So, do you die less now ?
I know I do. The new MMR did actually improve quality of my teammates fairly well. There are still some games with not the smartest players but overall, the gen pressure my teammates push out compared to before is much bigger even vs great killers.
I wish it didn't make my killer que times much longer though. If that were the case, I would even consider this system, good (even when it's seemingly very simple and shouldn't have taken 1,5 years to create).
Hopefully the que times get better later on.
I don't know if the new matchmaking actually affected the quality of my teammates. But it does seem to make rank reset have less of an impact on quality as the previous matchmaking did. If it's affected killer queue times, I certainly haven't noticed. Does it only affect queue times for low ranking killers? Cause at my mmr, I'm not seeing anything different. Mornings are still as slow as they were so I play survivor, and nights I still get killer games almost instantly.
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Yes, it seems like i die less now.
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I don’t notice any difference personally. It seems that my matches are just as random
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No, im dying a lot. Before though i thought it was too easy.
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The most hellish experience I've ever had climbing into red ranks. Potatoes with self care and abandoning you when you run the killer the entire match. Wouldn't do this again next month and would just sink my time on Killer. At least on killer skills is everything and you wouldn't get screwed if there's someone drooling on their keyboard or DCs because it's a killer they don't like.
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I die the same amount as I did before, but now my games last longer and I tend to get much closer to escaping before my inevitable demise.
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I am more than happy to die in a match if everyone has fun, and I black pip / pip once
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I have good team.
We have 80% rate after SBMM.
We always finish game in 8~10 min.
Teabags and macro flashlight is so interesting.
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I just had a nurse match where we all banded together at the end to save our teammate, a clown match where I was hooked right next to NOED and chose to off myself to get the two remaining survivors out, and a demo match where I was tunneled the entire time and my teammates never healed me or took a protection hit.
So it's still all across the board for me, like it always has been.
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Honestly I die about the same....
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I actually die more now.
But dying is not a big deal for me, its pretty standard that i trade for someone else, even it means i wont leave the match alive.
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I've been dying far more often now. The killers I get matched with are all veterans. In fact, I just played against a God Legacy Billy for the first time. My teammates seem to be about 4 levels below me, though. It's Urban Evasion and Self-Care every match. Even when I get matched with another competent player, the other half of the team plays as if it's their first game.
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I was for the first week. Had 16 escapes in a row at one point. Teammate quality took a huge nosedive over the weekend. Started getting matched with players who have 10% of my hours and it showed. Constantly trying to heal through Sloppy and going from 3 hooks to a 4k with 1 gen left. That type of thing. No game sense. Was kind of miserable.
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Seems the same to me. Tbh I think it's really hard to judge because a lot of people (including me sometimes) are busy trying to find ways to get some of these stupid challenges done rather than focusing on gens/escaping.
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No. Because I still get teammates who rage quit, who refuse to touch a gen, who have no game sense and do stuff like loop the killer around the hook, and who just dip as soon as the last gen is done even if someone just got put on the hook for the first time and all 4 survivors are still alive. Solo queue is no different.
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No, not at all. Im dying a lot more and am being put with survivors who cant do anything. Im the only one in the vast majority of my games who can loop longer than 15 seconds. At leasat 50 - 60% of my games has at least one, if not two other survs who go and hide as soon as they hear a small terror radius, even if that killer is chasing someone else.
I mean, after looping someone for 3 gens yesterday, i finally went down by a pallet, a felix was nearby, with a flashlight so im thinking awesome, im sure to be saved here. As the killer was picking me up, Felix decided to flashlight THE BACK OF THE KILLERS HEAD. Then when he realised that didnt work, ran over and slammed the pallet down after the killer had moved me away from it.
Another Horror story was on 1 of the springwood maps against a spirit, i had been hooked once, another surv tunnelled out the game and 2 other survs on 0 and 1 hooks respectively. Im on the last gen, i get it to around 90% in the house upstairs, and Spirit finds me, i then loop her for around 2 and a half - 3 minutes, being hit once and not going down. Im thinking why hasnt a gen popped??? She finally gave up and so i went to the nearest gen thinking a surv would be there or been chased off and its almost done. 1st progress on it. I go on to the next, and progress on it. So i looped for 3 minutes and they did nothing. Literally nothing. Just hid hoping id go down and the killer would find the other instead of doing a gen or finishing off mine. I went back to the gen in the house, it was around 70% Spirit had obviously recently gone back and hit it, and knew the others were useless so came back to the house, and i lost the will to do anything so let her hook me. When i could spectate, 1 of them was hiding at the end of the road behind the stone blocks not moving, the other walking round the edge of the map.
This is the level of survivor the game keeps putting me with. It seems to be punishing me for not being in a 4 man swf.
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Sometimes I get great teams. Sometimes I get the worst potatoes I've ever seen. Ever had a Hag with devour try to down you after an unhook and the Dwight just refuses to take a BT hit and instead competes against you for the nearby pallet? Which he then drops on me when I'm already downed and stuns the hag mid-cooldown. Such badness is exceptional.
MMR has been wild.
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i played like 50 hours since the new MMR - and like 20 of them since the reset. There were a handfull of games where i had a decent group of mates and a killer which didn´t sweat like a "pRo". Other games either had complete braindead survivor or killer with pink addons and 2-3 slowdown perks. God they really killed the game for me as a casual player.
Edit: i have to say - before they resetted the ranks, it was really nice to play. Nearly no rounds like described above were to be seen. Mostly good survivors against decent killers. I didn´t care if died, it was awesome. After the reset, the tables have completely turned around. I know it shouldn´t be possible since it has no effect on the MMR but it seems like it. And i lost so many rounds since then, that i should play against baby killers by now - but no, only the same sweating (same perk using) killers every fricking round.
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Well killer still gets me if I make mistakes, but at least teammates are competent enough that I'm not always last man standing anymore.
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Significant improvement for me. I’m reasonably new with a few hundred hours and the majority of my games now are very balanced. Gone from escaping once in a blue moon to a 40ish % escape rate. Team mates seem to mostly be around my level and I can actually run the killer for more than 20 seconds.
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A lot less. The overall quality of solo queue teammates has improved considerably.
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EZ 70% of the game 3 escapes. Sometimes 2, extremely rare when there are 3K/4K.
There is no way killers will continue to play with the current state of the game. In 1 month every high mmr killers will be away from the game.
At high MMR you can't play anymore as a killer. Survivors know all totems spawn on every map. Ruin/Undying never last more than 1min/1min30. As they are all great loopers, ruin is done when you have 1 hook and then generators fly in 4 minutes.
Current state of the game is totally garbage and unhealthy. So many streamers already said they can't play killers anymore and switched to survivor lol...
Edit : i play mainly survivor but i'm quite good as a killer aswell and i feel how the trials gets impossible now. I feel sorry when i play against a killer and loop with him/her for 1min+ cause i know the game is then dead for him/her. Looping and hearing the ruin being done and 3 gens pop while i have just been injured... what a joke.
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getting garbage team in 80% cases. I dont feel any difference.
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Yes. Wish I could play killer though. It takes so long to find a match as killer while survivor is basically instant.