Are you satisfied with the games after the mmr patch?

Hello, I am a user who mainly plays Killer on Korean and Japanese servers. When I play Killer after the mmr patch, most of the games are only met with survivors of a few thousand hours. So if I pick the walking killers(Trapper, Doctor..etc) I play mostly, there's a high chance I'll catch only one of them and let the rest of the survivors escape.

So these days, I'm playing Survivor instead of Killer, and when I play Survivor, there is a high chance that I can only meet Nurse and Blight. It seems to have become a structure where users with high mmr scores have no choice but to play Nurse and Blight forcibly in the game.

Survivor users with high mmr scores on the Korean and Japanese servers have a high chance to meet nurses and Blight. This makes the game very difficult and uninteresting

What server are you playing on and what do you think about mmr? Are you satisfied with the mmr system?

(I used Google Translate, the sentences or words may be awkward.)


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    AU servers, in the evening, previously a nightmare of what people are now calling "high MMR" but what I call "4-minute trials". I'm glad to see NA and EU suffering as we have for over a year. Now you know how good you had it, however I would love it if those massive servers had to cry in pain for a bit longer. Call me sadistic, but I like it when people have to suffer what I've suffered.

    However, now that MMR is here my trials are absolutely fantastic. I have a wide variety of opponents but I really don't care because so far as I am concerned, the best thing about DbD is being in a trial for longer than eight minutes. It is beautiful and fantastic.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    People still Dc in SoloQ, but it feels that entire team is much better than before. I rly wish it was bannable. Like u constantly Dc, get huge penalties and based on reports get banned.

    As from killer side I'm not sure cause im playing Legion, and before that i mostly met SoloQ and it was fun to play against. Now it's a sweat fest full of swf 4 or 2+2 teams. So i have to tunnel weakling every game to get a chance kill em all.

  • knight_killer
    knight_killer Member Posts: 54

    The state of DBD if all you care about is winning. That's the main source of complaint amongst both sides is that things are "necessary" to win. Ever since MMR came out survivor has been dirt easy and killer has been a 50/50 between prove thyself squad or airheads (plus longer queue times!!!!).

    I've also noticed survivors abandoning their teammates on first hook with full heals available to them it's surprising how much people care about winning and their MMR status that is currently invisible.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Most of the games are MUCH better, but I can sympathize with high ranked killers. My Freddy is higher mmr and lawd almighty I have to literally sweat to kill more than 2. Literally.

    I tried so hard, and got so far; but in the end, it doesn't even matter!

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    Honestly no my queue times have gotten worse

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    Higher mmr games are awful. I'm playing less because I know that if I don't sweat the teams I play against will demolish me.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I hate it all.

    Survivor is barely an improvement from RBMM. The games are still boring as a lot of the time thanks to the killers and the builds combined.

    Killer is just hell. Trials are sub 6 minutes and comp teams are everywhere when I play basically anyone, except during the weekend.

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    I m playing EU servers i m Survivor main.

    My experience? I m playing only against sweaty Blights and Nurses, sometimes Spirits.

    This weekend it was terrible. Sunday aftrnoon i stopped to play DBD even i would like to play tho, but at all it was boring, always same killers. So i decided to play in night. It was midnight when i turned on DBD. I had 4 games: 2 blights and 2 nurses. So I tuned off DBD.

  • Klavatoo
    Klavatoo Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2021

    Completely despise the system, there hasn't been much variety in my games on NA servers. Most games are either blight with ruin undyingtink//blighted crow/alchemist ring or nurse with range and cooldown with the good old ruin undying tink. The lack of variety is really making me dislike the game. I don't particularly mind this build it's just problematic when its on a killer that can get across the map in like a good 5 seconds while also running top tier everything.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Yeah, playing at night just reduces the queues. It will not make the game quality any better. I wish!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    As survivor, my teammates are excellent on gens, but fail to get everyone out at times when it was possible to get everyone out. As killer, I usually face survivors who know what they're doing, which makes it challenging, but that's mostly due to gen speed. There are still some games as killer that seemed unwinnable, no matter how well I played.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    To me survivors feels, for whatever reason, easier because my teammates seem to understand what the purpose of gens is. Killer feels like a sweat fest in every match after a 5-10 minute queue.

    So, even though I'm enjoying the killer gameplay more, I nowadays prefer to play survivor because the queues are much faster and I don't have to sweat my butt off to do anything.

  • DonZwiebel
    DonZwiebel Member Posts: 136
    edited September 2021

    There are only few types of matches left now:

    As killer I get overrun by survivors, no matter which killer I play. It usually ends sweating for maybe 1 sometimes 2 kills. Did not even get a single 3 or 4 kill since sbmm was activated (except Pinhead adept where I guess I was really lucky) and I just quit playing killer.

    As survivor there are 2 type of matches: Being destroyed by nurse, blight or spirit, or overrunning any other killer now.

    So, imho they can take the SBMM and put it waaaay back where it came from. I guess its time to take a longer break from the game and play some other games for fun.

    Queue times are okay so far on both sides depending on the time of day. And I am was playing on EU servers.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Killer is perfectly fine since you rely on your own skills but my God playing Survivor is definitely hell. Bunch of potatoes getting in your lobbies and if you're running Aura reading perks you'll regret it since you'll see your whole team being stupid 24/7.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I play on NA server

    My killer games are a mixed bag... decent to really good survivors

    My survivor games are more enjoyable... decent to really good teammates and killers

    But I am low ranked so I don't face to many forced high MMR killers/survivors

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    As a survivor I tend to get quit fair matches. I am a medium survivor, nothing special.

    I get a mixed bag of Killers, different skill and different mind set. Most of the matches are quit fair with 2 escapes or at least 4 generators finished. Some are unfair in one or the other direction but this could be because I mostly play with 1-2 friends and our MMR mixes.

    As Killer I tend to get descent matches. I play Pinhead religiosly since he came out with a no-meta build (his 3 personal perks and Hex: Thrill of the Hunt) and my good boy Ghostface also with a mostly harmless build (Whispers, BBQ, Surge and Safe the Best for Last / Hex: Plaything). Most survivor are at my level and once again 2 kills, 2 escapes are the usual for me. Rescently I got more survivors who screw themself over on the last few inches: 4 generators are finished, no 3 gen and they get greedy for chests and bones, buying me enough time to get a few more hooks and better pressure. My matches would be way harder without the greed.

    So as a conclusion: Skillbased matchmaking is working quit well for me. I get my mixed bag of good and bad opponents, my wins are not stomps and my losses are fair. Some bad games happen from time to time.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Not at all. Every single game is over in less than 5 minutes and I have to play so scummy to get a 2k. Even when I’m actually doing pretty good on my nurse games I’m still having to play scummy as my games are over within seconds due to gen speeds. Until gen rush is fixed the game as killer is extremely unfun.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    As survivor I'm escaping more games than ever.

    As killer, its a mixture between hard 4k and crazy rush-4 minutes games.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    It's either either. Nurse is ridiculously strong. If u slow down gens it will help weaker killers or low tier killers, but make Nurse unstoppable.

    if they someway slow down gens, Nurse and Spirit nerf should be made same day.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Initially I didn't notice the difference, but now I'm beginning to see why I didn't want it. Games haven't been fun the past week.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    If I see the same survivors again and again with the same build every time I swear to the entity I'm gonna lose it. Doesn't help that a lot of them love the badham and haddonfield offerings. If anything I'm more annoyed at the massive increase in the map offerings used. They should make sacrificial wards common offerings its getting stupid.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    Overall, I think the new rank and MMR system is stupid.

    About ranks, I don't know who had the "brilliant" idea of re-naming the ranks into something much less user friendly. We still have 20 ranks, just that you have to calculate in your head how close you are to rank 1 because it's divided in 5 different tiers with 4 numbers in each. It was much more clear to read when the number just went from 20 down to 1.

    About MMR, it's all over the place, both in my favor and the killer's. I'm getting more sweaty try-hards than usual with no manners whatsoever, to the point where i've made a habit of disconnecting at least once every day if the killer is just gonna face camp and tunnel (i play SWF). I've also had matches where I face killers who are completely new to the game, even tho I have 1000 hours playtime. Like, these killers are brand new, Ash IV with 1 perk equipped. I don't know why the game would match my group with new killers.

    I've also never reached rank 1 before, but now I went from Ash 4 to Iridescent 1 in less than a week since the reset. I don't know if they made it easier to rank up, or if i'm getting overall easier matches. I kept ranking up even in matches when i died, so I'm not sure.

  • Yes, i've been getting matches. EU Servers

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    I'll be trying my first games in the new system soon.

    Pray that my Silly Boy Myers still works.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    I'm curious, do you have this message saved in a file somewhere, seeing as you spam it in every thread related to this issue?

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    I've never been so satisfied with the game.

    As survivor I usually have reliable teammates and my escape rate went from around 30~40% to around 60%. MMR was the BEST buff solo survivors could have had. I also face competent killers who know what they are doing, not the occasional rank 15 Trapper who used to appear on the old system.

    As killer my kill rate dropped from 90% to around 70%, but my trials are overall way more fun and challenging.There are no more 5 gen stomps against baby Megs or 5 minute trials where I only get 3 hooks. I feel every match is a struggle where both sides have a chance of winning.

  • eric_alrasid17
    eric_alrasid17 Member Posts: 119

    As a killer main, no. Playing against DS, DH and BT for every single match is mentally exhausting. Even I got 3-4k.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Every game is now a sweatfest against coordinated teams when playing killer, and tunneling has gone up from 0 for me to quite often. It is what it is, will just keep playing.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Nope, I stopped playing killer because of how boring it is, matches last about 6 min.

    Most builds are a copy paste.

    Survivor has been annoying rather than harder, every single match you see the same kind of playstyle, down after 1 gen popped = facecamp until struggle.

    I refuse to use stronger perks like exhaustion perks and ruin undying for killer.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I find it hilarious. All they do is ######### and moan about how miserable their experience was for over a year and then wish it on everyone else. I can't imagine feeling so married to a mere video game that you would be miserable and yet keep playing. It's pathetic.

    I don't like what MMR did to the game. So, I play DbD a hell of a lot less. I'm no longer contributing to the MAU metrics BHVR needs to help secure future licenses, and I'm no longer spending money on BHVR. There are too many games out there, fun games, to be miserable in Dead by Daylight.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    EU. All the same. Sometimes also Huntress and Executioner. With super sweaty camping and tunneling.

    On the killers, nothing has changed. I still have sometimes strong, sometimes medium and weak survivors, and can get some fun from matches. But there is a simple explanation for this. I have played a lot of matches in the past in half-strength, relaxed and not worried about winning. This must have lowered my rating a lot.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    To answer the title.. YESS!!! It’s no where near as awful as it was prior. It’s more consistent games are great. And it’s less frequent that I get a depip/death squad.. and survivor games are much better as well

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    No. I feel like it has changed nothing.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Clearly not, given that it's always worded differently.

    And if you're sick of reading it, I don't give a shite. Go complain somewhere else. Maybe join the massive, arrogant collective that keeps complaining after only a week of crappy trials.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236
    edited September 2021

    NA East. I was extremely satisfied the first week or so. My escape rate was extremely high and teammates played like I do (hold W, slam gens). Since the rank reset, I'm being matched with significantly worse teammates and games are nearly unplayable again, comparable to old solo queue.

    I don't know what happened. I wasn't losing games to drop my MMR, but my teammates are suddenly horrendous and have a fraction of the hours I have. I have well north of 3000 hrs and I'm consistently matched with 200-300 hr players who straight up throw games over the last week. It's damn near unplayable. Safe to say I'm rapidly becoming unsatisfied with SBMM.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    No I'm very unsatisfied

  • Rhe2veja
    Rhe2veja Member Posts: 63

    South america player here, most of my games are players with 10 times my hours played, i get absolutly destroyed by them of course, the games that i managed to get 4k are against new players, games that are not even fun. And this is in case i found a lobby under 120 ping.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670


    I'm in the western US. My games haven't been so good. I've been paired with newer Survivors/Killers, or with a few great Survivors/Killers mixed with some less-skilled ones. I did not play regularly for the last few months, so I think the problem is the algorithm did not have enough data to accurately place me. In time, I hope the algorithm gets enough data so I get placed with similarly skilled people.

    Your translation was good! 👍 👍

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Im about as satisfied as my gf was last night....

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    Well from what I’ve experience from my skill base matching matches well they had been really sweaty especially killer. My survivor games were a little bit more easier so I hadn’t died as much and had been able to escape more than I usually do. My Killer experience with the system was really hard even more harder then usually where I would face competitive solo survivors or survive with friends groups that were also really hard core. So at the end of the day I have to say I don’t really like the system cause I really like playing killer more then I do survivor cause I think playing survivor is kind of boring since all they do is loop and do gens. I’m sorry but I think Killer is a little more exciting. But as I said this is just how I feel about the system.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    I'm a pretty good killer regardless of who I play since I've dedicated 1.5k+ hours to the role. As such, the majority of my games now are just extremely dull and boring. Survivors are efficient and good, they hold W early, split up and do gens, bring DH/DS/BT/etc almost every game with med kits with the occasional survivor-sided map offering.

    Sure, I may deserve to get survivors like this, but it just ruins the fun. Is it really fun for survivors to just finish the gens in 3 minutes, get 10k, and leave because I don't tunnel or camp? DBD is a casual game, and its basic psychology for a game to be more fun if you allow one side to have the occasional match where they dominate and win easily.

    It's what kept me playing for 1k+ hours. I would get the occasional game where I get no kills, or the survivors are very good and make the gameplay boring. But I wouldn't really care, because it was probably a 1/3 probability of that. The 2/3 other matches were easy 2-4k's and so, I would still play because I had fun.

    Now? It's 90% the previous 1/3 matches I would had.

    I'm done with killer, getting 3 hooks every game, zero kills, facing DS/DH/BT/IW and four med kits every game gets old really fast and I'd rather not Spirit or play dirty to win.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    on killer side yeah it became good but on survivor side it is just random #########