Which Boon Perk would be of interest to you?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428

The new Survivor may include the new Boon perks. And the PTB for it might be at September 28th.

A Boon Totem is a Hex Totem, but for survivors. That allows for more possible perk ideas for Survivors. I feel that Survivors should hunt for dull Totems to activate their perks. And the Killer should have to hunt them down. A few of these can be revealed to the killer for an amount of time every 30 or so. seconds. Which is why I'm providing these polls.

Which Boon Perks would you think sound the best.

Which Boon Perk would be of interest to you? 11 votes

A Boon Perk similar to Hex: Undying. This perk is for everyone in the trial.
A Boon Perk that allows you to be immune to the Broken and Exhausted Status effect on your second hook. This is for everyone. The Totem is revealed every 30 or so seconds to the killer.
A Boon Perk where your wiggle meter speed is increased after stunning and blinding the killer a certain number of times. Just for the user.
Aurelle 1 vote
A Boon Perk that allows to enter a locker, and you have the option to switch to lockers close to you by pressing the ability button. It could have a cool down of 60 or more seconds. Just for the user.
FallenRanger0AdelooDetailedDetrimentFobboBadonkadonk 5 votes
A Boon Perk that gives you the courage to actually hit the killer. The killer is stunned for 3 seconds. Just for the user. The Totem is revealed every 30 or so seconds to the killer. The Totem is revealed to the killer every
RockotheawesomepugTrickstarNightmareXDGarlicRice 4 votes
A Boon Perk that transports the killer to a different location whenever they're too close to a Survivor for too long. This is for everyone to use.
[Deleted User] 1 vote


  • DatFastBoi
    DatFastBoi Member Posts: 455

    Tbh a Boon version of Hope could be cool ig

  • A Boon Perk that transports the killer to a different location whenever they're too close to a Survivor for too long. This is for everyone to use.

    The first 3 would be so broken

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    Imagine being immune to Exhausted, infinite sprint burst or infinite Dead Hard