Is body blocking as killer bannable? These survivors made the game last 30 mins
I often will bodyblock if i find someone in a corner because frankly i think it's hilarious, these survivors however are literally the first i've come across in three years that just sat there the entire time and blamed me for "ruining their experience"
Allegedly they'll be coming to the forums as well to share their perspective.
So you blocked them from 3 gens (or earlier) until the end, am I seeing that right?
Because it has been explained several times on this very forum in fact that doing that is indeed a reportable offense. Doing it after EGC has started is one thing, doing it earlier is different.
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As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to the pure definition of it, the Survivors still had the ability to repair all generators and leave, meaning you weren't holding the game hostage. If you were to block all four of them then yeah, I can see how that would be bannable. I'm really interested to see what Mods have to say.
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It was actually at 5 gens. I'd like to see the rules that state it as a reportable offense because to my knowledge it's only reportable to do so if it holds the game hostage or is a survivor griefing another survivor.
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I can't find the original post itself, but this post here has screenshots where mods explain it from another thread.
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Discarded report reasons
- Camping
- Slugging
- Tunneling
- Streamsniping
- Teabagging
- Bodyblocking
- Looping
This is from the actual game rules on the right side of the forum section "Useful Links"
Case closed.
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Literally, everyone in that game took the game hostage, excluding the feng <she literally could not do anything>. Also, stop bodyblocking until all gens are done or egc is started because until then you are still taking the game hostage I believe.
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I'm confused on what happened here. There's not enough context for me to truly understand.
So you found an injured Survivor (Feng) in a corner, and then body blocked her so she was trapped? And you held that position for 30 minutes until . . . what? Until the others finally completed the gens? And then what? Did Feng DC after you not moving for 30 minutes? What actually happened?
Also, if you wanted their names to be totally blocked out, you forgot to hide them in your other screenshots.
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This is not holding the game hostage.
However griefing is also an offence and the case could be very easilly made that this is griefing.
That talks about survivors bodyblocking the killer to take hits or to try to get another survivor of their shoulders.
If you bodyblock the last 2 survivors without them able to trigger EGC enough you will get banned
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Yeah i messed up there. Wasn't trying to release anyone's info simple mistake. Found her, blocked her in because...that's what I do, then just kinda sat there, one person dc'd who I thought was the person in the corner so i downed the person in the corner then panicked and downed the others as well. Kinda just got a 2k handed to me essentially.
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The mods and Support Team have confirmed that extended bodyblocking by either side before the commencement of the Endgame Collapse is classed as causing a hostage situation which, if we look at the rules:
is a bannable offence.
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It was one survivor. There were three others just chillin' behind me.
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You were the one responsible for the hostage situation as you were preventing normal gameplay from taking place, for upwards of half an hour as well.
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How long did you body block Feng?
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This was neither targeting to ruin their experience nor was it holding the game hostage. If anything i'd argue that flashlight blinding killers locked into an animation and head on'ing killers in a swf is more aimed to ruin a killer's experience then this and there's plenty of streamers and youtubers that are very open about doing so with that intent.
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How am I preventing normal gameplay when there's literally 3 other players who are refusing to open the exit gates? Am I supposed to hold a survivors hand and walk them through? They all had borrowed time which of course they would which would mean giving up that person would mean giving up my kill.
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This was neither targeting to ruin their experience nor was it holding the game hostage.
Okay honey I know reading isn't everyone's strong point so we'll just go over this one agian.
In case it still isn't clear, I'll highlight it just a smidge.
The mods and Support Team have confirmed that extended bodyblocking by either side before the commencement of the Endgame Collapse is classed as causing a hostage situation which.
So, it wasn't holding the game hostage? It is if we go by what has been previously said by Support and by Forum Mods, as by the shared screenshots this began long before Endgame Collapse.
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Like how are literally three other people with the actual ability to trigger the EGC and end the game less responsible then one? Seems to me like they just quit playing and wanted their buddy out and didn't care how long it took, the fact that one dc'd as opposed to opening the exit gates is testament to that.
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Mhm okay let me quote @Gay Myers (Luzi), one of the Forum Mods and Community Co-ordinator, meaning they have direct communication with BHVR staff:
If you would do this at any other point during the game for a while and it is not EGC, then yes, you'd be holding them hostage, because there is no option for the survivor to be able to play the game and it is not clear when the game ends.
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So essentially more survivor sided antics by BHVR. "We know ya got one and you wanna have a funny time but you gotta play by their rules not yours...even though you're the power role"
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See above comment.
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Can't wait for the next nurse nerf.
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It's pretty clear when the game ends. When the survivors open the gates instead of waiting for me to let their friend go. Like are they literally expecting me to just give up a survivor to appease the other survivors?
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No, you play by the rules set by BHVR, not the survivors.
I don't see the correlation here but whatever you say I guess
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Do i get you right? You block a survivor and therefore prevent him to play the game? And the rest of his team did nothing so you were also trapped in that game?
If so, i love it! They gave you a taste of your own medicine. Good stuff.
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Idk why you're trying to argue so badly with what's been said before about this situation- it was pre-EGC and therefore was a hostage situation and therefore was bannable.
Had you done this for, say, 30 seconds? A minute? Maybe 2? Not a problem.
But 30 minutes? Half an hour?! Really??
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If i did it for 30 seconds or a minute then i'd essentially just be handing the game to them?
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What i see is a killer that bodyblocked a single survivor for 20 minutes.
You had 0 hook on first SS and you still had 0 hook on the last one. You bodyblocked that Feng on purpose for 20 minutes and when we check the heal state of other survivors, it proves you didn´t chase them between SS.
Down her, take her and hook her maybe ?
I hope the devs will ban you here and on the game.
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If the game is able to progress it's not bannable, in this case it was able to progress because there were 3 free survivors. At least that's the reason they gave me when i was in a very similar situation.
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No?? You'd be playing the game normally??!! And following the rules???!!!
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You sound a bit like an authoritarian. I like it! I am a killer. I play by my own rules in order to ensure the gameplay doesn't get stale.
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Maybe we should just get Mandy to confirm everything and end the argument
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Part of the thrill of multiplayer games is the variety in which people play them. To be told "chase x while y and z does gens, down x, hook x, then chase y so x can go heal with z" is applicable for a really stale, grindy experience. I often do play by those rules, but best believe when I find myself getting bored, or genrushed often (weekends), or just downright bullied, this is the refreshing experience I need to give myself a second wind.
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Look I wouldn't really worry about doing something once on a temporary ban offence especially if you didn't know if it was wrong or not and who was in the right / wrong, its unlikely that just 1 match of doing something wrong is going to get you into trouble unless it was a serious offence like cheating, just take it with a grain of salt that your probably gonna be fine and learn from the experience that its according to the devs that its not something you should be doing
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No need, when Myers' comment does it well enough.
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Part of the joys of multiplayer games is that there are rules that must be followed, and of course you'd be punished for not obeying them? Literally read the EULA or Terms of Use I am begging you.
If you feel yourself getting frustrated at DBD, play a different game. It is not healthy for you to keep doing something you are not enjoying.
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Honestly if they think get flashlight stunned while being locked in an animation is cool but being locked in a corner isn't it just goes to show how survivor sided things are. Sometimes people think it's hilarious, sometimes people hate it. Sometimes I think getting looped is fun, sometimes I hate it. Sometimes i think getting gen rushed is hilarious, sometimes I hate it. But that's everyone's right to play as they wish. Heck, you can even use coms if you want I don't care, just don't try to tell me how to play my game as long as I don't hack I believe myself to have that right.
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You need a second wind by making other's experience really stale?
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But I am enjoying the game by creating an alternative experience?
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just don't try to tell me how to play my game as long as I don't hack I believe myself to have that right.
But you don't. You signed away all of your rights to do this in the EULA the moment you agreed to it. This is why reading the small print is important.
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Well what a shame that it's against the rules you must follow if you wish to play DBD, very sad
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Yes, but…there’s the game’s rules as well. This just reads as you being defiant for the sake of being defiant.
Also, 30 minutes?
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The game being killer sided or survivor sided gas nothing to do with the rules of the game. You can play however you want as long as it is within the rules. Bodyblocking a survivor for 30 minutes before egc as mentioned above is against the rules
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I've read the EULA and the language is as broad as the horizon in the section you're referring to regarding other's enjoyment.
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Going to go ahead and close up this thread.
Bodyblocking in the sense of taking hits to let a fellow survivor wiggle out of the grasp of the killer or to protect them is not reportable, nor is bodyblocking that occurs once EGC has begun, as the game will reach a natural conclusion once the timer has ticked down.
However, as others have already pointed out, what you have described doing is very much a reportable offense as holding the game hostage and griefing another player, as the survivor is blocked into a corner, and cannot participate in the game for a very prolonged period of time unless you struck them with your weapon, or moved away and allowed them to leave. And no, it's not creating an alternative experience if you are breaking the rules - you are ruining any way for them to play the game.
I would greatly suggest you, and others, avoid doing such in the future. And if you wish to have a list of the game rules to keep on hand, you can view them here: