Original Chapter Concept: Lost At Sea
KILLER: The Captain
On the high seas, the most dangerous threat isn't rough seas, tropical storms or even sea monsters- all sailors fear pirates. None more so than Captain Edward Bonnett, the Kraken of Ireland. Rumors and stories were whispered in hushed tones and at the bottom of pints about what the man had done- from wiping out an entire armada of England's finest ships in a single night, the mass murder of all other pirates he came across to make a throne of their skulls, even so far as capturing a group of mermaids for the entertainment of him and his crew. Wherever the red skull and black sky sailed, death and ruin followed in its midst. At the peak of his terror, a Navy admiral by the name of Christopher Lock came to an agreement with another infamous pirate- Captain Johann LaCronn, in an attempt to rid the Atlantic of Bonnett once and for all.
They had managed to get into contact with the first mate of Bonnett's chip, the Black Nyx, and bribed him to stage a mutiny. With attacks from all sides incoming, not even the legendary Kraken could survive. When the night had come, LaCronn and Lock sailed to the location of the Nyx to find it quiet and alone. They boarded with a dozen troops each to find it deserted, save for one solitary package hanging from the bow- the first mate hung, drawn and quartered. Cannon fired erupted from both of their ships and they turned to see chaos unfold- Bonnett and his crew had been underwater and climbed aboard their ships while they had gotten on the Nyx.
It was a bloodbath with pirates and seamen battling each other- no one could trust anyone, and brother killed brother while father killed son. As the fighting died down and the three ships burned in the water, Bonnett staggered over to the broken bodies of the two men and took a trophy from each- the medals of honor bestowed upon Lock and the treacherous tongue of LaCronn. The Nyx began to sink in the deep waters, but Bonnett knew the end was near. Shot, stabbed and otherwise blown to a pulp he stumbled into his quarters and, pulling a knife from his thigh, stabbed the chest in the center of his room, vowing vengeance and violence on all who dared challenged and defy his might again. The vessel sunk into the waves and Bonnett was never heard from again, yet sailors avoided the waters were it stood, claiming dark spirits and evil creatures haunted its waters.
STATS: Tall, 32m TR, 4.6m/s;115%
WEAPON: Cursed Cutlass (A ghostly sword with a razor sharp edge that shears through flesh, bone and soul alike.)
MORI: The Captain waits for the Survivor to get up and turn around before stabbing them through the chest and lifting them up, then puts his Blunderbuss in their mouth and pulls the trigger before shoving them off his sword.
KILLER OVERVIEW: The Captain is a savage Killer able to remove Survivor Objectives with his power Buried Treasure as well as mutilating Survivors with his Blunderbuss. His personal perks Dead Man's Chest, Dead Men Tell No Tales and Hex: No Quarter allow him to protect his treasures, sabotage Aura reading and locate Survivors who attempt to make progress.
POWER: The Blunderbuss
- Using the Secondary Attack Button , The Captain can pull out his Blunderbuss and shoot a large spray of shrapnel, injuring any Survivors within a 8m range and 30 degree arc. Has 4 Shells that can be used before reloading. Shells can be reloaded at a nearby Locker. Does not go through collision.
- Hold the Secondary Attack Button to ready the Blunderbuss for 2s., then press the Primary Attack to fire. Release Secondary Attack Button to cancel.
+Special Ability: Buried Treasure
- The Captain can bury Items and Objectives in the Environment, preventing Survivors from interacting with them or picking up Items.
- Use the Active Ability Button while at an Objective to Bury it. The amount of time they stay buried depends on the Item/Objective submerged. Has three charges with each charge regenerating over 60s.
- Items- Permanent.
- Pallets- 60s.
- Hex Totems- 45s.
- Generators- 30s.
- Wooden Bat- The Blunderbuss can no longer down Survivors. Gain double Bloodpoints for scoring any hits with the Blunderbuss. (A wooden bat for enforcing the rules with sour crewmates. A little discipline never hurt you after all.)
- Parrot Skull- Slightly increases the recovery rate of Buried Treasure. (A skull from a parrot that one of the crew had, but there's no room for a pet in a thieves life.)
- Clearing Rod- Slightly increase the recovery rate of the Blunderbuss. (A metal rod for clearing the barrel of the Blunderbuss in the heat of battle.)
- Repair Instructions- Show the target area of the Blunderbuss. (Detailed schematics on how to maintain the Blunderbuss, though only the bare minimum is needed to keep it clean and operational.)
- Monkey's Paw- Moderately increase the recovery rate of Buried Treasure. (A clenched monkey's fist, a talisman of black magicks.)
- Black Powder- Moderately increase the recovery rate of the Blunderbuss. (Gunpowder to fuel and deliver a quick end to those on the wrong end of the barrel.)
- Treasure Map- Slightly increase the duration of Items and Objectives that are Submerged in the Environment. (An old map leading to a successful plunder. A real pirate hides their stash more cleverly.)
- Fletched Ammunition- Slightly increase the range of the Blunderbuss. (Sharp edges help the rounds go through obstacles and multiple targets with ease.)
- Tripwires- See the Aura of Objectives that have resurfaced for 6s. (Tripwires to set a tricky trap for anyone who tries to steal your hard earned loot.)
- Mermaid's Scale- Considerably increases the recovery rate of Buried Treasure. (A rainbow scale cut from the skin of a mermaid that tried drowning you. No longer will she lead lustful sailors to their deaths.)
- Tattered Eyepatch- When the Blunderbuss is held and charged, reveal Survivor's locations with Killer Instinct when within range. (An old tattered eyepatch from a first mate who lost an eye to you in a hilarious bet once.)
- Polished Peg Leg- Slightly decrease the time it takes to Bury an Item or Objective. (A gold-inlayed peg leg take from a Navy admiral who thought he could ambush you- idiot.)
- Shredded Flag- Increase the maximum amount of Shells by 1. Does not stack. (An enemy flag taken as a trophy, clearly marking you the more bloodthirsty and vicious pirate.)
- Shrunken Head- The Blunderbuss can now destroy Pallets or Breakable Walls at the expense of 1 Shell. (A shrunken head from a voodoo priestess. Promises malice on whoever's name is written and put under its tongue.)
+Purple/Very Rare:
- Glass Eye- When the Blunderbuss is held and charged, see the Auras of Survivors within range. (A glass eye that came from your first mate, taken after he tried to stage a mutinous takeover.)
- Golden Medals- Moderately decrease the time it takes to Bury an Item or Objective. (Medals awarded to Admiral Lock for bravery and honor, though he showed none when you eviscerated him.)
- Pirate's Tongue- Increase the maximum number of Shells by 2. Does not stack. (The tongue of Captain LaCronn who dared to usurp and sabotage your authority.)
- Grapeshot- Moderately increase the range of the Blunderbuss. (Modified shells now break apart upon impact and shatter bones with several pellets.)
+Red/Ultra Rare:
- The Dragon- The Blunderbuss now shoots one projectile in a straight line that instantly downs any Survivor it hits. (A modification to the Blunderbuss that made it much smaller yet more powerful, sacrificing a spray of shots for one powerful blast.)
- Iridescent Map- Considerably increase the amount of time Objectives stay Submerged in the Environment. Moderately decrease the time needed to Bury Items and Objectives in the Environment. Moderately increase the recovery rate of Buried Treasure. (A shimmering treasure map that is near impossible to decipher. The blood-red text floats across the images and symbols.)
Taking treasures rightfully stolen always ends in death for all but the few lucky thieves.
"There are only two kinds of pirates in this world- a cutthroat one, or a dead one. You're speaking to the former, but not for long." -Captain Bonnett
- Any Survivor that interacts with a Chest will suffer from the Exposed status effect while opening or rummaging the Chest and for 20/25/30s after leaving the Chest.
It is easiest to cloud the truth of things with a pile of bodies left in your wake.
"There's only one way you're getting out of this- if God himself comes down to save you, and I don't believe in gods." -The Captain
- Gain a Token for each dead or Sacrificed Survivor.
- For each Token on this perk, Survivors will not see Auras while within 20/24/28m of what the Auras are showing.
As in your previous life, your enemies will receive no mercy in your relentless violence.
"Parley? Forgive me, did you think I was a reasonable and calm fellow? Allow me to show you what my kind of parley is." -The Captain
- While this Hex is standing, Survivors who spend 20/15/10s working on a Generator have the Generator's Aura shown in yellow to the Killer. The Aura fades after the Survivors stop working on the Generator for 20/16/12s.
SURVIVOR: Samuel Agosti
Samuel Agosti always thought of himself in two distinct ways- free spirit at best, spitfire at worst. More than anything though, he dreamed of the sky. Jets screaming across the open blue, diesel fuel burning in his nose and HALO scenarios where life and death is decided as split-second choices- it sent his heart racing. He enlisted in his college's ROTC program and soon joined the Navy from a young age, surprising everyone with how he balanced his cockiness and bravado with discipline and intelligence. At 28 he became the youngest lieutenant colonel the Navy had ever seen, and soon after got his wings. On his 29th birthday he got into the cockpit of an F-15 and flew across the Pacific.
Being in the sky was better than he could have ever imagined, flying higher and going faster than any other pilot dared to go. He quickly became one of one of the best pilots in the US armed forces, joining the Top Gun program and earning the call sign Demon from his squadron for his aggressive and bold movements. Only a few years after his first flight he and a few others were on a regular set of flight drills when alarms started screaming in his ears. He tried to regain control of the craft but they were spiraling out of control and going down near the Philippines- there was no other choice. He and his navigator pulled the cord and ejected out of the plane, letting it crash into the ocean. He drifted into a cloud which blinded his vision and disoriented him, quickly making everything go black.
When he came to later, he found himself washed up on a beach of a tropical island. Night had come and shined off of the black sand. A nearby sea cave roared from the waves as he got unbuckled out of his seat. While he began planning a means of rescue or letting others know where he was, cannons blasted out from all directions, kicking his instincts into overdrive to start running.
Samuel Agosti is a cocky Survivor whose reckless behavior covers up the fact that he is prepared for any situation. His personal perks Bugout, Alpha Mike Foxtrot and Boon Totem: Head On A Swivel help him escape from close calls and take risks for high rewards.
+Lvl 30: BUGOUT
Sometimes a quick tactical retreat is needed to escape from a potential threat.
"See ya around, flyboy." -Samuel Agosti
- When you are the Obsession, Bugout activates.
- When you get into a chase while Bugout is active, lose your Scratch Marks and Blood Trail for 3/4/5s. During this time, you make no noise for rushed interactions. (EX: Fast vaulting, getting into a locker, etc.)
There's nothing wrong with a little showing off after pulling off a tricky maneuver.
"Ha ha, did you ######### see that? Step up to me and get shot down!" -Lt. Col. Agosti
- Increase the Efficiency of using Flashlights by 10/15/20%
- After successfully blinding the Killer, gain a 150% Haste status effect for 3s. Receive the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40s.
Knowing everything that's going on can be the difference between life and death in warfare, be it aerial, naval or urban.
"You're my eyes in the sky, don't let me down boss." -Samuel Agosti
A Boon that reveals the truth.
Press and hold the Active ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.
- Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 28 metres.
- Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:
- Scratch Marks are suppressed.
- Auras are hidden from The Killer.
- Both effects linger for 2/3/4 seconds after leaving the Boon Totem's range.
- You can only bless one Totem at a time. All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.
REALM: Misty Cove
+Map: The Black Nyx (The ship that Bonnett sailed and terrorized all of Europe with, after its destruction is washed ashore to the Entity's Realm where it crashed onto a black sand beach and a dark infested jungle.)
+Map Offering: Dented Dubloon (A dinged and dented gold coin with an English king's likeness.)
- Default
- Samuel- Up in the air there's barely any oxygen, so a proper helmet hooked up to an oxygen supply is needed.
- Pilot's Outfit- Dark green jumpsuit with only a patch to identify you and your unit, the bare minimum.
- Professional Pants- Not much to say, its part of the jumpsuit and drab to look at.
- Prestige
- Samuel- Flecks of blood in your visor are annoying, lets get this ######### over with.
- Bloody Pilot's Outfit- If your drill sergeant saw you like this he'd PT your ass to dust.
- Bloody Professional Pants- With the blood it almost looks purple- definitely not your color.
- High Flier
- Call Sign: Demon- Ruffled blond hair and aviators give you both a professional yet laidback look.
- Leather Jacket- Wool fluffy interior can keep anyone warm from shearing winds, even here in this hellhole.
- Denim Jeans and Combat Boots- Real Top Gun stuff, welcome to the big leagues kid.
- Default
- Captain Bonnett- A wild look in your eyes, unkempt beard on your face and slightly burnt hat gives you the air of a respected madman, just what you're going for.
- Swashbuckler's Set- A captain who leads his troops into battle shows he has nothing to fear, so you must be prepared for battle at any moment.
- Cursed Cutlass- Even sharper after death, it's best suited for hacking off limbs and heads as opposed to trading blows with some fool.
- Prestige
- Captain Bonnett- You're no stranger to being covered in another's blood. In fact, according to the spineless its how you keep your good looks.
- Bloody Swashbuckler- Nothing makes your day like standing ankle deep in the blood of your enemies.
- Bloody Cutlass- At this point one could mistake the sword for being dyed red- not a bad idea if it makes you more intimidating.
- The Kraken
- Squid Helm- The Kraken is the beast of Davy Jones himself, pulling sailors to a watery grave in one fell swoop. The perfect design for a headpiece.
- Waterlogged Armor- Damascus steel pounded into metal greaves makes you look like a proper soldier who can tank any hit.
- Jagged Scrap Metal- Almost threw this away, but the rust and sharp edges make it ideal for shearing through flesh and carving through bones.
- Ship In A Bottle (Both)- A reminder of how good life on the high seas can be, or how dangerous.
- Golden Skull (Killer)- A gilded and bejeweled skull from an enemy made into a paperweight.
- Flight Pin (Survivor)- Every pilot gets their wings someday, but to be free in the sky is an impossible dream now.
- Boon Totem Animation: Similar to a Hex Totem, except the flames burn blue instead of orange/red.
- Idle Animation: The Captain chuckles as he looks back and forth surveying the area, knees bent ready to rush forward or take a blow.
- Walking/Running Animation: The Captain rushes forward with his cutlass behind him, one hand on his Blunderbuss ready at any time.
- Basic Attack Animation: The Captain lashes forward with his Cutlass to gash anything in front of him.
- Basic Successful Attack Cooldown Animation: The Captain laughs and wipes off the excess blood between his left arm sleeve and chest.
- Dismantle Boon Totem Animation: A Killer performs a few Basic Attack animations. The first three are met with a blue shield around the Totem, with the four breaking the Totem with blue sparks and clattering bones.
- Bury Animation: The Captain stabs the Item/Objective from the top with his Cutlass and watches it sink into the ground with a ghostly green glow.
- Resurface Animation: The Objective slowly comes back up from a pool of ghostly green water where it was sunk.
- Buried Alive Animation: If a Locker is Buried when a Survivor is within it, they will experience ghostly wails while underground.
- Blunderbuss Fire Animation: A loud blast echoes throughout the Trial and several black shots fly forward, striking all objects and Survivors within range.
- The Dragon Fire Animation: A large silver cannon ball is fired from the Blunderbuss going in a straight line before plummeting near the end of its range. Disappears if it hits a Survivor or object.
- Blunderbuss Cancel Animation: The Blunderbuss is put back across the Captain's back and he retrieves his Cutlass.
- Blunderbuss Charging Animation: The Captain sheathes his Cutlass and holds his Blunderbuss with two hands aiming the gun in front of him.
- The following interactions are the standard for the Captain as for other Killers (Tall)
- Breaking Generator Animation
- Pick Up Animation
- Hooking Animation
- Generator Grab Animation
- Opening the Exit Gate Animation
- Checking Lockers Animation
- Window Grab Animation
- Interacting With Glyph Animation
- Basic Attack Missed Cooldown Animation
- Locker Grab Animation
- Vaulting Animation
- Pallet Breaking Animation
- Breakable Wall Breaking Animation
- Stun Animation
- Sanctified- 500 BP- Awarded for creating a Boon Totem. (Objective)
- Dismantled- 1000 BP- Awarded for destroying a Boon Totem. (Gatekeeper)
- Buried- 300 BP- Awarded for Burying an Item or Objective. (Deviousness)
- Buried Alive- 500 BP- Awarded for Burying a Survivor in a Locker. (Deviousness)
- Blasted!- 250 BP- Awarded each time a Survivor is hit by the Blunderbuss. (Brutality)
- Sunk- 300 BP (600 BP for The Dragon)- Awarded for downing a Survivor with the Blunderbuss. (Brutality)
This theme from POC heavily gives me haunted/evil pirate vibes, so it should give an idea/theme for what being chased by the Captain would be like:
Second original concept done! This one is special to me as it was one of the first Killer concepts I ever made- you can see the original thread/post here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/215888/pirate-killer-concept#latest Honestly of all the horror tropes still out there that aren't some form of monster, a pirate is one of the last ones DBD needs. As always, let me know what you all think down below!
I cannot believe I'm the only one in these comments. Ambition and effort is rare in this forum. Practically every detail has been weighed for balance and polished nicely.
I've wanted a pirate killer for a long time, and this mirrors my thoughts on what it should be very well.
The burying objectives power is unique and can help with slowdown, and The Captain's perks can be devastating when paired with already-existing perks; such as Dead Men Tell No Tales with Hex: Plaything.
Overall, phenomenal concept chapter. The only thing that would make it better is if the map was -solely- The Nyx, out at sea, along the crashing waves, maybe with a storm overhead for dramatic effect.
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Thanks! It means a lot to know that even one person likes my concept :D
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Im just speechless this is amazing very detailed.
All the great possibilities of perks im just thinking dead mans chest with hoarder twin perk would be just gross.
Or maybe No quarter gear head just know when someone is always on a gen
Im getting ahead of myself but keep up the fantastic work
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EDIT: Updated Killer power to make Blunderbuss main power w/Buried Treasure as a secondary, made minor edits to Hex: No Quarter and Bugout, updated Boon: Head On A Swivel to be inline with 5.3.0 PTB Boon mechanics.