The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What are your thoughts on The Cenobite?

Hanselpup Member Posts: 187

What are your thoughts on The Cenobite? 56 votes

He's currently fine the way he is
AdelooNoOneKnowsNovafogdonkeyTricksters_Wifeshinobu149GALAXYBOlGarlicRice 7 votes
He could use some tweaks
VolantConch1719TapeKnotSacrilegeGGMrPenguinRoboMojoDawnMadHippieLuciferr_2ndbm33glitchboixtr4meFobboDhurl421TrickstaaaaaD4M4VR1CKShakeyGamesAurelle 17 votes
He's too strong, and needs a nerf
PandaManHanselpupMPA 3 votes
He's too weak, and needs a buff
GibberishSeiko300kodiakyMat_Sellamusstang62AvilgustenoresaxxnicolaylandromatAwkward_FiendDarkMagikSOMENINJANAMEGannTMAmelioGazgemauchSirGandoLord_MallardThatOneDemoPlayerMouth0fMadnessTr1nity 23 votes
His power needs to be reworked
[Deleted User]RK67Ussu 3 votes
He needs to be overhauled
darkcloudlinkThat_One_FriendPSP 3 votes


  • Duvie
    Duvie Member Posts: 80
    He's too weak, and needs a buff

    I'm not entirely sure I haven't faced him much, just 3 times. 2 of those were Dc's like 2 minutes in and the one where the Cenobite actually decided to stay, he didn't feel very powerful.

    But this is just my opinion on having very little time to go against him, I might be entirely wrong and he might be insane with certain builds and add-ons.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003
    He could use some tweaks

    I was just thinking that some great changes for him would be to either: A. Change the gateway chain to automatically target Survivors when you place the gateway or B. Hide the gateway portal until you send out the chain, plus increase the speed of the chain. I personally favor the latter.

    It's far too easy to dodge his power right now unless he places it up your Survivors' rear ends, so he really needs some help with his power and being able to use it effectively in any other situation than low wall loops. I also think that it should take longer to solve the Lament Configuration so Survivors can't just solve it when Pinhead is in the middle of carrying a Survivor, which is extremely effective and completely defeats his Chain Hunts with no problem.

    Also, chains shouldn't break on contact with Pinhead, nor should they immediately break on contact with terrain or obstacles. They should break after a short delay, kind of like Deathslinger's chain. The chains break far too easily and are ineffective on most jungle/pallet gyms.

  • Hanselpup
    Hanselpup Member Posts: 187
    He's too strong, and needs a nerf

    I believe he might be a bit overpowered with how much his chains slow you down during a chase. If you compared his power to Huntress, you'd see that his "hatchets" are much easier to hit, especially since you can "throw a hatchet" through a wall. The survivor's large decrease in speed is enough to make it possible to reach the other side of a loop before the survivor can break all of their chains and vault away. Huntress can do something similar to this by throwing her hatchet over the pallet/window to hit the survivor directly, but there's one key difference: The Huntress requires direct line of sight to use her power, while the Cenobite doesn't. So essentially, The Cenobite has hatchets that take a moment to register damage. Not only that, but the added complication of the Lament Configuration will DEMAND the attention of at least one survivor who could've been repairing generators. If anyone ignores it, it makes it INCREDIBLY difficult for survivors to perform any action that helps the team in any way by disrupting repairs, stopping heals, and outright denying the ability to cleanse a hex totem. This COMPLETELY STOPS THE GAME FROM PROGRESSING until at least one survivor picks up the Lament Configuration and solves it. This allows The Cenobite to chase at least one person consistently, due to his ability to teleport to anyone attempting to solve it. If nobody solves it, hiding is impossible anyway because the chains that constantly bind you make a lot of noise, and are very easy to spot. If a survivor just holds it without solving it, they become a walking beacon that can barely contribute anything to the team. Once they inevitably go down, the chain hunt begins again and slows all generator progress to a standstill.

    Again, think Huntress, but she isn't slower than most killers, her hatchets are slightly delayed but still deal damage, and she owns a box that can completely stall the game and make it impossible to make any generator progress without allowing her to chase at least one survivor consistently. Overpowered. Nerf please.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    He's currently fine the way he is

    I don't necessarily agree I like that he can do that and the chains don't hinder a survivor too much I main cenobite and sometimes I still end up in a chase and getting looped I just get an extra catch up time. Now if it injured them then I would say he's op. But his strengths are his chains. The box doesnt take much time to open so it doesnt waste much time it helps the team. From the killers perspective I would rather it take longer to solve. I dont think he is OP one bit but I don't tjink he is weak it all depends on who plays him.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    He's too weak, and needs a buff

    High risk/skill for low/easy to counter reward.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    He's currently fine the way he is

    After watching the recent Otz video on how to consistently find his box, I say he's fine the way he is. If you find the box first early in the match (while using LP) then you have a very strong start already.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,552
    He's too weak, and needs a buff

    The Cenobite is the only killer with a ranged ability that has a possibility of doing absolutely nothing. Even Nemesis' ability at least infects the survivor, and that's not even including the pallet breaking.

    Unless the loop is a low wall, odds are the effectiveness of your Summoned Chains are going to be significantly reduced.

  • Hanselpup
    Hanselpup Member Posts: 187
    He's too strong, and needs a nerf

    I must be missing something, because apparently I'm the only one that thinks The Cenobite is too strong

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    He could use some tweaks

    Amazing killer on paper; good chase potential with passive map pressure and even information. I believe he could be a very decent killer with just some small tweaks.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326
    He needs to be overhauled

    I don't like RNG based killers, especially when everything else about the game is RNG based as well. Sometimes the chains on Pinhead do absolutely nothing. Other times, they're so oppressive that you literally can't do anything, and that's really unfun, especially to people who play with a controller. Having unchain and vault mapped to the same button is super super unfair.

  • Ussu
    Ussu Member Posts: 177
    His power needs to be reworked

    The possessed chains are way too hard to aim. I don't even bother with them unless it's a challenge I need