No more killer for me :(

After over 5 years and 4000 hours of playing DbD as both killer and survivor, even through the darker times of DbD, I'm quitting killer and unless the balance issues are addressed, I won't come back to it.
That decision was prompted by 4 hours of playing killer with exactly zero progression on the challenge to kill 15 survivors by any means. I'm not kidding, I played about 20-25 games and I couldn't kill a single survivor.
It's such a horrible feeling, you play and play and play and you don't get anywhere. It doesn't seem to matter what I did, I couldn't overcome the obstacle. Either I had bad map rng, 4man SWF, key escapes, second chance perks, you name it. There was always something to deny me progressing my objective enough to actually kill someone. I got some hooks in here and there, but that is not enough. Switching killers didn't help, switching loadouts didn't help either and it's been progressively getting worse over the last few weeks. I'm out of ideas what I could change at this point, so I'll have to consider just leaving it.
I'm not looking for pity or anything, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I've never felt so frustrated and powerless as the supposed "power role" as today, and I'm just done. And honestly, looking at the fuckery the devs are doing with boon totems doesn't give me any hope that something will ever change about balance. It hasn't happened after 5 years, I don't think it's going to happen anymore. I know some people are very much "the glass is half full", but there's just no reason to be optimistic about this.
I've come close to quitting killer a bunch of times, but seeing that progress bar stuck at 0 after 4 hours straight has done it for me.
You have to play scummy if you want to get it done. Otherwise you have to hope for a braindead team
Playing fair won't get the job done.
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Playing scummy with good survivors doesn't work too. If u camp hook, 3 others just do gens and escape.
Op, good luck in future games.
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True, but you get one kill out of it. OP said he played for 4 hours with no kills trying to do that challenge 1 kill is better than no kills.
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I used to be a 80% killer, 20% survivor player. Since the killer side has become far more stressful, with far more toxic survivors and sbmm working better on survivors than killers, it has been now been reversed.
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I wonder how many hooks he had in his games.
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Mate... I am sorry, but if you go 25 matches without killing anybody, that is most probably on you.
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Guys, please stop and read the text before you rantpost about poor killers.
He played 20+ games and did not get a single kill.
There are only 2 options: The MMR he is currently on is completly wrong or he is on the lowest end already and still looses all the time (which is unrealistic beeing that bad after 4K hours)
Either way, its definitly not a "killers are so weak" problem.
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Honestly Op, I feel the same exact way. I still love DBD with a passion but with the changes the devs make, it's so hard for me to keep that passion alive. I've also stopped playing killer for the time being and I hope the devs will finally listen to player input after more and more people stop playing killer. I wish you the best in either playing Survivor or other games.
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If I had to guess from the sound of it 1-6 hooks.
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Damn, that's a tough run there.
Maybe you can join the survivor ques, I could use more competent teammates in Selfish Q.
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I can't imagine myself loosing 25 games without a single kill, but it is possible if he plays weak m1 killer that tries to 12 hook every game, no to mention he was in very bad mood and probably lost cause of it. That's why I'm curious how he played and how many hooks he had.
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If you're circling around the hooked survivor before one gen is done I'd say that's pretty scummy.
But that's my opinion I don't play like that if you do that's your choice.
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I would say it is fine to play a game even with no kills, but since you are going for a challenge, why not NoED, Devour Hope, Bubba and Camping? :D
Costco Wraith meme build is also good for kills. Can't find the gameplay on youtube, but the idea is you run:
Noed, Blood Warden, Rancor and 4th perk is up to you. Could be light born or nemesis for Rancor.
Addons: Allseeing
The original one is endgame build, so you wait cloacked (near exit gate) for all gens to get done and then open the gate. Then you go to the opposite gate and punish everyone on your way. The main idea is to wait for 1/3 of endgame collapse by slugging survivor in the middle of the map and then let Blood Warden hold them until the Entity consumes all of them.
But this is just a good build even for a regular game
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The killer killing someone?? 😱
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nerf survivors
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If you get 4 people who loop ridiculously well, efficient on gens and you play less viable killer it is pretty much gg I think.
But in solo q you also have those games where you can only pray for hatch.
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Select Trapper.
Equip Bloody Coil and Stitched Bag.
Make sure Iron Grasp and Agitation are equipped. Devour Hope is also good if you get lucky with Totem spawns.
Down a Survivor and haul their butt into the basement.
Trap the inside of the window, the two doorways and one outside corner of the shack that has a bush.
Leave the Shack and head back to it when you hear a snap.
Enter the Shack and reset the disarmed trap before the survivors make it up the stairs.
The only thing that can counter this is if the whole teams comes together to disarm the traps or if they have Dead Hard.
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don't give up yet! just run meme builds they can remind anybody of how fun the game really is. run burger king myers or maybe endgame trapper. or you could go with devour hope billy. so much choices. meme builds are always fun and even if you don't win you still had fun.
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Just had yet another blatant survivor cheater (escaped at the end of the match after being downed nowhere near the gates or hatch), might have to give up on killer myself. I don't encounter killer cheaters, at least to my knowledge.
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Tunnel and proxy constantly never facecamp tho. If nobody is tryna unhook then leave it.
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Yup i don't want to sound rude either but after 4 hours and not killing anyone that totally an issue on his own.
@Alionis If you are being serious and not trolling it surprise me that with 4k hours you can't kill anyone, was all those hours as survivor? If you are having such a hard time maybe watching some videos can help you.
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Quote from the original post: "...of playing DbD as both killer and survivor..."
I did watch some videos, tried Otzdarva's newest strategy to locate the lament configuration reliably with lethal pursuer even, but the game gave me a big old "######### you" with that one with the survivor spawns.
Watching videos doesn't help me in any way. Call me a troll, I don't care. I'm done with playing killer.
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To the others, I appreciate the sympathy, despite not looking for any. The motivation was really just to get this off my chest. I've had issues to kill survivors for weeks now and it continued to get worse.
I still had games in which I got 3 or 4 kills, but they were getting rarer and rare, whereas they used to be the norm unless I versed some very proficient looping squads.
Yesterday, however, I had a complete losing streak of 20-25 games of no kills and 2-5 hooks at most, which completely killed it for me.
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If they have dead hard...
Insinuating almost every survivor isn't running dead hard.
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While the majority of good survivors do have it, it is possible to bait it out of them before they reach the top of the stairs. It’s not a perfect strategy, but it is effective.
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This new SBMM has made me change up my play style. I had to slug 4 survivors yesterday and left them all on the ground. They were super toxic.
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The game and thus the MMR are balanced around two Kills, you're meant to lose. Your experience sucks and it must've been incredibly frustrating, but you can't take it personally.
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I'm in the exact same boat as you, same time and games. I made a post saying I might afk a bunch of games to try get a fun one.
Killers I have 0 hours on and have no idea how they're played are versing clearly top level players. I think its stupid how mmr is shared so much between killers. Just because I can play 1 well doesnt mean I can play them all to that degree
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I think the main problem is the fact that survivors only have to do gens, adding more objectives for them would make it harder to gen rush.
Until they add more objectives for survivors, lowering the repair speed just a little bit could be a solution.
Doing gens is even easier for 4 man swf's, i think lowering the repair speed for 4 man swf's even more would make it at least a bit better.
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Challenges are rigged I swear. Kill X amount of survivors, the game throws try hards/good players at you. Complete a gen whilst in the killers terror radius, yeah that'll be Freddy or Wraith please 😅
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I was going to post about that point. I really wanna try Myers for the first time, yet im kinda hesitant as I've had nothing but swf bully squads since mmr turned on 😅
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Yeah, this game's MMR has me in a terrible spot for Killer. I'm competent at this game, but all of my matches as of late are against red grades with meta perks who know the game way better than me. :P
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Tunnel and face camp one while you run Rancor. Nearly 2 guaranteed kills even if the survivors are good. Heck, throw in NOED and maybe you get 3 depending on what kind of second chances they have.
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It's bad atm I had two games yesterday against cheaters running super fast and creating hook simulations to stop me so I could not hook anyone. And I had to DC because the game did not end after EGC I run around myself and game could not end. These things is not acceptable.
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Didn't you read the "Survivor Book Rules?".
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Is it, though? True, it shows skill level, but now that SBMM is supposed to be slotting you against survivors of equal skill, can you judge whether it's the player, or the system placing the player against survivors above their own level? We've seen how SBMM covers all killers, not just the one you're playing. Maybe op was playing killers they don't know well, and was being placed higher than they should.
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Honest nowdays it feels like you cant get anywhere without doing at least some tunneling. Just wait until the stupid boon totems come to play we cant even hurt them😁
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Maps are significantly in the survivors' favor. There's not 1 that's killer sided.
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Ok. 🙄