This game become the speedrun simulator
You enter a match and in one side a killer is rushing kills by camping or tunneling and the survivors rushing gens when in the firts chase 2 or even 3 gens pop (toolbox prove thyself). Is so fast that dont even have time to end first chase sometimes, and when is a SWF is way worse, because they know gens gonna fly so they insta pre drop every pallet in game forcing killers to camp in the end for 1 kill (with is even hard when they use bt and ds).
This game are becoming this boring speedrun forcing these strats and mettas in both sides.
Your not wrong though. I don't think people realize that this game completely brakes down when you try to be as efficient as possible. That goes for both sides
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When you realise that is when thing turn weird and the game is not fun anymore.
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It really does stop becoming fun. Gen rushing is stupid( I mean real gen rushing bnp and that) like 2 people get in a chase how fun, w keying is no fun i think that's self explanatory, camping is pointless I would rather be moving and tunneling can easily cost you the game. These thing make the game boring on both sides and I don't get way its such a big thing.
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yeah, so true
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This is what happens when you exceed the core audience game balance is built for.