The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Do you agree about the difficulties of the killers in the game?

Sleem Member Posts: 182

What do you all think? I'd love to get your opinions on it.

Easy Killers - Trapper, Hillbilly, Leatherface, Trickster

Intermediate Killers - Wraith, Huntress, Hag, Pig, Clown, Legion, Plague, Demogorgon, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Nemesis

Hard Killers - Nurse, Myers, Doctor, Freddy, Spirit, Ghostface, Oni, Blight, Twins, Pinhead

Do you agree about the difficulties of the killers in the game? 48 votes

Yes - They accurately describe how easy or difficult the killer is with their 3 perks.
DarthRevan21tnr6954Ussu 3 votes
No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.
GibberishBlueberryMat_SellaTapeKnotSacrilegeGGSkeletalEliteDelsKibaraFreddy96MrPenguinUistreelRoboMojoGlamourousLeviathantenoresaxRobotfangirl67DawnMadbjorksnasWarcrafter4Awkward_FiendMadLordJackLuciferr_2nd 45 votes


  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    Easy - Wraith, Leatherface, Trickster, Michael, Freddy, Legion, Clown

    Intermediate - Hillbilly, Huntress, Hag, Spirit, Demogorgon, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Ghostface, Doctor, Pig

    Hard - Nurse, Oni, Blight, Twins, Pinhead

    I would rather they describe killers with a brief description of how the power works. Mobile / Stationary power usage (Blight / Nemesis, for example) as well as Semi-Chaser / Chaser / Stealth / Trap set / Unique killers (Doctor / Oni / Michael / Hag / Twins). This could give players a greater idea of how their power will function prior to playing them.

    For example. Blight = Mobile Chaser || Doctor = Stationary Semi-Chaser || Wraith = Mobile Stealth || Freddy = Mobile Trap set || Pinhead = Stationary Unique

  • Sleem
    Sleem Member Posts: 182
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    I agree. Even leaving basic tips on how to use the killer's power is good as well.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    The only killer I can truly vouch for is Trickster. While his kit is technically "easy" he's a lot harder to perform well at than it leads on.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    Freddy is Hard? Billy is Easy?

    Yeah, right. The Spammy McSpamPort is harder than a killer who's played so little people have been begging the Devs to buff him just so they can see him again.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    I think the difficulties are maybe describing how hard it is to understand the principle of how the killer's power works, and not how hard they are to play once you understand. So, Trapper puts down traps -- easy. Pig also has traps, but there are more complicated rules about how you use them and also she has a stealth power and a dash -- intermediate. The Twins have to switch back and forth between two different characters with different abilities -- hard.

    So, from the POV of letting new players know how easy it's going to be to just pick up the killer and intuit what they do, the easy/intermediate/hard thing seems fair. But it's also kind of misleading.

  • No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    Remember console players are more than PC players

    And trickster is the hardest killer on console

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    I dont know why they thought Myers was hard

  • GGSlushy
    GGSlushy Member Posts: 61
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    "Easy killers - Trapper"

    HMMMM, i dont think the worst killer in the game is easy to play...

    GALAXYBOl Member Posts: 8
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    Easy: Bubba, Trickster, Clown, Wraith, Legion

    Intermediate: Huntress, Hag, Pig, Plague, Demogorgon, Deathslinger, Nemesis, Doctor, Hillbilly, Trapper

    Hard: Nurse, Myers, Freddy, Spirit, Ghostface, Oni, Blight, Twins, Pinhead, Pyramid Head

    For the most part its good, some killers are harder or easier than it says tho. I still don't understand why Pyramid Head is intermediate. For me, he was super hard to learn and handle

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    No - Killer difficulty can't be described as simply as it is in the game.

    Honestly a Hard-Easy scale would never work because playing killer has multiple levels to it.

    For example playing Blight requires a lot more practice with his power than playing Pig, but you need to have a better game sense to play Pig well from using her traps to using her stealth effectively. Blight doesn't need as much game sense because you have the ability to gain information and end chases quickly with good use of his power. So I wouldn't be able to compare their difficulties since they are difficult in very different ways.