Killers learning curve on PC vs Console
As a PS4 player I only have console experience. But I would like to know, from those with experience on both platforms, are some Killers more difficult to learn or play on consoles than PC? If so, what are the difference that increase the difficulty?
Precision killers are easier on PC. That is the only relevant difference, realistically.
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@ThiccBudhha is pretty much spot on. I would note that some pc killers work slightly differently, for example oni can 180 flick on pc but only 90 on console. A similar thing was with blight but that was fixed so console players could turn more (console couldn't turn as much as pc even if they double stacked addons)
Aiming will always be easier on a mouse, so as long as you can use keys to move okay then pc I assume would naturally be slightly easier?
Plus you can change settings on pc etc. For that extra advantage if you needed
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Controllers have to Problem of harder precision. So you will naturally miss more hits because of 360s or aim dressing. Killers with range/pounce attacks or special attacks like Oni and Blight are especially harder to learn and specific edge cases might just not be possible.
additionally you will have a harder time looping as keyboard/mouse allows you to loop closer to obstacles/corners.
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I'll put them into tiers.
Tier 1 is going to be Killers that have more potential and/or are easier to master on PC. Tier 2 are Killers that have some advanced techs that are only available for PC players, but their overall gameplay is not majorly affected. Tier 3 are Killers that I feel are not affected much by PC to Console differences. There are no specific rankings within each tier.
So, without further ado, in Tier 1 we have the following Killers:
Nurse ~ Nurse can be played on Console, but my God is she a nightmare. The constant freezing and lag, not to mention her many bugs, hold her back considerably. Likewise, she cannot flick on Console, which is a massive drawback. Combine all of these things with the drastically lower FPS, and you have a recipe for absolute disaster.
Trickster ~ Trickster is an absolute nightmare on Console. His recoil is so difficult to compensate for and his aiming is just abysmal. He is walking proof of why Console needs response curve settings like almost every other game has.
Blight ~ Blight isn't as bad as he used to be. He can flick, sort of, and you can definitely get good value from him. However, you aren't ever going to be able to compete with PC Blights. They are going to be able to flick when bouncing, and you just can't do that on Console. This makes his plays at loops much more difficult due to the slower turn rate and when combined with the low FPS, it can be a thoroughly unenjoyable experience.
Cenobite ~ Pinhead is an interesting one. If we are talking about the way I play him, it doesn't affect me. I maximize his Box uptime and try to use that to win. However, playing him like BHVR intended (ie, using his Chains at every loop) gets a disaster. Many streamers and top players on PC have said that aiming his Chain is pretty difficult. It's damn near impossible to aim and control it on Console. You have to put it right on top of people.
Deathslinger (RIP) ~ Deathslinger also suffers from not being able to flick. Those split second flick shots simply can't be done on Console. His ADS also triggers freezes a lot of times (ask me for clips I dare you) and the lower FPS gives you less time to act when Survivors juke.
Nemesis ~ Nemesis is basically stuck in the same rut as Deathslinger. He can't flick, his Tentacle can freeze your game and the low FPS gives him less time to react to Survivor jukes. It's also weird trying to track with the Tentacle, something is just off about it.
Twins ~ Bit of a surprise pick, I know. Twins can't flick shot, which can really hurt Victor and every time you charge a pounce as Victor, the game lags. Most of the skill shots you can make with Victor are gone on Console.
Hag ~ The only real difference I've seen with Hag is binding the teleport button to the scroll wheel to get faster teleportation to traps. That's a really high-level "tech" that doesn't affect most of the playerbase.
Demogorgon (RIP) ~ His Shred can freeze sometimes and it can be difficult to track, but for the most part, he's just fine on Console. You are only gonna have issues against really good Survivors, but then again, who doesn't?
Huntress ~ Huntress is gonna miss her flick shots, but from what I've seen, you shouldn't really need to go for those too much. Her long range shots are still there, and there isn't any freezing with her Hatchets.
Billy ~ Billy basically just loses his ability to quickly turn and chainsaw Survivors. Again, no flicking allowed.
Legion ~ Legion is a surprise pick. The low FPS can cause you to miss a Frenzy attack, which is absurdly punishing for no reason. Likewise, going into Frenzy will TANK your FPS. Ergo, Legion suffers from some painfully punishing issues on Console.
Trapper ~ His traps are traps, regardless of you being on PC or Console.
Wraith ~ Bing bong go bing bong no matter the device.
Myers ~ *heavy breathing intensifies*
Ghostface ~ He still gets revealed through walls and can't be revealed when he's right in front of you.
Doctor ~ Shock go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Bubba ~ Chainsaw go vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Freddy ~ He still places snares at every loop and always teleports to your gen because of course he has Tinkerer.
Pig ~ Traps go brrrrrr but I could see a case for her Ambush not being as good due to lower sensitivity. However, her Ambush is bad.
Spirit ~ *vacuum cleaner noises intensify*
Clown ~ He's still gonna eat every pallet in sight. Just throw gas, break pallet and repeat until you lose.
Plague ~ Her vomit is the same, so much as I can tell.
Oni ~ Oni is actually really good. His response curve feels great and I have zero complaints. I don't think the 180 flick is intended atm.
Pyramid Head ~ I could see a case for him being in Tier II, but as I understand it, you want to use his Punishment of the Damned at animation locks. You shouldn't be trying to flick it.
Anyways, that's what I've got. Hope this helps!
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Agree with almost all of this, though I would place some killers a little higher/lower (could be because on Pc I don’t suffer the performance issues or just personal incompetence):
Nurse, Nemesis and Deathslinger one Tier up to II (I am really doing prett good with them..)
Huntress and Billy to I (though Billy I never really gave a chance, felt super bad for me; Huntress suffers more from aim sensitivity settings than Trickster and DS)
Pig and Plague to II (ambush is pretty much not usable and vomit often doesn’t connect -though that might be a general Plague issue) edit: Bubba down to II, certain loops are harder to go around while chainsaw is active
Oni down to I. Seriously I tried but I have an easier time getting down with Trickster or Blight or Billy… this is probably the most personal pick for me..
Post edited by Mooks on1 -
Great breakdown! To this little Piggy's ambush I'd add at the very start of the ambush meter filling there's a hard lag for me. When i used to run Sloppy I'd get that horrible jumbo lag we all know & love, and together these just wreak her in chase.
Sad too, with Nurse's and Sloppy I would get many a juicy grabs when I'd come from crazy angles. An oink without her yoink...
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I've played on a friends PC before and have to say that the difference in framerates is enough to blow your mind. On PS4 if a survivor runs around you, they intermittently disappear every few frames, but on PC this does not happen. Like, playing nurse, after blinking on PS4 it's incredibly difficult to see where the survivor is until after the blink. On my friends PC I could see survivors before the blink finished.
Playing at 100% sensitivity on console is much harder as well. I've gotten used to it, but it took a while. No matter what, I still occasionally over rotate because the travel area of the joystick is so small, and thumbs are some of the most ######### joints in your body. With a mouse, you have your wrist, elbow and shoulder as well as a giant mouse pad with resistance to help control your movement.
Also, on PS4 at least, the lowest ping I seem to get is 50-60 in DBD. Whereas, I see PS5 players, and PC players with pings as low as 20-40. *Not to mention, most console players play on a TV, which has a much lower native refresh rate than a PC monitor. Unless of course, you have a tv with a game mode or faster refresh rate.
You're definitely at a disadvantage being on PS4/Xbone. You don't see as much, and when you do, you're always potentially 20-30 ms behind a PC/Next-gen console user. If you're on PS5 I don't think there's enough difference to affect balancing.
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I used to have 1500 hours on PS4 before moving to PC recently. Imo Deathslinger and Nurse are tier 2, what holds these two back is the lack of higher sensitivity, I've never had problems with both. Agree with the rest of the list tho.
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On PS4, as long as the framerate is okay, then it's the precision killers like Nurse, Deathslinger, and Trickster (who has forced potato aim) who are going to be the most difficult to learn.
If you're on, say, the Switch, then playing any killer whatsoever becomes difficult. So many frames drop when I turn the camera that I can't track survivors. Simply trying to land a basic attack is painful. I haven't played on PC, but the increase in difficulty from PS4 to Switch is like the difference between kindergarten math and dancing on LEGOs reciting every calculus function ever devised from memory.
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This should all be in a Youtube video. You have created such a comprehensive but simple to understand list.
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So I was also a ps4 player when I transfered to pc, the only killer that actually got harder to play was oni, note: I got used really fast to the change but it was harder to play.
Killers like nurse, huntress, trickster etc are easier to play on pc.
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A console Killer can do everything a PC Killer can, it's just harder, besides things like Oni's 180 exploit which is not intended.
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I'm unsure about oni not being able to do the 180 turn, I plugged in my controller on pc and was able to do it.
What I meant of unsure I mean like if console players themselves can't do it because of lack of frames or such.
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Depends which console, older gen it depends on the Killer, current gen plays just fine... thankfully. Play on Series X, never had an issue.
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Yeah but what I tried to say is that controller players can do the unintended 180 with oni, sorry if I wasn't able to say that lol for some reason my brain was like "me brrrrrrr unga bunga".
Yeah I heard that new gen consoles don't have many issues, I tried it on ps5 just 1 match and felt the same as on pc except with my extra 60 fps
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Thank you <3.
Maybe I'll make one and link it here.
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Trickster is garbage on console because his aiming is off centered on every throw. Meaning you have to actually turn your camera slightly every time. It sucks and can cause you to miss 80-90% of your throws.
Gunslinger doesn't feel to horrible to me on console.
Huntress feels weird to me. The aiming is fine, but her charge times feel weird. Even if you just tap it, it feels like it charges almost fully before throwing.
But I've found learning to play with slightly higher sensitivity on console helps a lot of these killers. Especially when survivors try to 360 and you just 180 lunge and hit them anyways.
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Console huntress is way harder than nurse. The bad settings makes getting precise shots almost impossible. Nurse isnt as precise with her blinks. You just need good sensitivity