What Vigil will affect and wont. Exposed. Broken. Oblivious.

I'm not a genius at math so if any numbers are wrong please correct me. all number are assuming vigil is tier 3
Exposed: Will
Powers/Power Addons:
Blood Bond - Iridescent Pendant. 30 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 21 seconds.
T-Virus - Iridescent Umbrella Badge. 30 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 21 seconds.
Dragon's Grip. 60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 42 seconds.
Make Your Choice. 40/50/60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 28/35/42 seconds.
Hex: Haunted Grounds. 40/50/60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 28/35/42 seconds.
Iron Maiden. 30 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 21 seconds.
Starstruck. 26/28/30seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 18.2/19.6/21 seconds.
Exposed: Wont
Powers/Power Addons:
Evil Within III.
Night Shroud.
The Redeemer - Iridescent Coin.
Showstopper - Iridescent Photocard.
The Afterpiece Tonic - Redhead's Pinky Finger.
Hex: Devour Hope.
Hex: No One Escapes Death.
Broken: Will
Powers/Power Addons:
Bubba's Chainsaw - Rusted Chains. 90 Seconds Default. Vigil Takes it down to 63 seconds.
Feral Frenzy - The Legion Pin. 60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 42 seconds.
Blood Bond - Weighty Rattle. 20 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 14 seconds.
Deliverance. 100/80/60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 70/56/42 seconds.
For the People (new). 80/70/60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 56/49/42 seconds.
Forced Penance. 60/70/80 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 42/49/56 seconds.
Broken: Wont.
Powers/Power Addons:
Blood Bond - Victor Latch.
Vile Purge.
No Mither.
Second Wind.
Oblivious: Will
Powers/Power Addons:
T-Virus - NE-a Parasite. 60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 42 seconds.
Rites of Judgement - Lost Memories Book(please buff). 15 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 10.5 Seconds.
Deathbound. 60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 42 seconds.
Hex: Retribution. 35/40/45 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to /28/31.5 seconds.
Hysteria. 20/25/30 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 14/17.5/21 seconds.
Nemesis. 40/50/60 seconds default. Vigil Takes it down to 28/35/42 seconds.
Oblivious: Wont.
Powers/Power Addons:
Blood Bond- Drop of Perfume.
Blood Bond - Victor Latch.
Dream Demon.
Of the Abyss.
Summons of Pain.
Hex: Plaything.
Edit: Since I got a few question about night shroud , added photo.
Edit: Added all tier for perks. kept vigil as assumed tier 3.
Is this...a Legion nerf?
Let's go!
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his broken status. addon sure. but I'm sure it wont make much a difference.
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Yay one of his only usable add-ons!
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These effects don't look great on their own but i have to remember it applies to other team mates too.
Also against exposed perks it'll be really good, since the cooldown timer of HG and MYC would not be 100% accurate against a survivor using vigil
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especially if vigil still stack after the buff.
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oh it stacks? that sounds pretty crazy
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currently it does. if u ran into a head on team u will know the pain lol.
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if vigil is on DBD mobile i think i must have lol
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The main thing it will be good for in my opinion are exhaustion perks (obviously) and perks like Deliverance and For The People. It will also help against Make Your Choice or Haunted Grounds but those are pretty uncommon among killers.
I'm curious if it will affect Night Shroud, since supposedly no perk should have a direct effect on a killers power and that exposed effect is like half of Ghostface's kit.
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I put that It didn't from my conclusion night shroud gives you a "permanent" exposed affect until the red wheel around your portrait is gone. so it should not effect night shroud. same thing with with micheals power. its "permanent" even if it is timed.
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Was it stated that it wont affect killer powers?
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That's one of the add-ons you don't wanna use because it forces bad survivors to play better vs you...
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I mean it is depressing since Legion is the weakest killer in the game, but the fact is that Vigil will still see very little use outside of niche builds.
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legion is def not the weakest.
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Not really, first you have to use the addon and second you need to face someone with Vigil and they have to actually cluster around the guy with the perk to be something that may be really noticeable, worst case scenario is a minor hindrance.
The buff to the perk while a buff is not enough to guarantee seeing Vigil on a common basis, maybe you see it twice as much after the buff so 1 per week to 2 per week.
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It can be used with Thana to force slowdown.
Ruin, Pop, Thana, Mindbreaker with Legion Pin and Sketchbook.
Also, I was more referring to the fact that it isn't like the Killer Instinct range add-ons or Stab Wound Study, or Frank's Mixtape or Fuming Mixtape or his power recovery add-ons where they either do so little or their effect is so awful that they aren't worth running.
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Yeah, he is.
His design literally forces the Survivors to be efficient. He literally sets himself up to be genrushed by using his power.
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Not a fan of it reducing the lengths of the times Exposed perks - Most of them will be pretty useless if/when it comes back into the meta.
Coincidentally, most of them also promote healthy gameplay/remaining mobile >_>
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Or you just... Use Thana anyway to either make them heal or get value anyway, either giving you constant slowdown via healing when you're a Legion, or giving you slowdown via Thana and freeing up an add-on spot?
Recharge add-ons are actually semi-decent. Duration add-ons are still his best though. But what if, instead of using Legion Pin, an add-on which encourages survivors to play better, you use both duration add-ons?
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Both duration also encourages Survivors to spread out, which means they are doing separate gens, which means 3 gens pop after a single chase.
I think Thana and the Broken icon get into Survivors heads because they ALWAYS heal when I use it.
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its till not that big of a deal. 42 seconds is a big chunk missing from the original but. as legion you use ur power frequently.
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The only thing that's wrong on here is "Of the Abyss" under oblivious. Of the Abyss grants Demo Undetectable witch contrary to popular belief, is different from Oblivious.
Oblivious - the terror radius is still there, you just can't hear it when inflicted with this status effect
Undetectable - there's no terror radius
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no. when a survivor is atop a portal or sealing a portal they become oblivious.
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I think they meant the portal oblivious not the demo undetectable.
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Oh, I actually forgot that happens.
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definitely is, lol
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Yes legion is, Hes trash and has no good 1v1 power
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Why would you even want to prevent survivors from wasting time on healing when you're playing Legion? The pins are just bloodweb clutter.
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Confirmed Thana value.
Also Survivors like to heal and if they are good, removing that add-on wouldn't allow you to win lmao
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Are you sure that it won't work with Night Shroud?
You are exposed for 45 seconds, so I thought Vigil could influence that or does it not because Night Shroud is a power not a Perk/Addon?
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I'm almost 100% sure. night shrouds exposed like evil within. its "permanent" even if its not. its "permanent" exposed until the red circle goes away.
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Unless they changed it recently I'm 100% sure that you can see the exposed timer run out when exposed by Ghostface.
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so we can try to make cool build with sprint vigil and for the people and maybe fixated or inner strength
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photo from new hud for extra confirmation. i made the yellow text one before i found the new Hud photo. i do not own photos. photo from new Hud is a screenshot from the YouTube channel: DeadGirlJimmie2
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So only the red circle around the Name runs out?
Guess I confused them, thx for the pics.
Rip, I really hoped it would work against Ghostface.
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i went and looked over all the powers and i cant find one that would get affected by vigil. addons for powers sure.