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Something all killers should do...

ShakeyGames Member Posts: 140
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

Never go for the unhooked person who got saved right in front of you. Literally just ignore them.

I have played so many matches of killer where I ignore the unhooked survivor, that it is now built into my brain like waiting out Dead Hard. It ends in wins that feel better and make you proud of yourself, and survivors that genuinely had a fun time playing with you.

If you tunnel and then say that you can't win without tunnelling, then that's just an indicator of how bad your skill is.

Yes, it makes the game more challenging, but who wants easy games everytime? And you DON'T have to win every match you play! Sometimes, I have more fun in the matches that I lose because the survivors looped me well and I actually had to try in order to get some hooks.

What makes me so angry is that in the rare occasions I do play survivor, I am almost always tunnelled. Once, I got unhooked and the ghostface immediately went for me, smacked me, hooked me again. I got unhooked in front of him later, he smacked me, hooked me again, and I was out. No other survivor was hooked, I didn't do anything in the match.

I couldn't even loop him, didn't have a chance to get into a chase. He downed me as soon as I was done with the unhooked animation. All I did was stare at the screen and hit the struggle skill checks on hook, all game.



  • ShakeyGames
    ShakeyGames Member Posts: 140

    I am a killer main who plays survivor very rarely. My post isn't just some entitled survivor nagging on about tunnelling for the 367th time. It's a killer expressing how much more fun they have when they don't tunnel.

    And yes, sometimes I do have very fun games as survivor - even If I lose - because I looped the killer well and the killer had some fun mindgames up their sleeves.

  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268

    I mean I believe we should care for each others fun but I don't believe survivor side often plays it out in a sportmanship way at least from my own experience. It's usual, now more than ever previous to the keys nerf, to see survivors bringing keys, maps and normally strong medkits and full meta perk builds. I see why killers can still have fun by playing it fair but honestly one gets tired after playing against too many bad sheep that regardless on how you play it out, love to taunt and mock you with gate teabagging, click spamming, talking ######### in post game chat, frequency going up based on you playing killers that they personally consider unfair aka Spirit, Nurse, Blight, Twins.

    I believe the community of this game earned me focusing on my personal experience and fun over trying hard through abusing ######### mechanics like slugging, tunneling and proxycamping when I feel like it might be worth it after all the ######### I had to go through by more experienced players when I was starting out and still believed that the game was worth keeping it fun for everyone.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    Just got to run BT every match like I do granted there's killers that don't camp but 1/3 do and no not proxy camp like check the surrounding area for survivors (which you'll need borrowed time for anyways) but stay close enough where they can almost stop the unhooking animation.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    But but..arent survivors' hook count from 2 can not dropped to 1, while Gens 90% progressing can dropped to 0?

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    People still abuse DS? I think I saw DS all of three times yesterday, and only saw it proc once when I had a group of Survivors near me and I didn't know which one had just come off of hook.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    Why should i let the unhook survivor escape for free when the survivor did a horrible play. They need to get tunnel if not they will always think they can do whatever they want

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    You know, if u hate getting tunneled- there is a know DS....ever heard of it?

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709


    Hhhmmm... I already don't win all my matches and believe that is fine.

    If I am right there and you unhook, why exactly should I not hit the injured person in front of me? When I win, even when I tunnel and camp... I deserved it and feel no less or more proud of it.

    If I lose and did not punish then when doing things like unhooking in my face, it feels worse. As it just highlights the fact that you should punish mistakes of survivors.

    Those that believe that tunneling and camping is purely on the killer... you know why you didn't have a chance to get to a loop? Your teammate didn't get an unsafe hook, they farmed you off the hook.

    People love to act all high and mighty, but just as survivors tap gens, continue those that have progress instead of starting a brand new one and don't let them regress to 0 is ... because it is their objective. A killers objective is to kill survivors and letting survivors get away with bad plays isn't a showcase of skill, but bad decision making.

    The one sided nature of these type of requests is so apparently obvious. The survivors will like playing with you, yet what exactly do they do to make it nice for the killer?

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I'll usually slug the unhooked and punish the unhooker by chasing them down and hooking them. It usually gives teammates enough time to pick up the poor slug who got farmed, but if they don't then unfortunately they're going back on the hook. It doesn't feel great to do coz I'm not a camper and usually give people a moment to unhook safely coz I try to avoid tunneling but I can only handhold so much, people need to learn through experience not to do stuff like unhooking when the killer JUST turned around lol

  • Since when have murderers and monsters been fair or nice? The notion that a killer should play any which way is ridiculous. They are out to make your time rough and make you suffer. Tunneling, camping, slugging: all of these things are logical moves the killer would make. Survivor side, they are trying to survive so why not do the most. The game is about pitting two opposing forces against one another. It’s gonna end up being “unfair” because why would anyone trying to murder you do it fairly?

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    I never said u are guilty or entitled or whatever. I know Dbd community is full of this crap, but when u suggest something, mb it's better to address your ideas to everyone?

    I doubt killers will agree with u when survivors still are going to run meta/swf.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I don't tunnel intentionally, but I don't go out of my way nearly as much to play by the survivor rulebook like I used to. Survivors don't do gens more slowly for me, so I don't see why I should go out of my way for them.

    As for newer killers, this is just something they do until they realize camping/tunneling is possibly making them lose.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited October 2021

    Playing in such a manner to improve someone else's fun is such a ridiculous notion. If you want to play in a more "fair" way, than just do it because YOU want to, not because survivors will like you more or whatever. That's dumb. I don't have a problem with hard camping and tunnelling in theory, but I choose not to do it because I find it frustrating trying to fight through the endless amount of survivor second chance perks.

    No good deed goes unpunished. That unhooked survivor you ignored will immediately go finish that 40% generator nearby without healing while you're chasing the unhooker. I play in a very fair manner and often have 3 escapes with 7 or 8 hooks and I get BMed constantly at the exit gates. By that I mean getting teabagged, macro flashlight clicked, survivors not giving you a hit at the exit gate (they just dead hard away as soon as you get close), or they sit in the gates for the entire EGC while I look for the hatch or stuff to break for points. Most recently, I'm working on Skilled Huntress trophy and one way I've been trying to get long range hatchets is just farming at the exit gate after the game is over, but a lot of survivors straight up refuse to let me get a down even though i'm throwing from 30 meters away and they're clearly safe. The players in this game are just obnoxious unfortunately.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,433

    I dont want every killer to hardtunnel, but if we all survive on deadhook it just feels like the killer had mercy. And i dont want to win bc the other side isnt trying.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Play at your own pace. Saying a skilled killer can overcome a team that is playing optimally without engaging in proxy camping or tunneling is a terrible take and is factually wrong look at your average dbd tourney for example. The need to implement alternative game modes to encourage different methods of play with different avenues of victory. It will break up the monotony of the trial experience allow for experimentation of new idea's.

    You can do blitz based dbd games with less gen's less hook states. Stronger divided, where loosing a survivors overall increase gen and healing speed's but now the killer can mori survivors if he has 4 unique survivor's bbq style. Modes that implement baseline cage of atonements only hooking options or higher baseline gen regression with perk's specifically altered for these game modes. The best part about this idea is there's no risk to this bar spending manpower messing with/implementing these modes and in the long run they save money testing new concepts well in advance of an upcoming chapter.

    I'm sure behavior employees are sick of scrambling to fix baseline issues with there concepts or gameplay design's alternative game mode's will give them a clear idea what does and doesn't work.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Going for the unhooker is usually the best move anyways. If you go for the unhooked you have a downed survivor and 3 healthy ones, while going for the unhooker you have 2 healthy, 1 downed (rescuer) and 1 injured (rescued). Not even mentioning you're avoiding BT and DS plays.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Run DS, SB, and BT more often.

    Problem solved.

  • Inspire
    Inspire Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2021

    Literally just run DS. And I'm saying this because anytime I play in solos or in a 2 or 3 man, my other teammate NEVER has DS and complains about getting tunneled out of the game.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    exactly. killers for some reason are expected to play nice.....I never understood that logic...

  • ShakeyGames
    ShakeyGames Member Posts: 140

    I am genuinely surprised at all the comments on this post. It's a GAME. A GAME. YOU'RE NOT AN ACTUAL MURDERER. THIS ISN'T REAL.

    You're not a brutal killer, you're an ordinary person sitting in front of a computer screen playing an online game with other people. You're not "making them suffer", you are playing a game. Jesus.

    I myself play in a very fair manner too, as I mentioned, never going for the unhooked. And I get 4ks consistently. I let the unhooked survivor leave safely because I feel like I am in control, so my "good deed" can't go punished. If I feel insecure during the match, then I go for the vulnerable person. Just don't tunnel when you don't have to.

    This post is coming from a killer's perspective. But sure buddy.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,970

    I feel your pain, OP. We’ve all been there. As for your suggestion, that’s exactly what I do when I play killer. I’ll even try to take it a step further (depending on how the game is going and what killer/build I’m using) and leave those two altogether. Try and chase someone off a gen. For example, Impossible skill check Doc…let the unhooked heal the recently unhooked while I drive the other two madness up, kick their gen for overcharge, have them miss skill checks with Unerving, down one, rinse and repeat. You work harder but when you win, feels better. No one can talk ######### and say you tunneled or camped. Now if you just happen to finish getting healed after being unhooked and ran into me on the OTHER side of the map away from where you were last hooked, then that’s on you. I’m not THAT nice lol.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Once again the onus is on the killer player to modify their game in order to account for how others want to play.

    That's what needs to stop.

    Its like asking survivors to make sure they pause and heal before hopping back on gens to slow down the gen rush, if the killer approaches don't keep working on the gen to complete it in their face and then use the sprint from the hit to run away from them. You should just start running otherwise this isn't fun for them.

    Also never blind a killer after stunning them at a pallet or while they are breaking a pallet this is taking advantage of an animation they are forced to do and blinding them while they are doing it is unfun.

    See how ridiculous it all sounds.

    If you get unhooked in the face of the killer then should expect to be hunted down as you are now the weak link. You are hurt and probably close to death it'd be a foolish play to let you get away and reset the match.

    If your team mate takes the aggro then good on them if they don't then bad them. But don't expect a killer to leave you be out of courtesy because that flies in the face of the game itself.

    I hate it when the psychopathic serial killer brutally murders in a rude way.

    If you find yourself getting really tilted by being camped/tunneled then the solution is don't get caught, play more cautiously, coordinate your saves and try not to hang around the hook. If you are being chased lead the killer away from hooked survivor so others can get the save.

    Don't rely on or expect the killer to be nice.

    I never expect survivors to be anything but obnoxious and in my face, but I appreciate when they aren't and may give hatch or an escape to folks who played well in a manner that I enjoyed but that's up to me not them, I can't nor should dictate their fun! (I can't stress this enough).

    I don't want friendly killers I want scary survival horror, I don't want to get caught because that means I'll probably get killed, anything less is a limp horror survival experience.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Nah, sorry not gonna do this. Look, I get it, it's annoying, blah blah blah, I see the complaints literally every hour of the day on the forums. But that's really entitled to tell the other players how to play. Why should I as the killer not punish the survivors for making a bad play and unhook in front of me? Like I will admit I do feel bad when I get back to the hook and all I see is the one survivor who was just unhooked still lingering around. But when I have 3-4 gens already popped, and I only have 3 hooks in, sorry but I gotta do what I gotta do because the survivors sure as hell aren't taking it easy on me. It's not my fault that your teammate unhooked you and ran off to hide before I got back to the hook.

    So if anything my biggest point is why killers are always the ones that need to take it easy on the survivors? In my games the survivors aren't taking it easy on me, slamming out gens and running god loops like it ain't nothing. If I decide to chase 1 survivor for too long, do the other survivors stop and think, "you know...the killer has only had 1 hook in, and we've already knocked out 3 gens, and I've got this gen at 99%...yeah let me stop and go and let the killer get some more hooks in." Yeah no, this doesn't happen. So again sorry, I really truly am, but it's part of the game. I don't see people going in to a CoD lobby and telling the enemy team to take it easy on them if they over extend or make a dumb play.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,689

    If survivors are rushing to unhook in front of my face, I'm not going to feel sorry for slugging the unhooked survivor.

    Bad plays need to be punished.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    You know it was a Killer player that said this, not a survivor player.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,192

    The only true "tunnel" I really have a problem with is when the killer is camping like hell, purposely dances around the unhooking to hit the unhookie and proct Borrowed, then follows the unhookie and downs, eats the DS, then follows to hit and hook again, swimming around teammates trying to bodyblock. And not during endgame either, with no teabagging or other toxic behavior to earn this.

    When this happens while one or no gens have even been done yet is especially depressing. Dead at 2970 bloodpoints and never even touched a gen is fun as well. Plus it's just lovely when the only response from the killer after is "I chose you to die, and i made sure" and the like, if you even get a response.

    Yes my fellow survs should concentrate on gens during a camp, but in solo it's hard to communicate this. I don't play DBD as much as I used to, but still watch this done or have it happen to me at least twice a week.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    That still doesn't lend it any credit, half the time identifying as one side of the other is just silly as its a game play both or miss out on half your purchase. I prefer killer as survivor is kinda dull but it does have its moments so its still worth playing.

    If someone who plays killer wants to do this then that's entirely up to them but making a blanket call that all killers should play like this is just silly. Play how you want to play.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    When you pay for my game and dlcs then you can tell me how to play. Until then I stab whom I see.

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    I'll hit them once. If their rescuer had BT, they can run off and go mend themself. If they go down, I leave them on the ground while I chase the person who unhooked them. Strategy-wise, these are the best plays I can make in the situation. If I down and hook their rescuer, go back, and find that the downed person hasn't been picked up, that's on their teammates, not me.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,160

    You're suggesting I reward the stupid, cocky plays of survivors running every second chance in the book regardless of how I play, simultaneously putting myself at an intentional disadvantage and not doing my objective the most efficient way possible?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Your team mate unhooked in front of the killer. Why is it the killers fault for making the logical choice in going after the weaker survivor?

    Why is it never the survivors fault for making the incorrect choice? Blame them. The killers job is to kill. Why hamstring them from their role because your team makes faulty choices?

    The fact that GF could down you right then an there is just an indication your team mate was farming you. Yet I don't see anywhere in your post that you blame them for their lack of discretion. Or foresight, seeing as they didn't have BT.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    If the Survivors play sweaty, I do too. Simple.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    The current game balance doesn't allow playing "nice" against survivors that know how to play. If you try to 12 hook, you will lose.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    No rational person will say you should never do it. All most reasonable players want is it to not be the default.

    DH, fair enough. DS and BT do nothing if you don't tunnel.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Ds shouldn't work once gate is open. It's my only issue. Bt is fine but was good for joke.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Why not both? With my chainsaw, I do not even need to make such ethical decisions. You should try it. You end up feeling much more satisfied at your wins when you disgrace them twice as hard.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    On one hand, I absolutely try to avoid being 'scummy' to play against, unless you do something deliberately scummy first (or bring a key). On the other hand - sometimes it just happens (the unhook runs directly into you) and often it becomes necessary if only to slow the current break-neck speed of the game down slightly.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Yeah no. Not a single game where that has happened has that been a good idea for me. Also It's not a matter of skill in that matter. Also SBMM is on so not every game is easy even if you tunnel. In fact it still is hard.