wanted to keep it in as a general indicator of monthly progress and also to help give a very vague idea of your own skill, being able to compare yourself to what you were in previous seasons.
Q) When ranking up at the higher ranks, you need to do more [to pip]. Will that still be true?
A) If Dave recalls correctly, this is still true. It's the exact same as ranks except it looks a bit snazzier.
Q) Are there any plans to increase Bloodpoint gains in a trial? With 179 perks, and 52 characters, it can be difficult for new players to get the perks they want; what are the plans to address this ever-increasing grind?
A) A little bit of history for people who haven't been here since 2016. The progression system was addicting and made lots of sense, back with fewer characters. It was designed to scale with the game, just not to the level the game is at today. During the years, progresison has changed a bit, but the constant growth of characters in the game makes it exponentially more difficult to get exactly what you want.
So, the team is currently looking into lowering this grind, and giving access to the player for the perks they want much faster, and in more of a permanent way, so the grind pretty much disappears and you can focus on the fun of new characters and new content. It is, of course, a complex system so changing it has ramifications all over the game, and it is still in the very early stages of development which prevents Dave from saying much more.
They want to make sure it works in the space of DBD and that players who put in the effort to the current system still feel like their time is relevant. However, the main part is that they do agree this is an issue that should be changed.
Q) A key rework tying them to moris was mentioned in the Anniversary Livestream- what are the challenges currently faced with balancing the key item, and will we see it any time soon?
A) It's still in the early protyping stage, so no release date or ETA today. It's quite challenging to find the right recepie and make moris and keys part of a normal trial. They want moris and keys to be integrated into the general trials- no longer a surprise and more something player(s) can work towards, and that it's understood that this can happen so you don't feel like a victory is stolen from you. So- yeah- still working on that.
Q) What's surprised you most about how survivors use keys?
A) They've (sadly) been around for a long time- the Hatch and keys were integreated into the game very late into development- just before beta- to ensure there was an alternate means of escape. Since that time there's been a lot of 'klutch' escapes, which feels great as survivor and is something they want to preserve, however can feel terrible to face. The same with moris- it feels great to do them, horrible to face.
Q) Are there any plans to address "bot" killers or "farming" killers?
A) He doesn't know about this personally, however AFKing or forcing everyone in the game to farm is reportable. However, the design team is looking at if something "can be done about this in the future".
I wish to clarify this, only forcing everyone in the game to farm is reportable. The action of farming, or being friendly at the end and giving a survivor hatch, is not reportable. AFKing is reportable if it occurs several games in a row, and botting is reportable full stop.
Q) So the SBMM system is a fairer step towards better matchmaking, but what are the challenges in developing this system, and will players ever have any indication on where they are within the system?
A) So the most challenging part was figuring out the MMR system for an assymetrical game, like understanding the goal of each player. For example, if you're altrustic and sacrifice yourself to get another to escape, is that classed as a win? How many hooks or sacrifices- what exactly is a win? The result of these is what's used today, and as it's used data is fed abck into the system to help improve it.
Now will the players see how they're rated? It's something they want to keep hidden. It may change in the future, but this isn't likely.
Q) Something else that was mentioned in the Anniversary Stream were "Boon totems". Can we expect to see those soon?
A) Absolutely- it's a new type of way to play with totems for survivor, so yes you can expect that soon. The goal right now is to take existing elements of gameplay in the match and enrich them.
Q) With the moris being changed as well, were these changed due to over/underperforming or to make them less of a surprise?
The latest tweak to moris doesn't make them too strong or annoying in their opinion, and players seem to agree. But making them weaker isn't the only goal- they want to include them as part of the normal gameplay match, to make them more fun, but potentially make them more common too, not just through an offering.
They'll also add some gameplay interaction on the survivor side- they will be able to do something to help counter moris and cancel it, potentially.
Q) A lot of survivors and killers complain about generators- is that true according to the data?
A) It really depends- it cannot be percieved as a general statement and really depends on the ranks SBMM rating and specific builds. Sometimes the issues are based around a specific group, and would some tweaks make it fairerer for everyone?
Q) As you've added more perks to help the killer control generators, have you seen any change in gen speeds?
A) The perks are, of course, useful- but they don't want to make it something they absolutely have to equip constantly. And if people are feeling forced into generator slowdown perks, then it's not good for the game and something needs to be done.
Q) What is a successful killer game for DBD- 2 kills, 4 kills, hooks, etc?
A) To Dave, a good killer game is "when you're having fun". Regardless of outcome. Everyone has a definition of a win. Data wise or balance wise, they aim for roughly a 60% power level- 2 sacrifices with a few more hooks. Just don't be toxic with yourself.
Q) How has it been to try and deal with player toxicity?
A) Within the game there's different efforts to try and combat toxicity- the chat filter, harassment, etc. But there are some things considered toxic which are harder to put a limit on- tbagging, camping, tunneling, etc. So the main efforts are to ensure people feel safe within the community outside the game.
Q) So when you started on the "Dead By Daylight" project, did you ever think it would be this big?
A) No- yes, they were positive in the growth and that it wouldn't completely fail, but they couldn't have expected, well... this. And to be such a big success to fast too, especially lasting so long.
EDIT: It has come to my attention that I worded something poorly. Here's a comment below I made a moment ago in a different thread detailing where I went wrong and what was meant behind the words.
And that's the end of the questions, and so the interview. Enjoy.
(this photo of a cat was stolen from Twitter)
Thank you for doing this, I've pinned it for visibility!
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i felt like the whole stream summary thing extended into this so i did it anyway, especially since it had like... 500 views
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You're right, I had absolutely no idea this was a thing, so thank you!
I'm glad that cat put gloves on while prepping dinner, very safety conscious.
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I'm so glad that we are getting new perks types like scourge hooks and boon totems. Really interesting and could shake things up in the game for the better.
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Thanks again Karu! 😄
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"Q) As you've added more perks to help the killer control generators, have you seen any change in gen speeds?
A) The perks are, of course, useful- but they don't want to make it something they absolutely have to equip constantly. And if people are feeling forced into generator slowdown perks, then it's not good for the game and something needs to be done."
This part right here. Killers have been struggling with gens for over a year. Feeling forced to stack several gen slowdown perks and the devs did something about it, by nerfing Ruin, Undying, Pop and Lullaby.
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I had no idea this was happening. Thank you, this is as always much appreciated.
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"So, the team is currently looking into lowering this grind, and giving access to the player for the perks they want much faster, and in more of a permanent way, so the grind pretty much disappears and you can focus on the fun of new characters and new content. It is, of course, a complex system so changing it has ramifications all over the game, and it is still in the very early stages of development which prevents Dave from saying much more."
I feel they should give out BP gifts way more often. Not for being entitled, but since they need to take their time for the rework, maybe give this as a temporarly solution. The 500k BP compensation was really nice to get tbh. We didn't have a log in bonus for like 1 or 2 months.
Shards will only get you so far every week and I also want to save some for chapters or cosmetics.
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I´m suprised the key changes they announced last year are still in early prototype beta-draft stage. Then again, I feel stupid for being suprised about that.
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I'm a rebel
Edit: this did not get lost in space and time. I am surprised.
Thanks for the hard work Karu.
I didn't even know this interview happened
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I was afraid because I linked to the 5th Anniversary Summary and, much like the update itself, linking to that liked to break things
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I'd welcome the day where no one perk/type of perk feels mandatory but there's been no other indication that they've shifted from their stance that perks are an appropriate solution to gameplay or balance issues which they've stuck with for a long time and some pretty big base changes would probably be required to meet that goal.
I'll believe it when I see it basically
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That cat looks a lot like one of mine.
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I also find interesting they aim for an average of 2.4 survivors dead rather than the usually referenced 2
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That illustration of Dave Richard channeling my boy Captain Spaulding. I dig that.
Devil's Rejects in DBD please. Super please? After the QOL and performance fixes of course!
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how do you kill 40% of a survivor
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I'm sorry, only the most elite killer mains have access to this arcane knowledge. To reveal it to the masses could cause widespread panic
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Hook states?
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Boon Totems, and Key/Mori changes are going to ruin the Killer experience even more.
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Oh no, a change to the second strongest item in the game which will incorporate it into basekit while nerfing it into the ground will completely ruin the killer experience.
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I don't like how they think of moris and keys as the same. Dying a different way compared to losing unexpectedly is completely different.
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Multiple devs have pointed out the problem though, that if you increase gen times to allow for killers to use other perks, killers will still just use multiple slowdown perks anyway, to significantly more stifling effect.
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You get a like for the cat.
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I'm interested in the part about grind reduction. Having the Devs say they want killers to use addons and at the same time add tens of millions of BP grind every chapter. Some of us completionist cannot fully level characters and keep our addon stock full at the same time.
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is the best
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They'll also add some gameplay interaction on the survivor side- they will be able to do something to help counter moris and cancel it, potentially.
I have this idea for a long time. Killer can attempt to Mori without any hook as a surprise. But Survivors can success skill check to dodge it and escape. Killer will lose a hook potential. And skillcheck is harder the more hooks survivors get (in both total number of hook and invidual).
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do it really take that long to fix keys? Like y’all already hot fixed moris why can’t you do the same with keys? I know this came off as rude but still…
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Interesting thing is we now finaly got some idea what the devs are aiming for: 2.4 hooks for the Killer.
This should be an avarage of 2 kills per match. If this is implemented in the SBMM than we are in for a treat because most matches do not balance around 2 escapes but fall into 3/4 kills or 4 escapes from my experience. I wonder how this will impact the game in the long term...
Looking forwards to see key changes and boon totems. Also more Scourge Hooks are nice.
Over all, an avarange interview with some neat information.
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Should have asked about Irisdescent shards. Shards are the real grind in the game not blood points. You can potentially get 500K BP with a survivor pudding assuming you get 5 perfect games and assuming one match is 10 minutes. So an hour of playing.
Shards you just can't cheat. You have to put a minimum of 35+ hours to farm 9000 shards to buy a character and that's daunting for a new player.
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No plans on making MMR public, oh great i guess I'll come back in a couple months
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pretty uninteresting questions. I scrolled down and only stopped at 2 Questions to read the answer and still got disappointed with the answer. Devs aint real like 2016 no more.
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When you said the Squad I thought you meant he was going to be interviewed by AOC. I’m very disappointed here.
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You can't see it but the actual title was "The SQUAD interview" which makes it marginally clearer.
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Gen speeds themselves aren't even the problem. I can't tell you how many times a killer has chased one person from the start of the match for 4 minutes. They will run by my gen, and they won't even attempt to push me off the gen, yet they have ruin. No amount of gen speed reduction would make a difference if people ignore free hits and downs on survivors because they've overcommited to one chase. You shouldn't go into the game expecting to kill everyone at 5 gens either, it's okay, and oftentimes right to say "I'll let the preschool gen/grim pantry gen get done and not chase there because I can get downs easier elsewhere"
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I agree that no amount of slowdown will fix bad players but generator speeds for killers without mobility, or a built-in passive slowdown, are definitely a problem at higher end play.
Gen speeds themselves should be increased, or mandatory other objectives introduced to extend match time like finding generator parts (as well as about 50 thousand solo buffs), and in return gen slowdown perks should be nerfed. Killers with poor mobility could also do with a small buff to their mobility maybe, depending on the power (for example, I'd say Pyramid Head is so strong in chase he doesn't need the boost. Trapper, meanwhile, desperately needs a lot).
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"A) The perks are, of course, useful- but they don't want to make it something they absolutely have to equip constantly. And if people are feeling forced into generator slowdown perks, then it's not good for the game and something needs to be done."
Yeah you guys are like....a year and some change late to this one, cause we've already started the mandatory Thano+Dying or Ruin+Tinker or Ruin+Undying. Yall are late. Any killer who doesn't already have built in slow, or some godlike mobility, this is pretty much required at high ranks if you wanna get any more than 2 kills.
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Just another two years worth of D A T A to figure that out. Hold on to your seat, this is gonna be a bumpy ride.
I swear to god reality has become full on parody.
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Dying a different way, as you put it, is losing unexpectedly for a survivor (at the very least one) and can feel just as unfair to the survivors as a survivor hatch win feels to killers. Besides, it could be really cool and fun to have some kind of interactive mori challenge - like both sides getting skill checks and whoever misses first is the loser, all the while there's animations happening (like a fight - like in RE 6). That would be bad[***]and fun as long as it didn't take up too much time.
But having played both killer and survivor a lot, for years now, both those things could use a tweak. People complain about them all of the time because no one likes having a win stolen and that's what BOTH things do for one person (or more in the case of survivors).
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I am surprised that they do not acknowledge the Nuclear Option that both sides can use together!
Mori were very powerful in which gives killers the ability to eliminate Survivor very quickly and gives them insane map pressure with the Survivors are down a person! 4v1 is powerful early game arsenal Survivor can used against one killer.
Keys are quite the same, as it allows Survivors, with just one Key; can knock down all the gens, or as many gens early if a teammate is killed and get a free escape when they locate the Hatch first! For one key to give every single Survivor a chance to escape instantly, especially in front of the killer is too heartbreaking for killers!
Personally, I feel like Mori should be less toxic and more part of the base game, something Killers whom do very well can earn the right to kill; while Survivors should react and try to used their skills to avoid being down and possible counter against the Killer's attempt to kill! Maybe a new Skill check system; maybe Survivor would need to fail at something to be punished severally and let the killer kill them easier, kinda like a hex totem! I was disappointed with the whole "you need hook Survivors 2 times, in order to Mori"; when they could have made a simple change in which all Survivors will need to be hook once but..... the killer needs to find and hook every single unique Survivor in that match, in order to trigger the Mori! Imagine a not hooked Survivor would need to play a different playstyle in which they have to avoid the killer at all times, and deny them of a precious Mori which can completely devastated the entire team, if say they are the last Survivorto not be hook, yet!
Keys Rework would be massive, but can help dynamic change the way you escape faster, to a degree! First, Keys should be Rework to offer the ability to open the Hatch, but needs Several Seconds to open it, the speed and time it takes to open it should depend on the key you are using! (NO Instant Hatch Escape, and the killer can interrupt your progress bar; so be stealthy with the key) Broken Keys should have the ability to open the Hatch; but it has a rare rng of breaking it and notify the killer! Keys are more selfish items and you are abandoning your friends when using the Key; but... there will be a irdensent and ultra rare addon to allow you to bring a friend or two; especially the skeleton key will not only minimize your time to open the Hatch but allow you to open the hatch for you and your friends (for achievement/archive challenges), too! Next, Keys aura reading add-ons should be scraped and be replaced with new addons for help with speed of opening, finding the Hatch, bringing a Survivor, etc.
Oh, and to sweeten the deal with such a harsh nerf to keys; one nice buff to give to Keys, is to make opening exit gates alot faster then 16 seconds (plus extra with Killer's perks that effect the doors! So, you can used the key to escape through the hatch; but in theory get the doors open alot faster too! Make Keys a precious Endgame Collapse item, that makes it easier to escape with any exits faster! Oh, and one more final thing to note; Hatch should not spawn immediately as soon Survivors Die and there are Gens left; the Hatch should only spawn, as soon as all the Gens are done, or if there is only one last Survivor left the match! Survivors need to earn their victory alternative escape; but completely the Objective first, or be solo Survivor!
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When you got mori'd you would otherwise die on the hook anyways, there's a very little chance you survive. With keys killers could otherwise have more generators to defend or the exit gates to stop.
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"still in early development" as in you won't see it within 5 years. so hope you are still playing!
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Remember when they said the Object of Obsession changes were still in early development then they released the rework in the next patch?
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remember that bug that happened when survivors got downed and they made no sound on the ground? they fixed that... oh nevermind.. been in the game for years.
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Idk how big fixing is linked to the prototype stage of reworking since that'll be the case when it's been implemented and not implementing it in the first place but
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And if people are feeling forced into generator slowdown perks, then it's not good for the game and something needs to be done. now is the time. it is near impossible to do anything without AT LEAST pop ruin undying. ESPECIALLY with lower tier killers. Something needs to be done. Wake up please
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The grind part interest me, but we will get a change in 2027 to the grind.
The same way console got the optimization that was promised in 2019.
Also the same way we got the early game start up.
Thanks for the thread GoodBoyKaru, these threads that you make help me quite a lot since I rarely watch devs interviews.
Edit: sbmm is fair? Today I ran a killer for 4 gens, 2 hits all match, I kinda want to see a dev comment on that.
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This interview is pretty much water (useless information),
Not a single word about weakest/strongest killer buffs/nerfs/reworks, not a single word about survivors meta perks nerfs/reworks, no a single word about map size changes, not a single words about useless addons and perks, no a single word about how actually MMR works, not a single word about SoloQ or SWF.
Everything they talked about is irrelevant compared to issues mentioned above.
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