Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

New Chapter Concept DBD x Fear Street

Hey Everyone! I was recently talking with my roommate and we were discussing cool chapters we would like to see in DBD, mainly licensed ones. Having recently watched the Fear Street trilogy on Netflix, I thought seeing it as a full chapter in DBD would be really cool! We know that Netflix may be down for more collabs, especially after the Stranger Things chapter. Although I get that it may not be something they do again considering the recent events with the Stranger Things chapter. Anyways, on to our idea for the Fear Street Chapter! (P.s. This may contain slight spoilers for the movies, so we suggest watching them first if you want!)

Starting off with the Killer!

Name: The Cultist (Skins including the black robes as well as a legendary skin for Nick Goode)

Power: The Heart of Darkness

He was determined to take what was his, no matter who had to get hurt in the process.

The Heart of Darkness

Summon killers from The Heart of Darkness to hunt survivors down. When an AI controlled killer is not on the map, press and hold the power button to create The Heart of Darkness, which will then summon a random killer of five possible killers to hunt down any injured survivors which are nearest to them. If there are no injured survivors on the map, the killer will chase the obsession. Being hit by one of these killers will produce the mangled effect and put the survivor into the injured state. Being hit once more will put the survivor into the dying state, allowing The Cultists to pick them up and place them on a hook. If a killer is stunned with a palette, locker, or hit by The Cultist, they will be destroyed, upon where The Cultist must wait before summoning another Heart of Darkness. Survivors may also cleanse The Heart of Darkness in order to destroy the killer.

(The possible killers that may be summoned forth from The Heart of Darkness are The Nightwing killerRuby LaneSkeleton MaskThe Milkman, and Cyrus Miller. These are chosen at random, and may only attack with a basic weapon.)

Special Ability: Fly Summoning

The Cultist may summon forth flies to aid in his pursuits. By pressing and holding the secondary power button, The Cultist will drape a hood over his head, blinding him until the action is done. While this happens, flies are summoned to surround The Cultist and he will have a 5% increased movement speed for 30 seconds.


Family Heritage- You will do anything to protect what you've built for your family. Anytime a survivor is within 2.5/5/7.5 meters of a Hex Totem, gain one counter that increases movement speed by 1%, up to 5%.

Hex: The Witches Mark- It was her fault for trying to expose you, so you had to expose her. Any time you lose a chase, Hex: The Witches Mark activates and causes the survivor who escaped to scream. Hex: The Witches Mark has a cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds.

Convincing Liar- You can convince anyone you aren't a threat. Hitting a survivor gives all other survivors the oblivious effect for 10/15/20 seconds. Convincing Liar has a cooldown of 45 seconds.

Now onto the Survivor!

Name: Deena Johnson (Skins include her normal attire in the movie, her marching band gear, and legendary skins for SamSarah Fier, and Cindy Berman.)


Fight Back- You're hard upbringing has made you a fighter. After stunning a killer with a palette, you gain one wooden stake. Running up to a killer and pressing the power button, you shank the killer, stunning and then slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds. Shanking the killer gives the exhaustion effect.

Not Dead Yet- You've seen others knocked down enough to know how to pick them back up. When put into the dying state, all other survivors gain haste for 10 seconds, and an increase in action speeds for healing, sabotaging, unhooking, cleansing, opening, and unlocking by 15%

Bloody Visions- Your blood connects you to the entity. Any time a survivor is put into the inured state, you can see the auras of other survivors for 2/4/6 seconds.

New Map: Shadyside

Shadyside comes with two variations. Variation one comes from Shadyside in 1978 at Camp Nightwing. The other comes from Shadyside in 1666's Union settlement.

Additionally, here are a few ideas for addons and offerings

Red Moss

Sarah Fier's hand

Blueberry Pills

Black Blood

Dead Flies

William Barker's Bat

Florescent Blood

Jeremy's Glasses

The Witch's Book

Devil's Football Jersey

Nick's Spray Cans

Thanks for reading, and let us know what you think about this chapter concept!



  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,869

    Just a suggestion: there could be a third map, the mall from 1994

    i think the AI killers are kinda fitting for the character as they themselves weren’t the ones doing the work in the movies as well. Would be neat if the AI killers would have something other than aesthetics to set them apart.

    also i hope Ruby Lane comes with a lullaby/her song!

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Ive allways wanted a R.L stine rep even if its just skins or cosmetics so im all for it. He an author of horror that reached out to every age.

  • We were discussing the mall being a map, and while it does make sense for the story and lore, we felt like there has been a lack of outdoor maps lately.

    We also thought about giving each killer different things, but we wondered if that would be too complicated to keep track of for both sides. We didn't want to overcomplicate it.

    And we agree, Ruby would definitely need her tune!

  • Agreed, he has been central to more recent horror, and I think it would be cool to break into the novel sides of horror, even if this mainly comes from the movies.

  • Lord_Xylum
    Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 117

    If you think about it, Fear Street is like a representation of DBD, in the sense that it's about a supernatural being sending numerous killers to hunt people.

    Anyways, regarding the gameplay, you never specified how one would "cleanse" the Heart of Darkness. Is it something that's placed by the killer like a Demogorgon portal?

    The Cultist's perks could use some major tune up. Convincing Liar is really the only viable one; it's a better Hysteria.

    Two of Deena Johnson's perks are also incredibly powerful and may require nerfs.

    Fight Back should not be allowed to be used with Decisive Strike, or made so that it can only be used once per trial.

    Not Dead Yet will be used as a temporary, map-wide Prove Thyself, and 10 seconds of Prove Thyself means almost half a generator or more.

    Overall though, I would be interested in a Fear Street chapter, but only if the power was similar to your concept. Good job.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    AI Killers/Allies are very difficult to balance. It sounds like they are the main aspect of the power, with little to no drawbacks compared to regular M1 Killers. The Devs are strongly against AI Killers that strong because they want the Killer to work for the win, so if AI killers are a must they need to have a means to be avoided or worked against tat is much easier compared to an M1 Killer (like Nemesis' zombies). Survivor Perks aren't bad but could use a bit of tweaking so they're not OP, while the Killer perks could use some buffs to be viable.

  • Thank you so much for the feedback!

    First of all, cleansing The Heart of Darkness would be very similar to cleansing the Demogorgon's portals. It is something that The Cultist places on the ground, so then they have some strategy of where to put it.

    Onto The Cultist's perks. Looking back at them, I can see why they aren't the strongest, and that Convincing Liar is a little too similar to Hysteria. I'm not super good with balancing or remembering all the different perks. What kinds of things would you suggest that might fix them a bit?

    Lastly, you are right about Fight Back. It should definitely be something limited to a certain number of uses per game. Or perhaps it's something like you may only get one after completing a generator, limited to two per game. Not Dead Yet would also require some nerfs. Likely just a shortening of how long it lasts.

    Thanks for the suggestions! I'm glad you like the idea for the chapter overall!

  • Thanks for the feedback! I just posted another comment with some possible changes to perks for both, but I would love to hear your input! In discussing the M1 AI killers, it might not have been the best way to describe them. They aren't supposed to be particularly strong or fast. I wonder if perhaps making it so they cannot break pallets or vault would help make them more simple and easier to escape from. I also tried to make it so they weren't going to be too powerful by not letting them hook a survivor, and by making it so they may be destroyed by most kinds of stunning, such as dropping a palette on them. It is very similar to how Nemesis's zombies work. Thanks for reading!

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Id remove the cooldown from the hex perk. I believe no hex perk should have a cooldown.

  • Lord_Xylum
    Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2021

    I've got ideas for each of the Shadyside Killers you selected:

    [Nightwing Killer]

    •Moves at 4.2m/s (slower than Hag/Huntress but not slower than survivors)

    •Can destroy pallets and breakable walls quickly with his axe. (About the speed of a chainsaw break)

    •32 meter Terror Radius

    [Ruby Lane]

    •Permanently Undetectable, yet hums her iconic tune, audible at 16 meters.

    •4.4m/s movement speed

    •When hitting a healthy survivor, applies Deep Wound with injury.

    [The Milkman]

    •Will attempt to stalk survivors and prioritize stalking over attacking. Once a survivor has been stalked enough, The Milkman and The Cultist both get a short opportunity to inflict the dying state.

    •Stalking has a cooldown of 60 seconds and The Milkman will function normally during cooldown.

    •4.4m/s, 24m TR

    [Cyrus Miller]

    •4.6m/s, 24m TR

    •Inflicts Blindness on all survivors in his Terror Radius

    [Skull Mask]

    •Permanently Undetectable, does not make noise when moving.

    •3.8m/s (slower than running survivors)

    •When Skull Mask comes in contact with a survivor, he immediately grabs them and initiates an attack sequence.

    •Survivors must complete a series of fast, difficult skill checks while Skull Mask is holding them in place. If 3 skill checks are missed, the survivor is put into the dying state. If the survivor succeeds, they are freed only with injury and Skull Mask is stunned for 20 seconds.

    •If another survivor is nearby, they can rescue their teammate from Skull Mask by pressing the Interaction Button on him, which will stun him for 10 seconds. Auras of pinned survivors are revealed to all other survivors.

  • @Lord_Xylum I think these are really cool ideas. The only reason we decided not to add specialty powers or abilities for each killer is to keep the game balanced and not overly complicated. Cause it would be a lot to remember for both sides as to what is happening. We also decided that the killer selection would be random, but adding these as powers should maybe make it something The Cultist selects instead. Great ideas though!

  • @IlliterateGenocide Great idea! That would make it a more viable perk!

  • Lord_Xylum
    Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 117

    I can understand that. Players have been memorizing how to go against 25 different killers now though, so I felt it wouldn't be too hard hahaha