How much will this next update influence you and why or why not?😎

latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

Whether it is killer add on changes or killer nerfs or boon totems or individual killer sbmm fixing.

I haven't played in a about a week but...

For me if the killer matchmaking continues to be long wait lobbies and broken matchmaking I wont care about playing anymore and spending money on this game.

Dbd is supposed to be a casual game that has morphed into an sbmm system that punishes veteran players who stayed and supported this game☠.

How about the rest of you? Is this make or break time for continuing to play dbd?😇

Edit: get the popcorn ready

Post edited by latinfla4 on


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Nothing for Nemesis, Nothing for Legion means nothing about my gameplay experience is changing for better or worse which means eh its fine.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    There are way less killers now, soloQ queue time at a high MMR are really long while they were always instant till the last update.

    So with the Spirit nerf, there won't be any killer left...

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,587

    Trapper gets to say “Look ma! Both hands!”

    We’ll see about the other add-on changes. Very curious about Shape’s and GF’s in particular.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    It's me or you're posting way too much? For someone that's not playing the game anymore, you care a bit too much honestly.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Yeah I started using ☺ so if people want to continue on they can and be happy with the current state of the game😇

    Have you returned to playing killer?

    And yeah probably blight and wraith are going to be used more until they realize only blight and nurse are viable at higher sbmm🤔 but you know both of their better addons are getting nerfed.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Yeah I want the product to be better dont you?😇

    I cared about final fantasy 7 and the tekken series even when they were ps exclusives and you better believe I bought then day one when they came to xbox. I also care about soccer games even if I dont play in them anymore 😇

    I posted more before since I posted when i waited for killer lobbies to fill up🤔

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    None of it influences me. I have plenty of killers at lower mmr which makes wait times nonexistent. For high mmr, boon totems do nothing to make the game less winnable as they are already heavily survivor favored regardless. And I play without add ons. So these nerfs are irrelevant.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I promised myself I would quit the game for good if the boon totems come out as just another thing to put more stress on the Killer.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639

    Not at all. It won't make me return to the game.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Wow did it really get that bad in a week?🤯 Wonder if it will get better or worse with this update🤔

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Yeah, my queue times got better and my MMR rating for a lot of people dropped now thankfully. I can go back to having fun- still getting 4ks, but getting the satisfying 12 hook 4ks which come down to the wire, instead of either curbstomping or being curbstomped.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Nice I am happy for you😇 how many games did it take before it averaged out? If it's fixed now I might jump back in again 🙂

  • Well the add on changes will change a lot of killers

    Trapper buffs are fun

    Spirit nerfs don't actually change killer point of view so i won't really care much

    Boon totems... i am interested...

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I don't know; however many games I was able to play in 2 weeks, I guess? I hardly played much during the days but a lot in the weekend

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Ill try out Trapper a bit but I’m still hesitant to play killer. Currently, I’ll go to the killer selection screen, look at all the killers, remember how survivors keep running to the same strong tiles and t-bag at me, knowing I can’t catch up with them because there’s another tile ten feet away. I also get flash backs to getting abused with Head On over and over as well as getting blinded non stop and decide to leave and go play survivor.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    That is the change I am most worried could be game breaking in so many ways and not on the killers side🤔

    Imagine a trapper or hag having to leave their web of traps to go deal with a boon totem.

    Or if it gives survivors too much of a buff and games fly by even quicker.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119


    I will try it out after the patch update and try to hold on til it gets better...afraid to touch trapper since he was my highest sbmm followed by wraith😅

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,484

    Didnt know the entire killer population played Spirit

    I must of been playing a different game

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Veteran killer PTSD i feel it too.😅

    Yeah I feel it would be a disservice if we dont give trapper a look after his changes.

    If It is fun again then I will sing praises to bhvr (or not rant as much anymore🤣).

    And if it's not fun anymore at least it will come full circle started with trapper ending with trapper😱

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Yea, that’s a good way of putting it, Killer PTSD. I like it.

    I have over 150 iridescent stones and 120 bloody coils that I’ve been hoarding. I need to put them to good use with his update. If I find out they nerfed them, effectively wasting my effort at earning all those bloodpoints for those add-ons, I’ll never touch killer again.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    I dont have good feelings on this update part of me is like I am happy they are changing weak addons, but another part of me is sad because I feel like my favorite killer is going to be made weaker just as spite. If they do nerf any of the 4 addons I'm going to be extremely sad. Mostly because A.) most of the addons are awful filler addons for Nurse, B.) the addons arent powerful they are a combination of skill and for the case of the recharge addons a way of making the killer playable, because base Nurse is straight-up awful to play as. So I just hope they don't touch the 4 good ones and make the rest at least a little better.

    If they don't it is very likely I'm going to give up playing, especially if they don't give adequate compensation, which lets face it its bhrv they leave bugs on killers all the time and nerf some killers to the ground on a whim. So honestly hopes arent high. :c

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    I find the game is better if you only play a few games a day/week, i normally play 2 or 3 a day then go back to solo games.

    Huntress main, games have been fine.

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    I'll probably start playing more Trapper, and maybe also some Spirit :)

  • HelloYou
    HelloYou Member Posts: 99

    If they nerf Nurse Double-Recharge or Double-Range i'll kiss the game goodbye.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    She is kind of unfun as basekit.. like its just painful sometimes the amount of time it takes to catch survivors if they just run away in straight lines. like if it was pre-nerf basekit it would be fine, but it isn't sadly. It was one of the things most people said was wrong with the new rework Nurse, like there wasn't a Nurse main who didn't dislike the new meta of just running away as far as they can.

    Normally I would be fine with it, but ill be completely honest, it is a little frustrating when they abuse how long recharge takes to make as much distance as possible, its one of the reasons why I mostly go for range and just deal with the basekit recharge because it denies them from making too much distance.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    well, we havent seen part 2 of it yet (at least i havent, maybe i just missed it), but from what ive seen in part 1 its pretty good.

    though ive been on a break from DbD for roughly 2 month now and i dunno if thats gonna be enough to get me back into it.

    MAYBE if part 2 is equally great as part 1 was there is a real chance of that happening.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    Trapper has always been my favorite. So I'm kinda excited, sometimes no one steps in my traps, sometimes I get three people in egc because of them.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    the next update has a survivor, so, i will continue to play and maybe my build will change as well

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 715

    As a console player I’m already struggling to play due to unaddressed performance issues; couple this with the substandard control options and the recent changes and I don’t know that I can give my time and money to the game anymore.

    Survivor gets really samey and boring very quickly; all the killers are homogenised to feel the same to play against, it doesn’t matter what the power does as the gameplay is the same - power gens when not being chased, run to a pallet when chased, drop and loop until they break and run to the next. It gets old really quickly especially when I’ve played since the console launch when Huntress was the new killer.

    Killer is a complete unfun stress fest. Constantly feel like I’m matched against higher rank players and while the looping is rarely the problem, gens just get done too fast to even walk between them on the map.

    Most games are 3 gens done by the first hook and the exit 99’d by the 2nd, resulting in the situation where killer tries to protect the hook against a team of BT/DS.

    Spirit being by far my favourite character aesthetically and the only killer strong enough to compete at the highest level without resorting to dirty tactics on controller makes it undesirable to play at all, knowing that all the other competitive killers are skill shot based and almost impossible to effectively play on console due to poor performance and limited controls - I really don’t see an option to have fun for me.

    My options are to play a killer that people with much better performance and controls struggle to compete with outside the highest skill players; play a killer that I know will reach a point that I will just lose because the character is too slow to be in 4 places at once on an 80second times 5 countdown, or play survivor exclusively which while I enjoy a load, I cannot see myself playing without being able to add some variety by mixing it up and playing the other side.

    Unless the part 2 notes tomorrow include something surprising that slows games down enough for more killer variety, or makes survivor more varied I can’t see me committing more time and money here.

    Maybe the next killer will be different but it’s sad seeing everything homogenised to a different flavour of run pallet to pallet. Give me something different that doesn’t require mechanical skill to achieve.

    I guess I’m in the minority though that wants to have to adjust my playstyle to the killer I’m facing. Some people seem content going into every game with perks/items to smash the game out in sub 5 mins where it makes no difference who you’re against.

    Maybe I’ll feel differently if the patch notes tomorrow contain console 60fps, greatly enhanced control options; or at least the next killer is both competitive on controller/console and has enough of a variety compared to the usual cookie cutter killer design mechanically, though I’ve experienced this game long enough that I know I’d probably die choking if I held my breath until then.

  • HelloYou
    HelloYou Member Posts: 99
  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508
    edited September 2021

    Too early to tell. I might mess around with Spirit to see if there will be a viable way to use her power by being tricky and baiting, and if there is, I might semi-main her out of spite.

    As for the rest of the update, Trapper is probably going to be unchanged for me in that he's on my "do not touch" list. His core issues remain the same, just slightly less awful.

    The add-ons changes can potentially range from great to awful. If Spirit is nerfed to the ground like I suspect and Nurse receives nerfs to her recharge and range add-ons (honestly don't see this happening, but BHVR is unpredictable) then Blight might unironically be the only S-tier killer.

    If Hillbilly actually gets add-ons, he might be worth a try again. Maybe it'll make his gameplay enjoyable for me.

    Ghostface will be unchanged for me because his core issues are not related to his add-ons. Same with Pig and Myers.

    Hag will be unaffected by add-ons changes much like Blight and Oni because none are that add-on dependent, and really just receive bonuses from their add-ons.

    MMR has gotten me playing survivor a lot more, and that's going to continue.

    If boon totems offer dumb effects like haste, significant bonus gen speeds, and aura reading, then I'm out, period.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I guess when playing Nurse with 2 brown add-ons I've just never ever faced someone with a brain :/

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I don't know, it depends on how these new Boon Totems work and what's planned for killer addons.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    I am the same way with trapper, hag ,and wraith...I hoarded all my iridescents and never used them (probably have about 50 of each as well as the purple trapper bag I think I have about 30 of those saved up).

    I do need to put them to use otherwise like you said it feels like wasted BP...I even hoarded 80 cakes from the anniversary event but when sbmm made the game crap I refused to use them 🤣

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    i fear some Wraith changes, i fear any kind of billy and ghostface nerf, fr, there is nothing to be nerfed there.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Yeah all seeing and silent bell...just a gut feeling those will be changed.

  • imguadalupe
    imguadalupe Member Posts: 22

    Well I'll probably play slinger less, which sucks considering he's one of my best killers.

    I don't really like plague, maybe I'll give her a try. I'll try a little more trapper, but it feels like playing him is just a meme.

    I like the acknowledgment of keys and hatch, but now it feels like luck or rng. The last system had its flaws, but you had to do gens to even unlock the hatch as a potential escape. I'm glad they looked at it, but I don't think this is the best answer.

    I'm hopeful boon totems will be cool, although we wanted more objectives for survivor not killer but hey what can you do?

    Spirit may be like the hatch, probably needed to be fixed but this might be too much. Depends how it is implemented.

    So I'm nervous for how balance will be especially with SBMM, but hopeful because it seems like the community is being listened to (hatch,keys,spirit nerf) while at the same time adding changes nobody really asked for (slinger overnerf, extra killer objectives).

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    Silent bell doesnt need a chang- im having a deja vu here

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    They did do a balance on both sides...feel bad for slinger mains but love that hatches are now fair.

    Plague can be played as a hit and run style with the infection. If they dont cleanse play like legion. If they do you have your range killer damage. It is hard to play her (my opinion) at first.

  • HelloYou
    HelloYou Member Posts: 99

    Omg man you should join Oracle or something since Xeno compared to you is a noob.

    Winning using brown addons prove that you're not facing competent players, and they're average at best.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    ???? I don't face comp teams all the time????? At least I didn't when u played a lot of Nurse????? What made you think that?????????

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited September 2021

    The key change is the only change that really affects the fun factor so far.

    The core game play has gotten stale and very frustrating for both sides. A small nerf to Spirit (while a lower tier Killer than her gets hit harder) and buffing Plague (who removes Healing, Altruism, and Stealth game play) are not exactly going to fix this game.

    This game has been apart of my life for awhile now, but I am looking at VHS as a straight up evolution. Not that I'm ditching DBD entirely, but they got some core issues they likely will never address that drag the entire game down.

  • HelloYou
    HelloYou Member Posts: 99

    You clearly don't when you say such silly things that brown is enough for competent players. Anyway i'm done with this, and you should sign up with Oracle to take the noob Xeno spot as Nurse since you're godly with her taking on the high players with brown addons lol /s. Peace.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Some brown addons are better than other colors depending on the killer🤔