SWF players trying to escape soloq. Any platform

XB1 player here. I play without mic 90% of the time (anxiety) and struggling to level back up in soloq. Truly sick of being teamed up with toxic survivors since level reset. Was level 8.
Any other queer-friendly players in a similar boat that know how to keep tabs on other survivors and gens - my ID is AMBL3R on Xbox and DBD. Happy to set up Discord for long term SWF buddies. Let's save eachother from the dreaded soloq!
I'm down to play : )
My steam username is: IamNizzy
My discord is also: KingFroggo#5288
cya ^^
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I'd be down to play aswell.
PS4 DBD - DannyWilliams#b360
Discord - DannyWilliams#7123
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Hey there I'm down to play as well. I also have social anxiety problems so I really wanna play with others who are the same. My discord is C o f f e e#2525
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i want to play with good ppl ^-^ PERFECT EXECUTION#3715
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steam: IamNizzy