Hellraiser main

douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

Is anyone else a Hellraiser main or aiming to be. I love him and his ability. The only issue I have is teleport time to the lament configuration, needs to be a touch faster. I am also questioning about maybe his possessed chain causing deep wound base kit.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I don’t own him but he looks very fun with a high skill ceiling

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I’m definitely considering maining him after learning how to consistently find his box.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,424

    It should be instant with chains blocking nearby pallets and windows.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    I've been maining him since release although I don't get much playtime on the regular I've been building up his perk list. Finally got Hoarder to show up after what must be level 70-75 so I'm excited to try that build-out.

    I have found that the possessed chain could use some kind of buff. They break too easy for how long it takes you to open the gateway, land the chain and get moving again. There needs to be something extra they do base kit to even that out a bit.

  • Spy
    Spy Member Posts: 37

    I wouldn't consider myself a PinHead main, but i do play him alot. Right now your best bet to play him is with either running double lament configuration solving time addons, or using the iridescent lament configuration and the torture pillar. Those combinations just assure you get chain hunt to activate, which is his best tool in game.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I am very fond of Pinhead. The puzzle box added an interesting element to gameplay, much like Nemesis' zombies.

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I can certainly consider myself a Pinhead main. Now, of course, I always main the new Killers for a short period of time out of excitement to learn them and gain their teachables, but this was a NEW LEVEL of maining for Nemesis and now Pinhead.

    And this says a lot about how fun/unique they are because I have been a devout Pyramid Head main since HIS release.