Anyone else having a really fun time with Nemesis?

AGM Member Posts: 810

I love how his tentacle can hit over or through many loops, and I love his ability to "drag" the hitbox of his tentacle when he attacks with it. Off the top of my head this is the only killer who has this mechanic and I really enjoy the depth and skill that this brings to chases.

I just wish the zombies didn't get stuck as much, but the killer himself is really fun!

Who else is having a great time with this killer?


  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I love playing with him. The ranged attack is a nice feature, and even needing to use it 3 times (unless you get some Zombie assistance along the way) to get someone down with it has turned out to be less of a hindrance than I would have thought originally. The attack is nice to eat through pallets, those unexpected moments when a Zombie actually downs someone are pure gold, and I love yelling "Punch to the Head!" every time I whack someone with his basic attack, particularly fun with STBFL on him.

    Overall, while he might not be S-tier, he's fun to play, and the X-factor of the Zombies give him a unique part of his kit that no other killer has. I've definitely enjoyed using him.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    He's a good killer. He gets hate cuz folks don't play him properly.

  • KillerMain4Ever
    KillerMain4Ever Member Posts: 147

    I punch 👊

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    I loved nemesis but i stop playing him because of the hold w survivor i could not do much exept farming the zombie

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    He is probably in my top 3 favorite killers. I love how he is more or less a ranged killer with the standard movement speed and the zombies add some personality to playing him. He has some 4v1 potential with the slowdown and vision which is a nice niche as most killers have garbage 4v1 besides the highly mobile or trash like Pig.

    One of my favorite builds on m1 killers is enduring, fire up, and brutal strength. But Nemesis doesn't even need that build to Wreck It Ralph pallets. Plus the chase music is fire.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    not really tbh. like pinhead he has some built in 1v4 but zombies are just to much rng based. hes good at shredding through palltes though which feels kinda good. there are more fun killers for me though....

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    I rarely play him. Nemesis wastes too much time for the lack of lethality he has. I don't feel like giving each survivor extra sprint bursts in a meta where two generators are often done as the first hook happens.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886
    edited September 2021

    I quite enjoy him, as he's one of the few 115% Killers that have the tools to dictate the pace of a chase, especially around shorter loops. For some reason I've been finding it quite annoying lately to chase a Survivor around a very safe loop, both of us knowing they can do this two more times before they have to make a 50/50, while the rest gets to sit on gens.

    Not having to respect pallets is also a huge plus.

  • pithsts
    pithsts Applicant Posts: 31

    i dont have him sadly but he seems like so much fun

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Boring to play if survivors know how to run.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    He definitely is one of the most fun killers to play for me because:

    - getting tentacle hits is easy and consistent because there's not much of a preparation time and the tentacle speed is nearly unreactable.

    It makes me feel like I can catch anyone despite the need of 3 hits. That's honestly a good feeling and reduces stress before a match even starts.

    - the Zombies while stuck frequently can come in clutch and block a survivor's way or defend a gen while you're in a chase. That too reduces stress.

    - Zombies have regularly shown me where survivors are (including some that were camping hatch which I hadn't found).

    He is such a relaxing and fun killer to play. Not the strongest killer but definitely better than some people seem to think.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I had a great time with Nemesis. I put 2 addons on zombies to make them faster and with bigger effective range, so they rarely stuck. They actually were useful.

    And I only used tentacle strike. That was really fun games.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    He's in my top 5. Him and Pinhead were very well done.

  • I like him because he actually feels unstoppable sometimes but the thing i don't like about him is that the best way to play him is to constantly slap survivors with your tentacle. That's not so brutal for the nemesis. But oh well.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Not really sure why but I tend to have some of the most fun with him. One of my favorite killers. Didn’t like him at first though.

  • demoo
    demoo Member Posts: 2

    when playing him he's pretty enjoyable

    because he has everything a killer dreams of, map pressure (if zombies are working well) , pretty good anti loop

    as a survivor i hate him because it's pretty much another freddy but more obnoxious. freddy was not op but he was super annoying and pretty oppressive in solo q for what his kit provided with how easy he is to play.

    nemesis falls for the same thing, you don't feel skillfully outplayed in his chases he just denies most of what you can do with pretty low effort and gets map pressure by an ai with low input from him yet he can still lose if he takes too long to tier up (with no addons) and cuz his zombies are a bit inconsistent.