So I know you wont tell us...

But before I panic and just decide to hate boon totems, can we please have an example of what a boon totem does.
Cause a hex totem is POWERFUL and that is the reason they can be cleansed which removes the hex forever. However, we have no idea what a boon totem does and the fact it can be re-applied by just adding it to the same totem again could be crazy if they are even only 1/4th as good as a hex? As you can have 4 of them running at a time and there is almost not point in giving up valuable time as killer to cleanse a totem.
So I don't want to panic and be like ######### BHVR but as right now the only comparison I can make is to a hex, I am a little panicked... Like could you imagine if a killer could just reapply devour or ruin every time a survivor cleansed it?
Pretty sure once the PTB drops we will see people posting the details here on what they do so lets just wait for them.
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You can't have 4 of them all active at once, well yes but actually no, from what i understood, when a boon totem its active, another boon totem can't be active and that boon totem get the benefit of every boon totem. That's what i understood tho
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Whens the PTB? Cause I honestly just don't trust BHVR anymore to not screw this up. The fact they can be re-applied already means they screwed up unless they are just super weak.
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A single survivor can't have multiple active at the same time, but 4 different survivors can have the same boon active 4 times and it stacks.
Each Survivor can only have one Boon Totem active at a time. This Boon Totem will combine the effects of all of their equipped Boon perks.
Which makes me guess that the boon only effects the survivor... but still unsure.
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PTB is tomorrow
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So only gotta wait a day to see how ######### this is? sweet. I can do that
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We'll need to wait for the ptb, plus i would be okay if they become meta, at least i would see different perk being used.
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I don't care what is meta or not. I care about fun. If a boon totem is as strong as something like devour or ruin... Could you imagine playing against a killer who just can bring back devour each time? Or oh guess you cleansed my ruin, whelp its back now...
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It's gonna be strong enough that you have to at least cleanse it otherwise it would be annoying through the whole match. Either way I still can't believe we're at that point where a killer has to look for hex totem jesus christ.
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Yeah, that is what scares me... Strong enough that I should look for it and it can be re-applied even if I do find it.
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Your description perfectly fit with old undying, that's probably just me tho. And honestly it depends on how the killer can interact with the boon totem, can the killer just destroy one totem and don't have to worry about that anymore? Or the survivor can just stack it four times? (which it's impossible in some scenario) we're just speculating on some words at the end of the day, we really need to wait for the ptb to go live.
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A killer can't destroy the totem (which is my problem). They just remove the bless meaning the survivor can just go back to the totem and rebless it.
Yeah and old undying was broken AF and needed to be changed. I hate this just as much as I hated old undying.
Each Survivor can only have one Boon Totem active at a time. This Boon Totem will combine the effects of all of their equipped Boon perks.
Means if a survivor is running 2 boon perks they only need to bless one totem to recieve both perks effects.
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Hex Anti-Ruin: Generators no longer regress
”We hope that killers will enjoy the strategy involved in either searching for a Boon Totem or allowing its passive effect to remain.”
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If two or more are active then gens repair themselves.
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That's true, but we don't know if "cleansing" a boon totem will permanently remove the blessing, and yes old undying was stupid, i agree with that (i don't understand how some people can defend that perk) I'm as concerned as you're, but I'll prefer to wait for the ptb instead of having 600 theories on how they interact will exactly work, but you do you, i just hope they'll be fun to use and not to bad to go against, which from what i saw its your hope too.
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They say it will give a "safe haven". I think it's going to be base kit on survivors and allow them to use dull totems to make healing zones from which they can't be seen from the outside.
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However, unlike a Hex Totem, the Killer can also quickly interact with the created Boon Totem to completely remove the associated blessing, once again turning it into a dull totem, they will also be able to hear the Boon Totem when in its range.
Yes we do... they state the killer can turn a blessed totem into a dull totem... A boon perk needs a dull totem... So a survivor can bless a totem, killer can stomp it out, survivor can re-bless totem.
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Or Hex Blessed Grounds -
Blessing a totem will slow the killer by 5% for 60 seconds.
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Until cleansed.
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I understand that part, but what I'm really thinking about it's: "will the blessing ability be deactivated when that happens?" that's my main concern, like will it be like hex totems (but the totem simply become a dull totem) or something else, that's what I'm actually conceding, but nonetheless this was a little interesting chat, we have different opinion, and we'll see tomorrow, have a good day mate, see you in the fog.
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I would specifically like to avoid speculation. When I asked this I didn't know the PTB was tomorrow. though I'd still like clarification from the devs I can wait until tomorrow to find out. However I really don't need community speculation as I don't want to hate boon perks, I just assumed that the killer would destroy the totem and it would be a risk reward for the survivors in the same way as it is for a killer, but it appears there isn't much of a risk, once they activate they get the benefits until the killers stomps it out and they can just reactivate it on the same totem if they like.
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You two. I'd personally just want the killer to crush the totem, no one gets it. Or if the boons can be re-applied for them to be weak enough to benefit the player but not strong enough that the killer has to activily seek it out like a hex.
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Some devs are really addicted to hexes, indoor maps...which is really...awkward...
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I don't like the whole "They can apply it over a hex totem" part.
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Yeah, I assumed when this was first brought up, that it would be the killer would just crush the totem and be done with it...