Alright I take back what I said about RPD

I used to think this map was ok because I’ve played RE and it lets me know the map so it’s not as bad for me but overall the map is a complete disaster. It’s too big and confusing for people that haven’t played RE, pallets are either completely useless or godly, totem spawns are horrible for survivors, and how can anyone find Pig’s jigsaw boxes in this place?
Remove or rework it because it’s clearly not made for DBD. If they can’t do that because of licensing issues, you shouldn’t have added it in the first place because y’all have learned what makes a map bad in the past BHVR. Do y’all care about game health at all?
They were clearly too ambitious with this map. The fact it stayed more time disabled than live should tell everything. Really disappointing that they took all the criticism of Midwich (although I really like that map, it was overall disliked when it came out) and made something 10 times worse. Hope the map from the next chapter will be better...
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I havent played RE2. All I know is that RPD is better than that damned Corn map that Survivors keep sending me to.
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Midwich and RPD are the two best visually designed maps imo but that’s really all BHVR focuses on. It’s clear they just don’t care about the playerbase because lack of competition.
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At least Coldwind doesn’t have infinites and isn’t the size of a planet.
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Its a great map if both sides play casually and visually it’s stunning.
but yeah… gameplay-wise it’s sadly really not good..
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I am pretty sure they are splitting it into 3 maps
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Oh yeah the art team nailed it, but it’s layout is atrocious for DBD.
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I heard they were doing something but we can only hope they do.
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Honestly, I don't even take I to account the layout any more. It's just too big. I almost died to EGC because I was on the top floor when it activated.
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Ouch that’s rough. It is a huge map which is something BHVR should know by now that big maps are an issue.
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I hate this map on both sides as a survivor im wandering around a maze trying to find gens and as a killer im wander around a maze trying to find survivors while trying to pressure multiple floors.
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That pretty much goes for everyone that hasn’t played RE.
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I played the original but that was alot of years ago and they changed up the layout a bit from what i do remember. I don't know why behavior keeps making big maps they are always terrible.
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The original one is the one with the mansion I believe.
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Source? Link or it isn’t true.
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(and dbd leaks)0 -
I do believe you are right. I just wish they would put more focus into gameplay on the license maps they tend to be the worst maps gameplay wise.
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Oddly enough, they're mostly an issue because most killers have no mobility and they're incredibly survivor-sided because of that. RPD even hurts mobile killers.
RPD, while technically survivor-sided because I've only ever died once on it and that was to an insta-tombstone around a corner, honestly feels so ridiculous that it's not even really DbD. Even survivors hate it. It's like there's some sort of different objective that should exist but that I can't put my finger on. I've stopped repairing more than one single gen on that map and just started exploring it and I still escape with ease.
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One of my biggest issues with the map is useless pallets it feels like it's necessary to camp pretty much all of them
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they made it too big maybe they thought hey its resident evil everyone will be excited for it lets make the map exactly the size of the game NO don't make the same size mansion clearly way too big
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I played re2r as soon as it came out. Then I replayed it again multiple times few months ago. It is a great game.
First I didn't like the map in dbd because the freezing on console. Now when it is a little bit better I still dislike it. More than midwich.
Knowing the map beforehand doesn't have anything to do with it. And people who say "just buy re2r bro" are... I dunno man. I played re since late 90's and I still don't get this.
Buy another game to learn the map? What?
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As a Huntress main it's odd. One half of the map i hate lots of tight corners and the other has nice long corridors, and close hooks.
If i can move survs to the starting side of the map. I.E the side you start in R.E2 the "welcome Leon" side i find it better for me.
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ah yes just buy another game is that 60 dollars still to learn a different map of course
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Yeah, I played the original re2 and remake.
You see the problem with RPD being in dbd is that, RE is a game where the map is important, in dbd you don't have a map, and yes you can learn the map because it is somewhat easy to learn but this map is just too big for the dbd life.
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Finally, the realization has come back. It's just not as fun for Survivors nor Killers at all. I'd rather be sent to lery than RPD.
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You said it : you thought it was an ok map.
First impression means a lot, and the map was part of the new player grab strategy.
Wp bhvr. Now you can rework it.
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I loved every indoors map except this one. First time I considered disconnecting in a DBD match ever. The map was just that unfun for me.
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I like RPD. My favorite of the indoor maps.
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How is not finding Jigsaw boxes listed as a negative? Finally the buff Piglet deserves.
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It’s one of my favourite maps to screw around in, since the balcony’s in the entrance hall let you do some really weird stuff with Demo
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Let's be real the art team at BHVR are some of the most talented people known to mankind with some of the things they produce.
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It doesn't feel that confusing. After you've actually played on it a few times you'll memorize the layout and some totem and generator spawns and it feels pretty survivor sided considering how easy it is to peacefully do generators without a threat. As a killer, it's feels really difficult to protect generators and you need to go long ways to get to them even when you know the paths. I like that there is variety in maps but yeah, sure, RPD might be bit too different for DBD standards. Midwich is at least straightforward except for west and east classroom parts of the map.