If whoever keeps making these "play the killer wrong" challenges could stop, that'd be great.
First it's Clown with his "make survivors go faster instead of trying to hit them," now Huntress gets "disable your own power for at least half the game."
There's a serious difference between a "challenge" where you try to do something impressive as a killer and show some skill, and these aberrations that force you to either throw a game doing something dumb, or lose because you're running an absolute meme build for it.
Play the game how you want to and ignore the haters.
It's how I get any enjoyment anymore playing the game.
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What does that have to do with anything?
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You seem like you are upset with the passive-aggressive title.
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They mean the challenges from the rift that make you play your character in a counter intuitive way.
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If they mean tomes, then yeah. Just do the challenge and move on. I had to throw countless games to get them done, especially the generator challenges for survivor that had to be completed in one game.
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yeah that huntress challenge is dumb I expect that to be a trickster challenge whenever he appears in a tome
15 -
And op is kindly asking for whoever makes these challenges to step up their game and make things that are fun to complete and not this bullshit 🥰
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Yeah, the good ol' "slow someone down with clown bottles but completely throw the game and cure them and speed them up with the antidote". It's sad to think that even made it to Live.
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I'm wondering why there are no survivor challenges like that.
Idk...something like "Escape the trial without touching a gen and totems for the first 3 minutes of the game".
Would be kinda funny. :D
16 -
Haven't been touching the tome but that's the actual tome challenges? That's dumb and I thought first time challenges came out was dumb didn't know they could outdo themselves.
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They need to stop putting out these eye-rollingly dumb challenges.
They also need to have it where you can contribute to multiple challenges per match. Maybe have at least 3 or 5 selected and then gain progression over the course of matches.
Finding thosebcrappy yellow gems is bad enough but having them interrupted and disappear to another part of the map is like walking in to someone else's fart.
Those Huntress challenges are peak turd. Really bad.
3 -
Have you seen the ‘fully deplete 3 keys’ challenge in an earlier tome? Got tunnelled and bm’d 4 times before I gave up on it. Over a green key with bond add-ons.
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Well they're likely just trying to advertise her new iridescent add-on. I've only seen a few huntresses with it so far, but those games were exactly what I expected when I saw the add-on first. They couldn't hit a single hatchet and after a couple of unsuccessful throws, it felt like playing against trapper for the rest of the match, except I didn't have to watch where I was running because she can't put down traps.
As somebody who loves playing huntress, I'm really sad about both the add-on and the challenge.
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Not as bad as some of the killer challenges but I have given up on the survivor one that requests you finish repairing 4 different generators in one match using dark sense. Threw a few games to do those stupid hide near the killer without being detected for x amount of time in one match challenges
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But that "multiple challenges parallel" thing, just like getting rid of perk tiers or other grind reducing qol changes, would lead to a decrease in overall playtime of the game and look bad for the people in charge /s
Another good idea that will never make it into the game without the public pressure of a "colorblind Modus" PR disaster.😒
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Yeah that sounds kinda bad too. Tbh I'm not a big fan of those challenges either way. I'd be fine with them if you'd be able to complete them on the go but to have to go out of your way just to complete some of those challenges is just not my thing. I just ignore them every time and play my game...
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Don't hold your breath. There's been ridiculous challenges since the 1st Tome (remember "Sacrifice 4 Survivors in the Basement in a single trial"?). Whoever designs them clearly doesn't understand how a challenge might promote toxicity, intentional throwing, etc.
Funny enough, I did the Dark Sense challenge on the first try. You don't have to do the whole gen, just be on it when it finishes. Bring Bond to see what gens your teammates are on.
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They're called "challenges" they're supposed to make your games a bit harder. Like adepts limit you to just 3 specific perks, these challenges are going to gimp you in some way.
Also no to progressing multiple challenges at once. Win a game and suddenly complete 50 challenges at once. Sure that's not going to be an issue at all...
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There's a difference between a challenge and turning off your power for 50% of the game. 10 hits isn't just "gimp you," it's literally playing with your power off. It might as well be "get hits as Nurse but DON'T BLINK!"
5 -
Challenges are stupid. They are supposed to be challenges but they are not. Either they make you throw your game entirely, or grind to complete the challenge. They should called what they really are "Fetch Quests".
I want more challenges that are a challenge and I can complete in 1-2 games.
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I haven't seen the challenge yet, and so far nobody has actually said what it is, just "tUrN oFf YoUr pOwEr lul".
I'm assuming it's: Get 10 basic hits as The Huntress.
That's not difficult in the slightest. In fact most Huntresses will use a combination of hatchets and basic hits. Usually injure with a basic hit and down with a hatchet.
Now if it's get 10 basic hits in a single trial I can see how that makes it significantly more difficult, but still not impossible.
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There's one like "Escape the trial without being hooked while using the perk spine chill" if that helps? Not in this tome but
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Get 10 basic hits as The Huntress in a single trial while you have no hatchets remaining.
4 -
The challenges are rarely very good at all. They're either way too specific to where you have to pull off some really obtuse BS to get it to work, or they're a progression challenge that can take up to 20 matches of mind-numbing gameplay to complete. More often than not, they just make the game more frustrating. If they didn't reward BP and rift fragments, I'd ignore them altogether.
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Why? Don't you enjoy getting GG EZ when you try these lol.
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No... they didn’t... 🙄🙄🙄
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Are you seriously telling people to not mess around in a party game?
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You gotta love that it's 5 fragments lol
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Blue Glyph challenges of "find glyph and escape" are basically that. Many survivors don't do anything until they find their glyph and then they do their best to avoid killer (like hide in corner) so they can escape.
Hide within 10 meters of killer for 30-60 seconds keeps popping up, that's another one where survivors just don't do anything.
I feel like every tome there's a bunch of challenges on both sides that just encourage bad/unfun gameplay for both sides.
The EGC challenges were terrible. Killers would have to basically let survivors do all gens so EGC could start, survivors would sandbag teammates or need to be in swf where teammates were OK possibly getting themselves killed during EGC to have someone to unhook.
3 -
Oh I believed you, and while it shouldn’t surprise me anymore they somehow keep me needing to evaluate if a new Rift challenge is the worst one yet or not. This is probably second only to Clown’s invigorating two survivors challenge.
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Ngl I'm gonna use the iri addon that makes you 115, change my name to "No hatchet #########" and just meme
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they probably did this to make players use that addon that works when Huntress has no Hatchets
Post edited by Yatol on0 -
Could we have a survivor equivalent of get hit 10 times in a single trial please?
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Even fairly benevolent challenges like tier III's "heal yourself a total of 8 health states" can encourage bad gameplay by not allowing your teammates to heal you. I wish they'd just do a bingo card system where you knock out certain challenges that are always active together and then advance when you get a bingo.
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Great. After attempting to aim hatchets with a controller, that's how my Huntress games end up going anyway!
(oh wait, there is also one to hit survivors with the hatchets - RIP my MMR rating!)
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Nah, wouldn't count that. Escaping without getting hooked is more or less the ideal outcome for a survivor so you don't have to go out of your way to complete that challenge.
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That's close but still not exactly the same imo. It may be true that some survivors might play that way in this challenge but you still don't have to go out of your way to do that.
Same with the crown event a few months ago. I just found the crown during one of my games and managed to escape. That's just something I was able to do during my normal gameplay except for that fact I had to spend 2 seconds(?) to commute with it.
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Unpopular opinion: I prefer the wacky hard to complete challenges over "cleanse 25 totems", "repair 17 generators", etc.
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It also means you can basically never take aggro and are a permanent dead weight to your team because you have to play uber stealthy.
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Depends, now with the new SBMM I'm more inclined to agree with you but I don't think this was the case before SBMM. With how bad the MM was, you could easily get aggro in some matches and never get downed if you're a really good looper.
I agree though that it prevents you from playing optimally.
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I feel like that depending on when you played. Playing during the day you'd get really good players. Playing during the night was a coin flip of "will it be a comp player or will it be a new player".
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Yeah ofc, I reckon most people play at night so you'll have a larger pool of players available. I mean I REALLY suck at survivor but after rank resets I still was able to loop a killer for 4-5 gens because of how broken the MM was sometimes.
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At this point they're gonna do anti blinking challenges for nurse and anti shooting challenges for deathslinger. That's basically what the huntress one is.
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Basically the dwight challenge where you stick close to the killer without being spotted. To some degree the tomes can put you in position to throw games in general. It is disappointing to see challenge space being taken up by gags rather then explore cool build options but I guess they ran out of ideas.
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The ######### is this? I haven't played in about 3 days and we get these dumb challenges? Is it time to bring STBFL huntress with the 115% addon? Endfury huntress?
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They both suck tbh. The generator ones are like pulling teeth. I'm on the stun the killer 20 times one right now. I haven't had a ton of luck with pallets lately and I'm horrible at aiming flashlights with controller. Thankfully Blast Mine seems to count for 2 - 3 stuns each time it lands, for some odd reason lol
The one where you had to point at the killer with Premonition active from a couple rifts ago wouldn't work until I got an AFK killer.
I'd love it if we got more challenges that weren't miserable grinds, or so specific that they cause you to throw matches until you complete them. Ones nestled snugly in the middle.
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Agreed. It's super annoying. I ignore every challenge that interrupts natural gameplay or requires me to run bad perks. Still consistently hit max Rift tier before IV opens.
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Cause devs are survivor biased
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Wut. Killer has never been easier than it is right now.