Holy Hell, this Built to Last buff is going to be crazy powerful for gen rushing

Here's what BHVR changed about Built to Last for those that haven't read it yet:
Built to Last
This perk shipped with fairly safe numbers to make sure it couldn’t get out of hand, but that ended up making it a pretty unpopular choice. We’ve reworked it to be far more effective at what it’s meant to do.
Hiding in a locker for 14/13/12 seconds with a depleted item in your hand will cause it to refill 99% of its charges. Each use of Built to Last reduced the number of charges refilled by 33%.
I think they might want to reconsider that just because something's unpopular doesn't mean it's safety isn't necessary. The reason that perk is unpopular isn't because it's not good; it's because there's so many incredibly powerful survivor perks.
I actually run Build to Last and Streetwise with a Commodious Toolbox, Wire Spool, and Scraps when I want to gen rush for adept achievements or generator based challenges. That already powered through a gen crazy fast. And if I'm reading this right, instead of refilling an item 1 time for 50%, you can now refill items 3 times for 99%, 66%, and 33%. I haven't done the math, but I'm estimating that's probly more than 2 gens worth of repairs you can power through. Hell, with that amount of refills, you could probly even use an Engineer's Toolbox instead and go crazy.
I think it'll be fine.
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For solos it's not much to worry about. Swf are gonna make it a nightmare.
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SWF is the reason we can't have nice things, or a balanced game. When we are allowed to have nice things SWF usually breaks it.
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Commodious with scraps and spool is 52 charges
With streetwise it means 52/0.75 is about 69 (nice) effective charges
At 50% increased repair speed you save about 34,5 seconds
Build to last first refill saves you 22,5 seconds 34'5 seconds minus the 12 spend in a locker
Second refill is about 46 effective charges so 23 minus the 12 seconds in a locker is 11 seconds
Third refill is 22 effective charges so 11 seconda minus the 12 in a locker you actually lose a second
So Build to last if you only recharge 2 times bassically doubles the time you save with a this superdecked toolbox.
It is worth nothing that anything less then fully decked commodious with streetwise is not nearly going to be this effective.
But assuming my math isn't straight up wrong this is how it would be i think
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Thanks for doing the math, but I think you're underestimating how often it's actually beneficial to be in a locker. Not all of those seconds are going to be "wasted". Also, a green item, yellow addon, and brown addon really doesn't make for a hard to stockpile setup.
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It is not SWF so much as their unwillingness to add voice chat and buff killers to compensate.
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Chilling in a locker for almost half a generator is not going to help gen rushing
Even with the best toolbox setup you waste so much time repairing your toolbox instead of repairing the generator, you might as well just be repairing the generator
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12sec isnt pure 12sec, it may add at least 5sec to travel to locker, slow in, slow out, and thats if locker is nearby Gen.
Even if you get into locker near a 0% Gen. Those 15-17sec waste can only bring back benefit if its Commodius toolbox with charge addons.
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Someone please test the following on the PTB:
Can this work for items you picked up, because if yes, then, yeah, it will be a pain, especially in swfs on coms
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Just did the math. Not trying to say anything here. This is just raw how much time you would save vs doing it normally
If you can make spending time in a locker usefull (inner strength) then even better
Also iirc streetwise stacks so that's also something scary to think about
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I don't think it will be as good as it sounds. It is a lot of time-wasting and item depleting to get used, plus if people are allocating 50-100% of their perks to this, that is good, so they aren't running meta. Also, people forget Iron Maiden.
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There's also the amount of time you spend going to the actual locker and going in and out of it,which means that it's not gonna be efficient to use this strategy as long as the gen isn't right next to a locker.
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Well if you're running this and Streetwise, then that's 2 less perk slots for DS, BT, Unbreakable, etc. You give up safety for gen speed. If the Killer catches you first and camps/tunnels you, that toolbox doesn't do anything.
I suppose if you stack it in a 4-man SWF it could be strong.
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Imagine using a Gen-Rushing build with the new "Built to Last" lmao
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Going to give iron maiden a good work out.
But combine btl with head on going to get both nerfed.
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The arguments people put forth as to why it's NOT strong are so bad it's like you're just trying to make excuses for it being broken.
No, it probably won't be great value to use up your toolbox, leave the gen for a locker, come back with your toolbox and repeat.
However, when the killer comes to check the gen you can use a locker to hide and as a bonus get your whole toolbox back. If you're running Inner Strength you can also restore your toolbox while you heal.
And gen progress isn't always about exactly how much time the toolbox saves. More importantly there's situations like 3 gens where it's crucial to get a lot of progress in a short burst, where suddenly having a whole extra commodious toolbox is a major advantage, especially if more than one person does it.
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"but I think you're underestimating how often it's actually beneficial to be in a locker."
You are one of my Solo Queue-Teammates, eh?
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It sounds like they balance game around 1v1 mode. So any survivor could pull entire game by his own.
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Survivors won't take 14 seconds to cleanse a totem beause it "takes too long" but they'll hide in a locker for 12-14 seconds to refill a toolkit? I don't see many willing to use a perk slot for this.
I also love that everyone is focusing on toolkits but not keys with killer aura reading add-on. I'd think having survivors be able to see killer through out match would be more of a concern since OoO was such a hot topic before it was changed.
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Because u don't be to see killer aura when every second lobby is swf. But yeah, it broken too.
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Biggest OoO complaint before they changed it was how powerful it was in swf not solo. 😂
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For the most part nobody wants it though.
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Swf used it in different way. Imagine now they come with 4 aura reading keys and play hide and seek.
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Overwhelming Presence go brrrrrr...
But yeah, I find this perk buff rather concerning.
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I can see med kits being used more with built to last. Imagine a purple med kit with add-ons and built to last
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How exactly will swf turn this into a nightmare and break the game?
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Well- getting in a locker while injured its a death sentence, hell it's stupid even when you're not injured.
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I mean, that amount of heal its pretty damn useless since you'll heal like 2-3 times a match, so you don't need built to last the only exception it's legion... And healing against legion its the biggest waste of time you could do in the entire game.
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Iron Maiden and Franklins will make lots of survivors mad.
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I am truly thankful for the key and hatch change. Imagine if they were NOT changing those and still had this change for Built To Last. It would be so much harder to get rid of the key threat with Franklin's. Get the key hit out of your hand and it lost its charges? Leave it there and go back for it when hatch spawns. Hop in a locker, key is usable again.
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“The meta is so boring why don’t people run other perks”
”This change to a perk will make it op and change the meta, don’t change it”
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No no no, the time spent in the locker offsets the advantage. 🙄
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This your first time here?
I got some things to finish up around the house, when I'm done....we'll have a long conversation about SWF.
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Toolbox's lose charges at the same rate as it's repair speed so commodius losed 1.5 charges a second which changes the math
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Aah i did not know this.
Thanks for letting me know.
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The section "Toolbox repair speed" has a graph which demonstrates this
It makes the math around toolboxes more compicated than it need to be😅
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Yeah agree
"Yo, who's flashlights batteries are running low"?