Pig Mains: Honest Thoughts on Booping the Snoot

For all you Pig mains, how do you honestly feel about Survivors wanting to boop your snoot?
Yea or Nay?
The snoot is my aggression button. If it is booped, you will be spared.
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If they boop the snoot then I spare them, but go by Spider-Man rules.
But also if they boop snoot at egc I'll give them hatch too.
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It only works on me if you're the last survivor left. It's on the same level as dropping your item for me and kneeling in defeat.
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I accept snoot boops for Hatch. If we get down to the last 2 survivors, 1st Snoot Booper gets to live. No boops= No hatch.
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It's w/e for me. Whether or not they live depends on if they follow T H E R U L E S.
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Pig is not my main but I play her. I let survivors go when I feel like regardless if they boop or not.
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If it boops, I snoots. ... Wait-
For real, though, if I get boops, I'll usually go out of my way to go easy on the booper, or meme with them.
Bonus points if it's Piggy Meg.
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I think this kinda sums up most Survivors. You know it's a risk, but . . .
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I once played against a pig on Suffocation Pit who randomly decided to meme in the middle of the game. It started with peek-a-boo behind a rock, and then we crouched and did merry-go-round a tree together. Had me dying. Shot out to that Pig 🐷 MVP of the game
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Boops mean you're on my good side. Just don't ruin it by being a dick, and only the first 2 boops save anyone - the next two get good treatment, but will definitely die.
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Hey, man, this game is like TF2: 99% of the time it's toxic/sweaty tryhard city, but once in a blue moon, something magical happens.
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Got old back in 2018. Much like all that topless/Daddy Myers cringe.
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I make them boop it if they want to live. I make them. They don't really have a choice unless they love the taste of asphalt.
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I let them boop if they want, but after that we play the game normally.
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Dr.Loomis is Cringe and unfun confirmed. (And probably isn't even a pig main)
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I'm a good piggy!
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Not a pig main, but when i play pig i find it pretty funny at times. Other times it just really annoys me because i suddenly have an obligation to be nice to them, or i feel like a jerk. If i brought good addons that game it just feels like a waste because i know the survivors won't try as hard after essentially giving themself up for a meme. I Can't bring myself to kill them after they basically put themselves in danger to test me, though theres been a very small amount of games where i got booped and we all still played like normal. I think it should be treated less like a farm-starting gesture and more like a risky meme you can pull off.
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The day I start playing Pig, if someone ever boots my snoot, my power will be gone and I’ll have to farm with them
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Petition to make her squeal as if she was stunned by a pallet whenever a Survivor boops her snoot.
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for all of u pig mains
i was thinking is kinda annoying to not being able to kill the survivor very consistently with the traps
on chases & hooks the trap deactivates turns off by itself (?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿)
so is not likely ur gonna be able to kill them with it a lot
why dont u crouch and follow them till the trap kills them????
otherwise is it viable to try to kill them with the traps????
if u follow crouch them it doesnt count as chase i think and the trap is still on
so cringe that the trap turns off in chases & dying state
i think it makes it almost useless
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That is what I started doing with her (she sucks and there is no reason to play her whatsoever, so this is how I justify my purchase of her... and the drill). I get my BBQ stacks, and then stalk whoever still has a trap, usually the last person hooked for obvious reasons. If they attempt to take their trap off, I down them, carry them away from the boxes as best I can, and continue.
In the spirit of Saw, this is the idea, they are free to go if their team can finish the gens in time. That is the test. I played today and the Nancy's team successfully finished the gens, but she was so demoralized and just awkwardly started circling a hook before her head popped. I guess she didn't listen to the tape. Game over.
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It's cute, but I won't throw the entire game to meme around, unless I'm in the mood
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Yay 100% of the time, I play for fun. And booping the snoot is fun.
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It feels wrong to let a Survivor go after doing it, and it feels unsatisfying to capitalize on someone doing it.
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If it happens naturally or was a genuine response, then yea we cool. But I've had sweat sqauds before where the last person will try and boop the snoot as a last plea for mercy.
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I tried so hard to get the remaining Feng in my trial to do it. Not sure if she just didn't know or not but she just stood there I crouched up to her and she just kept shaking her head up and down. She died.
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Yo i love your build
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This is pretty much my approach, unless it becomes obvious it is a team of noobs. In that case I'll sacrifice the best two and farm with the other two
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Do it if I am crouch before getting to see you...
And not all match long I need my points as well
But I do thank you for it
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I immediately hit them and tell them to stop with my head, it's annoying every 2 matches someone refusing to play normally just because i play Pig.
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Killer is already a party clown, no need to roleplay it as such
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You are a very good, Piggy! 🐷
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As a Feng main, I gasped at her blasphemy. You did well. She had to die.
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If a survivor boops the snoot I will give that survivor the hatch. Sometimes I'll even let the other survivors escape.
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*Happy pig noises*
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If you come within 2 feet of me I'm gonna kill your friends and make you watch, and then give you the hatch so you can spread the word.
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Well. Uh . . .
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I'm conflicted about it. I'm not sure I know the exact point where you've memed so much that it becomes socially awkward to kill the other team -- so I like to let them boop, but I also need a graceful way to transition back to playing, and I don't always see one.
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I always boop
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Most Piggies I've encountered are not memeing, so don't worry about it too much. If anyone expects you to meme around, as opposed to just enjoying it when you do, then that's not really your problem. You have every right to play normally without feeling guilty. And if you still feel a little weird, maybe there's a compromise. Like during the EGC, if there's a Survivor in the gate, you could crouch walk to them to kinda signal a boop snoot is in order. But yeah, don't let Survivors make you feel guilty for wanting to play normally. We're not entitled to memeing, and the rarity is why it's funny to me when it does happen.
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When I play Pig I try to encourage snoot booping. I'm not one for memes but I think that this one is just plain cute and I like encouraging sportsmanship. The thing is that I never know what to do afterwards, so I just farm and spare all the survivors who did it. Not a big deal to me, I can always play another match and make up the points. It's fun.
But, like the "waving on the hook" debate, everyone clearly has their own feelings on the subject. When I myself am in the position of booping and Amanda looks like she wants me to, I don't know what I'm supposed to do afterwards. Do I run? Do I follow her? Do I just nod and go try to win like normal? Should I try booping her again when I see her next time?
I've seen basically all permutations to this. Boop and one free chance, boop and free total escape, boop and help farm, attempt to boop and take a running slash, and worst of all: the FALSE boopers. They know who they are, and they shall have to live with their shame.
I so read that in Zepp's voice. "Why?" "It's the RULEZZZ".
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My basic rule is if it's super early in the match a boop gets you a pass and I go to the next person. At the end of the game I'll let them go if they boop.
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Anyone who boops me -- unless you've acted like a tool in the match at some point -- gets a pass and lives, whether it's the beginning, middle, or end of a match. A lot of times, it's the last survivor who does it looking for mercy, and it gets them a hatch/door. Sometimes, it's an entire team doing it at the beginning of a match, and everyone ends up in a farming match. It's fun for me either way -- I've been a Rank 1 killer and get enough sweat in enough of my "regular" matches that a casual, "fun" game isn't going to make me lose any sleep. I don't fault Pigs who don't go along with the meme -- my own code with Piggy is just that: mine. When I play survivor, I don't expect a Pig I face to honor any booping, though it's always a great surprise and a lot of fun when they do.
The only thing that peeves me about it is when someone fake boops, whether it's a survivor to me or the Pig to me (or a teammate) as a survivor. I once had a Feng who faked a snoot boop only to drop a pallet on my head instead and teabag me afterwards -- her death was especially sweet, lol. 😂
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Heya folk.
Just dropping in to remind everyone that the snoot you are booping belongs to a dead pig that amanda wears as a mask.
Enjoy the rest of your day! :D
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Not a pig main but it's annoying and I get a free down from it so
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I'm lucky to have never encountered a fake booper, but all I got to say about that is:
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One of the killers I enjoy more to play with is The Piggy. I always try boop the snoot. And not when killer has me on a dead zone like last chance. I usually approach to them bend on my knees from long distance.
It´s very nice when Piggy follow the meme and play nice. I don´t expect a farming game, just a nice game. U play nice, I slow down repairing, thats all.
On the other hand, there are players specially rude that will transform the try on "boop the snoot" on 2 free hits and a hook. And ulterior tunnel. These players completely dishonor the character and ruin all the fun of the game. Transforming something nice into something very disgusting,
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Its a cringe meme
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I think it's adorable, one of the few joys killers can have in this game.