Totem mechanic and perks rework (Long Discussion)

With the addition of Boon totems we saw that this game does NOT want to reach a balanced state as it will ALWAYS favor survivors even when the great majority of the killer playerbase suffers and frustrate themselves on a daily basis.
But i didnt lost all hope just yet, and because of that, here are the suggestions to balance totems and their perks overall: (All changes mentioned are based on the latest version of the game, the PTB)
First of all, we should make totems become a secondary objetive in order to make them actually slow down the gen rush, for that to happen, these are the changes:
- There will be 12 totems (instead of 5) around the map and Hex spawns should have a minimum distance betweeen themselves at the beginning of the game.
- Cleasing and applying boons interaction should have a 50% time increase.
- Cleasing should reward 50% less per totem.
With these i believe each survivor will have to cleanse 3 totems on average, which would try to reduce gen speed and also force survivors to run other perks in order to make that job easier if they don't wanna face the consequences.
As there are too many totems, we can't give them too many bloodpoints or it would just become an easy grind every match, and because there are many of them, it would also imply that its easier to find and see them around the map.
Boons can basically work almost as they do right now, but survivors will have to decide if they wanna cleanse or not, because from now on, Hex applications would be prioritized over boons if they happen to land on the same totem.
- Boon perks can be applied over a Hexes (which would remove the Hex on that totem, but wouldnt break them).
- Boons can also be applied on Dull totems.
- If a Hex was going to be applied during the match and it randomly targeted a Boon totem instead of Dull ones, the Boon would be removed and the Hex would take its place.
- Hexes and Boons can never be applied to cleansed totems.
All this information is relevant for Hex perks getting reworked in the process...
So we finally reached the rework part of this post and without further ado, these are the changes:
- Blood Favour: No changes.
- Crowd Control: No changes.
- Devour Hope: No changes.
- Haunted Ground: Instead of 2 totems, this perks would spawn 4 (using a Boon over it wouldnt activate the effects, only if Cleansed) and on top of the 60 seconds of Exposed, would also remove any Boon effect that was active on the map. (Boons would become Dull totems and would have to be "booned" again)
- Huntress Lullaby: No changes.
- NOED: This is the real reason why survivors would have to waste time cleasing... Once this perks gets active, all the Dull and Boon totems instantly becomes Hexes tied to NOED and for it to get deactivated, all of these would have to be cleansed, or "Booned" again.
- Plaything: The effect could be reapplied on the same survivor, if his totem was cleansed or "Booned".
- Retribution: No changes.
- Ruin: No changes.
- Third Seal: On top of Blindness, this perk would literally "Seal" the affected survivors perks, making them unusable until the Hex gets removed. (If boons were already active on totems, this wouldn't cancel them, but would make survivors unable to set new Boons until the Seal was removed)
- TOTH: Totem interactions are slowed by 1/2/3% for each totem on the map, up to 12/24/36% slower.
- Undying: Now this perk would have tokens and whenever a Hex that was not the Undying one gets removed, it would be transferred to a new totem (Boon or Dull), up to 1/2/3 times. Any tokens from other Hexes would be kept in the process.
Thats it, leave your opnions down below and thanks for reading!
Nothing at all? Lol...
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Because I assume people thought it was bait, I know I thought you were trolling
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Why tho? The title is not a bait, neither the post itself
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Cleanse 12 totems to prevent a perk which might not even be in the game (Noed) and each totem takes 21 seconds
This is beyond unrealistic
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Just as waiting 60 extra seconds after each unhook in order to prevent a perk which might not even be in the game (DS), oh and lets not talk about Unbreakable and Dead hard which add even more time to killers when survivors use them.
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Boon should not trump over Hex like if there is a Boon and 5 Gen done. Noed should be triggered and trump on that Boon.
Otherwise its good. Boon has to be strong so survivor feel like its worth to spend 14sec on Boon, or they use 14sec on Gen which is a lose.
Circle of healing should only give ability to self healing at 16sec speed. 2 survivors there pay 16sec to heal themselves is already far stronger than healing each other for 32sec (without Boon)
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Oh i think it would be clear because Blessing take as much time as Cleansing, but it wouldn't be 14 seconds, would be 21 instead.
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Survivors have 2 choice: destroy Hex or turn Hex to Dull.
Killers have 2 choice: destroy Boon or turn Boon to Dull.
Requires survivors to turn Hex to Dull before turn Dull to Boon. That way it will take survivors 28sec if a totem is a Hex. While keep everything else at 14sec.
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Well thats another way too, but i didnt want to change how they work so soon because you know... devs put a lot of effort and thinking before releasing them on the PTB, right?
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Im not sure if i understood what you are talking about but:
(All changes mentioned are based on the latest version of the game, the PTB)
The "Blood Favour: No changes" already considers the PTB version, so it doesnt need extra changes other than the ones found in the PTB.
Im not sure if the first knife of Trickster should block pallets tho, but if its intended, it will be great on live servers XD