Hackers and wholesomeness.

Wow, another hacker post? It's almost like BHVR should do something about it! For context, Dwight (who I've censored in orange) was the hacker. I loaded into Mother's Dwelling, everything seems pretty normal.
Until I go into the main building, where the middle gen spawns and I notice... The gen isn't regressing. But Ruin is up. In fact, it's progressing. But nobody is there. And that's when I gave up. I turn around and see Dwight fly up to the platform, and begin to scream and throw pebbles at machspeed. The gens do themselves, I go to the corner of the map and just portal back and forth.
(for the record, I forgot to screenshot some of the conversation here, all that I missed was the other survivors calling the hacker out for the 'fun game' and for hacking the came. Hacker called them a slur and then tried to blame them for not doing gens.)
BHVR, please get your [BAD WORD] together and do something about Hackers. Please. It's getting worse.
On the wholesome note, I'm sure you'll never see this, but Feng, Elodie, thanks for staying and getting killed by the EGC. Cheryl just opened the doors and left as soon as the match was over, which I don't blame her for. They also let me hit them for some points (though I noticed I wasn't getting any points for Shredding or Portals, so my plan didn't work out for those points.) Dwight stayed too, but just so he could hop around while doing the EGC death animation then leave. I also reported the Hacker, and I'm working on a support ticket now.
[BAD WORD] you, Dwight.
Glad you got lucky with the non hacking survivors. Demodoggo is a good boy and deserves every love he can get.
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Part of the conversation I missed screenshotting was the Feng saying something to the extent of "I never see Demo, and the time I do it's with a hacker."
I'm glad my main killer is appreciated, at least.
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I've been playing for 3 years now. Rarely ever encountered hackers. At best I thought a few people were shady over the years, but never anything concrete.
This week alone I ran into 5 blatant hackers, 3 of which were all today. Makes the game unplayable and I'm just going to take a break.
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At this point, I'm choosing to take a break too. I finally got a new job, so I don't need to rely on the game for something to do anymore.
And here I was feeling optimistic about the game. Ah, well.
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I'm starting to notice that quite a lot of people are using hacks so sneaky...
For example, I had a match when in the middle of the match 1 generator was done w/t sound notification. It only happens when hacker complete a gen or at the beginning of the game if 4 survs repaired 1 generator in the first 30 seconds of the game.
Another situation, I saw on the stream that survivor failed a gen's skillcheck, after it in the next 2 seconds streamer that I watched teleports (he was playing as Nurse) to him but he managed to complete a gen. I think it's impossible to repair the gen that was blown up recently in the short period of time.
Here the clip about it:
I checked in the end game lobby that nobody had
n'tRed Herring.2 -
If no one had Red Herring, that was 100% a cheater.
Not only does failing a skill check make the gen lose 10% progress, but you can't repair for a short time after.
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It´s really gotten out of hand - the massive increase in hacker encounters started around Pinhead release. I´m currently not playing killer (survivor main anyway, bless) because it´s always a couple survivors hacking per session. It´s nuts how frequent it has become.
Glad your most recent encounter had some wholesomness to take off the edge a bit <3
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Let's see what we know:
- The Nurse had Thana with 3 injuries (15% gen slowdown)
- Dwight blew up the gen just before the hit. Blowing up a gen blocks any generator progress for 3 seconds and results in a loss of 10% of a generator's maximum progress.
- Dwight still repaired the rest of the generator in 2 seconds AND STILL ran away with a speed boost (a hit survivor's speed boost lasts for 2 seconds so why was Dwight still speedy all the way to the pallet?)
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You know what pisses me off the most? That there is literally a discord for dbd hackers.
Since the mmr got activated I've encountered more than 6 hackers, I gave up on playing killer so I am currently a survivor main.
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You're right. Even I didn't pay attention in this moment.
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about that he was running too fast
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Honestly, most survivors I meet are wholesome. At least, the ones that talk in the chat are.
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Thats....suprising, but in a good way :)
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I mean, there are literally people that stream that hack. At this point, it's hard for me to believe that BHVR cares.
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Yeah, sad reality we live in.
I don't think bhvr cares about hackers anymore, still hoping they do something because it is absurd
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I'd like to point out that a lot of these people justify their actions by shitting on BHVR. What I'm very worried about is that BHVR doesn't want to look like they're caving to their demands or something like that, maybe out of fear that the problem will show up again in regards to other issues in the game.
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I mean, I've ran into a few toxic survivors, but WAY more have been chill. Maybe it's because I really don't give a ######### about winning.