

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Okay, so... let me get this straight:

    You really deem Myers with NO TR AT ALL on two tiers fair?

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Survivors needs to Bless their Totems in match, Ruin/Undying is activated right at the start.

    NOED has the same conditions, if there's no Dulls remaining it wont activate. Not sure if it'll activate after breaking a Boon in the EGC though, probably not but we'll see.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    The devs are slowly making it easier and easier for good survivors to easily win the 1v1 against any killer, in a 1v4 game where the killer is supposed to be the power role. Two hook games will be the norm at high MMR soon!

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    So, does this remove all traps from the Pigs inventory or does she still have 4?

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    The hatch and key nerfs sound great. I am so glad they changed the achievement. This is my favorite part of the update.

    Deathslinger’s TR nerf sounds like too much considering the other changes he got.

    Everything else looks fine to me.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited September 2021

    So with Vanity mirror he gets wall hacks without the movement speed penalty? That's actually pretty nice. Throw on some dead rabbit or Monitor with it and that can be a really fun build.

  • e_j2007
    e_j2007 Member Posts: 130
    edited September 2021

    lets hope she still has the 4 otherwise this addon will not be very helpful to the pigs slowdown at all later in the game

  • Evelyn208
    Evelyn208 Member Posts: 31

    Can't you nerf keys without the hatch?

    I'm a survivor main and I don't like keys. I use them for rift challenges, that's it. I'll avoid them on the bloodweb and even if I do have to buy them I never equip them without a rift reason for doing so.

    If there are 2 survivors left sometimes it's just "a hatch game". I'm not looking for the hatch to key us both out, but for whichever of us is left after the other dies. This is completely negated.


  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    So far all the changes look great for the most part. But I'm anxiously waiting to see how they're going to touch my baby Trickster with the add ons being revised and possible additional changes that may come.

  • Big changes and most sound great but I'm not fond of the Boon totem.

    Killers are already dealing with how fast gens pop while trying to do their objective, now they also have to bust Boon totems? Meh.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Theres a bug/feature where the hatch has collision when invisible. You can find where it spawns fairly early in the game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Jeez those are really big nerfs to Deathslinger.

    Like, he was already bad on Console but now he's even worse.

  • Kenzie2243
    Kenzie2243 Member Posts: 3

    Still no switch crossprogression, nice. Other than that, this is a pretty good update.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Time to rename Deathslinger to Deadslinger. With these changes he might become the weakest killer in DbD easily since there was just two things going for him and both of them are going to be nerfed.

    Damn, right after I started learning him. I'll stick to Nemesis now, I guess that's what BHVR wanted us to do.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571

    It's much healthier the way Behaviour is changing it imo. I've been in plenty of games where after 1 or 2 survivors die, one of them just starts looking for hatch and hiding instead of doing generators or helping the team (and we would have escaped if they had done otherwise). It also stops people with keys from just ditching the team before the objectives are finished, leaving them down a man.

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423

    Slinger would have been better off with a lullaby instead of the TR changes to be more in line with other ranged killers such as huntress. The delay seems tentatively ok although running erratically was a fair point of being chased by someone with a gun.

    Mind breaker sounds more interesting, now that 5 seconds slowdown does not start until killer is physically visible or heard, might start using this for jumpscares although some killers do this more confidently with their powers.

    Boons seem like they will be a headache and conflict with killer hex builds; I personally use a 4-5 totem setup often with thrill/undying/retribution/haunted grounds. Maybe increasing the totem count would be good?

    Overall pleased to see addon reworks, for better or worse. Many add-ons collect dust, I would love to see more unique uses outside of increasing base powers of killers (like nurses return to original location addon as opposed to basic range/cooldown add-ons).

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    Please tell me there's more add-ons we can see, especially from licensed Killers.

    Or if Nemesis is actually going to get some changes that make him more pleasant to play.

  • Animal_Mother
    Animal_Mother Member Posts: 149

    Really disappointed that Legion wasn’t one of the many killers that received an addon pass or change. His addons weren’t updated when his power was changed so long ago. He has two useless purple addons and is consistently ranked as one of the worst killers. Not to mention that he has several bugs, including the ability to detect survivors while in feral frenzy. Devs hate Legion confirmed.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Amazing, fantastic, incredible. This is better than a homerun, this is a milestone. If you keep this up, expect very good things for this game.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    Will be interesting to use new windows of opportunity with open handed that's gonna be a long range

  • ignaeon
    ignaeon Member Posts: 106

    Deathslinger nerf is overkill. He already had bad gen pressure, and quickshotting was the only fun way around dealing with the warning sound. Now he'll need to flickshot instead. Yet another change that doesn't make killer harder as much as it makes killer bizarre.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    but the current system is what turns games into this dull game of hide and seek when there's two survivors left. 2 solos without a key will generally both stop doing anything and wait for the other to be found and die. 2 survivors in a swf together with a key will creep around the map looking for the hatch - this is especially excruciating on swamp.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Yes, although please keep in mind that there was one change that unfortunately didn't make it into the update in time: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/2517379/#Comment_2517379

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Is the custom music for killers still something you guys are looking at? It seems like we had a couple more, but now you guys don't really full rework killers and it feels like the rest of the cast may mis out on custom music.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    The Shape seriously needs some attention too. His play style is out of date and needs reworked.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Plague Buff : Yeah

    Deathslinger Nerf : Why ? Only needed the TR change, but slowing down his aim and everything is so bad :( Quick shot was actually a skill and now survivors have even more chances and time to avid his chain. I'm not liking those changes.

    Perks : WoO and Any M N are amazing ! Build to Last is worrying me especially with Medkits.

    Hatch : yeah !! but i think it should still spawn if all gens are done and there are multiple survivors. they earned their other way to escape imo.

    Boon totem : we still don't know the effect of the perk so for now i don't know, but i'm not a huge fan of killer having to look for a totem while they are already running low on time ^^

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    so this change has two problems for deathslinger

    1) The increased TR means that deathslinger will not be able to land first hits, so he has land 2 shots every single chase despite having only 1 shot. This goes on a killer that moves extremely, has zero mobility options and has slow reload that is forced with almost non-existed 4vs1.

    2) The second change went from deathslinger aim and survivor movement impacts the reliability of landing a shot to survivor always dodges because they can perfectly react to deathslinger's harpoon shot at a distance. Deathslinger's aiming skill has no impact on being able to land the shot.

    deathslinger might as well be 115% ms now now that he has irregular terror radius to 110% m/s killers and that his ability is nearly irrelevant.