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The Mid-Chapter Patch

Member Posts: 8,243
So, with the Legion on the live build and the mid-chapter patch on the way. What are the top 3 things you'll like to see changed? You cannot pick NOED and DS since it would be too easy to pick 3 things and call it a day.


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  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Freddy/Leatherface buffs,
    Noed removed,
    DS reworked.

  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2018

    You said I can't PICK Noed or DS but you never said I can't put a word AFTER them.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Poweas said:
    Freddy/Leatherface buffs,
    Noed removed,
    DS reworked.

    Like, he like literally said like no NOED or DS topics, like.

    He never said I can't put a word after them.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    I'll like to see Surveillance, Hangman's Trick, and Vigil get some love.

    You're aware of your belongings. Whenever a survivor interacts with a generator for 25/20/15 seconds, the generator's aura will be changed to white for 10 seconds. You have supernatural feeling of when something is off; there's a 0/25/50% change you'll receive a visual notification when a survivor interacts with a regressing generator.

    Hangman's Trick:
    Unique modifications to your hooks make them deadly. Whenever a survivor sabotaged a hook, it will repair itself 50/75/100% faster than normal. Additionally, sabotaging is dangerous; healthy survivors will take one state of damage upon sabotaging a hook.

    You've resistance to certain effects due to your constant exposure. Start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens and whenever you'd receive a negative status effect, instead lose a token and you cannot receive a negative status effect for the next 5 seconds.
  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Revert aura and bt changes
    Fix the hatch
    Fix totem placement

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    Surrender option for Killers/Survivors after set amount of minutes/ gate open to end the game

    Legion buff/ rework

    Massive buffs for all trash perks that are non meta for variety

  • Member Posts: 3,647
    Nickenzie said:
    I'll like to see Surveillance, Hangman's Trick, and Vigil get some love.

    You're aware of your belongings. Whenever a survivor interacts with a generator for 25/20/15 seconds, the generator's aura will be changed to white for 10 seconds. You have supernatural feeling of when something is off; there's a 0/25/50% change you'll receive a visual notification when a survivor interacts with a regressing generator.

    Hangman's Trick:
    Unique modifications to your hooks make them deadly. Whenever a survivor sabotaged a hook, it will repair itself 50/75/100% faster than normal. Additionally, sabotaging is dangerous; healthy survivors will take one state of damage upon sabotaging a hook.

    You've resistance to certain effects due to your constant exposure. Start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens and whenever you'd receive a negative status effect, instead lose a token and you cannot receive a negative status effect for the next 5 seconds.
    I think hangman's trick should stay the way it is... breakdown is going to be a thing and sabo will prolly rise soon... there will be more use for it 
  • Member Posts: 3,647
    Bug fixes.......... on PS4 there is a bug for both survivor and killer... can't unhook and cant hook, I was unable to unhook on yamoakas estate and a hag was unable to hook on father Campbells... so 

    And a reason to use surveillance 
  • Member Posts: 3,293
    1. Freddy rework
    2. Legion rework
    3. Map / audio fixes
  • Member Posts: 79

    1.hex totem rework
    2.ds nerf
    3.more BP

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Oink_Oink said:

    1.hex totem rework
    3.more BP

    Edited lol.

    Read OP, you'll understand! :)
  • Member Posts: 2,552

    1.WGLF buff (healing tokens)
    2.Ability to choose 2 or 3 perks per bloodweb
    3.Freddy rework

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    1. Nightmare rework (It's time, 7 seconds have never felt so long to me until i started playing this guy. And nope, Block Add-ons are not a solution, they're bandaids.)
    2. Cannibal rework (Is weak at anything except defense, which is lame since you need to hunt. Add-on arsenal isn't built around his chainsaw, but Hillbilly's. Plus 4 of them barely even work.)
    3. Replacing Legion's Power.
  • Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    - Kindred for everyone.

    - Points for solo survivors if a teammates disconnects or doesn't load in.
  • Member Posts: 747
    No more notifications for killers' hex totems.
  • Member Posts: 5,069
    edited December 2018

    Some perk reworks.
    Buffing a solo survivors.
    Legion Changes.

  • Member Posts: 850
    1. Freddy Rework
    2. Surveillance buff or rework. 
    3. Slightly better FPS on console. Baby steps, but anything helps :lol:
  • Member Posts: 1,164
    End game fixed? Hatch closing? (I can dream I guess)
  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited December 2018
    1. Breakdown nerf/rework: This perk is going to get abused so much once more Survivors start unlocking it. It should be completely reworked or have the breaking hook part of it nerfed (I would either make the hook repair itself much quicker, like within 10/20/30 seconds or have it automatically fill up part of the sabotage bar for that hook). Yes, I know about Hangman's, but I shouldn't have to run a perk to have fun. I won't be surprised if a lot of Killer builds end up consisting of Ruin/Sloppy and Hangman's in the near future.

    2. Buffs to Doctor's shock therapy: His shock is really weak without add-ons. I'd give his range a 25% increase, increase his movement speed while charging the shock to 100%, and remove or shorten the shock delay. I would also nerf the range add-ons so Doctors can't shock an entire map tile, but not enough to where it would be shorter than it was pre-nerf. Like if you run Interview Tape and High Stimulus Electrode, you would still have a 35 meter shock (also meaning Interview Tape would get a slight buff to its range).

    3. I couldn't decide between reworking the Hatch and making DCs give BBQ tokens: I have two ideas for a Hatch rework. The first would make it so jumping into the Hatch takes longer than the Killer's attack CD, but the Survivor cannot be grabbed out of the Hatch unless they're in dying state. Currently, you can't grab a Survivor out of the Hatch if they are in the dying state. If this was to stay, then Survivors would just stay injured when they're near the Hatch, meaning that the Hatch standoff would still exist. The second would involve the Killer being able close the Hatch and Survivor having to repair a gen to open it. Killers would have permanent aura reading at an unlimited range after X seconds of a Survivor not doing gens to prevent the game from being held hostage and Survivors would have a base Left Behind effect to prevent the game from getting extremely boring. 
  • Member Posts: 531
    1 ) hex totems rework and spawn
    2) blood lust buff
    3) less bullshit for survs site like no one ask but we give them another free info and fix bugs
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Nickenzie said:
    So, with the Legion on the live build and the mid-chapter patch on the way. What are the top 3 things you'll like to see changed? You cannot pick NOED and DS since it would be too easy to pick 3 things and call it a day.


    SWF balancing
    ranking remade
    legion/freddy fix

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    Poweas said:

    You said I can't PICK Noed or DS but you never said I can't put a word AFTER them.

    You still picked NOED or DS.  Putting removed/reworked doesn't change that.
  • Member Posts: 570
    1. SWF nerf
    2. Buff to Low/Mid-Low tier killers
    3. Better placement of totems, hooks and gens.
  • Member Posts: 1,616
    1. Perk reworks
    2. Perk reworks
    3. Perk reworks


  • Member Posts: 613
    edited December 2018

    @Poweas said:
    You said I can't PICK Noed or DS but you never said I can't put a word AFTER them.

    Noed it's fine now and DS need a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 613

    @ShyN3ko said:
    1. Perk reworks
    2. Perk reworks
    3. Perk reworks


    this perks needs buffs:

    Monstrous shrine
    Spies from the shadows
    Mad Grit

  • Member Posts: 1,367
    1. Pig Buffs (Make Ambush better and RBTs deadlier)
    2. Boil Over and Surveillance buffs
    3. Joe and Susie Voices
  • Member Posts: 1,123

    Optimization patch for console?
    Maybe the new map available?
    More Double BP opportunities.

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    They really need to bite the bullet and rework Freddy. It's been way too long.
  • Member Posts: 8,816
    They said their team has grown enough that they can have strike forces. Then make a damn Freddy strike force.
  • Member Posts: 628

    @brokedownpalace said:
    They said their team has grown enough that they can have strike forces. Then make a damn Freddy strike force.

    If they dont call themselves "Dream warriors" im done supporting this company.

  • Member Posts: 296

    @Peanits said:
    Other than DS? EZ.

    Surveillance, Vigil, stock Kindred.

    Or if you don't want just perks,

    Freddy rework, legion changes, nurse counterplay.

    Nurse has counterplay its called: stealth, los breaking, juking and doing gens fast.

  • Member Posts: 3,893
    1. Surveillance buff: long time coming should have be handled with the first mid-chapter patch but I guess third one will do

    2.Legion buff. Not only some of the things they suggested but please let legion grab in frenzy. It's like so freddy people don't fear frenzy so they pop gens and save people right in front of my face

    3.Freddy: give the poor darn boi some love. Ps: right after that move to Amanda
  • Member Posts: 797
    1. A little Love for solo survivors.
    2. At least slight more effort in Hex Totem placement.
    3. Pyramid Head killer, Heather survivor, Silent Hill map.

    My 3rd didn't count but, some hatch mechanic rework.

    What are you talking about? 

    Solo survivors just got a lot of love with this chapter thanks to Jeff's perks.

    And a big fat no to pyramid head being added to this loopfiesta. 
    I don't want one of the best horror game series anywhere near this game.

    If anything they should take missionary as the killer since you stated you wanted heather. 

    Pyramid head has nothing to do with heather 
  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @Nickenzie said:
    Hangman's Trick:
    Unique modifications to your hooks make them deadly. Whenever a survivor sabotaged a hook, it will repair itself 50/75/100% faster than normal. Additionally, sabotaging is dangerous; healthy survivors will take one state of damage upon sabotaging a hook.

    HT should really repair in a time not at increased rate. It would still take like 60 seconds to respawn a hook, not useful if someone breaks it as you are carrying. The second part is a good addition though.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    1. SWF nerf
    2. Buff to Low/Mid-Low tier killers
    3. Better placement of totems, hooks and gens.

    SWF nerf? did you already see the noob3's video...?

  • Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2018

    Audio Bug fix : I sound-hore as a killer main, and it's my main way of finding you hiding scum

    Visual bug fixes:The suburban maps are very very survivor sided now (haddonfield and badham) due to basements being way way to dark (not the one i shove you in, the ones you do gens in)

    bonus #2: Scratch marks and blood trails are litterally vanishing for some reason, and some ground types, they are almost impossible to see. This fix should be with the visuals.

    And finally: Fix all the Clowns bugs!

  • Member Posts: 183
    1) buff solo survivor
    2) more fps/fix on console
    3) more BP for survivor

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