I feel like a lot of toxic survivor mains are just not seeing how unfair DBD killer is ATM.

freak_115 Member Posts: 72
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I've noticed in the forum most ppl complaining about the killer mains being annoying to play right now cuz MMR, nerfs and no killer swaps.

Always are instantly harrased by survivors trying to defend their "perfectly balanced" MMR system.

"Get flashlight saved multiple games in a row" - Learn to deal with it.

"Get genrushed and can't change killer" - 'Learn to deal with it'

At this Point killers WILL camp and tunnel so they "deal" with the issue that DbD isn't going to solve: MMR, Crazy nerfs for the wrong killer (deathslinger for instance), meaningless buffs for underpowered killers (clown for instance) and not being able to swap killers when your lobby is full of toolboxes or flashy's.

And I feel it's always toxic survivors Telling us we complain about the game but you don't see us camping/tunneling because we try to deal with it. It's just you can't deal with it lately so killers will camp surv to ruin the Fun. Just like they did.

Again it's just how I experience it though

I haven't really been aware of toxicity against a survivor issue from toxic killer but that Might be me overlooking it. But I sure know toxicity is on both sides. Sadly

Post edited by freak_115 on


  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 652

    Perfectly summerized. Next topic ?

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72
    edited October 2021

    Ow and not even to mention the usage of the offering to go to haddonfield because it's the only map toxic survivors can play on....

    But sure... We killers 'overreact'

    Post edited by freak_115 on
  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72

    I Never said all survivors are like that! It's just the first things I see every time a killer posts a complain about An unbalanced thing in the game.

    Whenever a survivor complains they get nothing but support. It's not like i'm instantly harrassing his complain and type: "learn to deal with it"....

    Sure, I'm Against camping. Against instant DC'ed survivors that ruin the Fun for every1 of even instant DC'ed killer.. wich happens as well. But don't just play the pointing fingers game now and just go defend your side...

    I'm only Telling how I experience this forum. If you can prove me wrong then i wanted to see. And some1 in this post already did so thank you for that

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I think the problem is not that killers are weak which is not the case at all but i still see a big problem with the SBMM. It is really often that matches play very strange, no matter on which side on.

    Even during a 4K streak without loosing a single match i run into very skilled 4-man SWF and then 2 games later even with the same killer i go against really really aweful players. Makes no sense to me.

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72
    edited October 2021

    Ow lord, I'm regretting posting this post... I was trying to have a genually discussion or just wondered if might have been just overlooking stuff but damn... Toxicity levels are rising when not asked for it.

    Might have provoked it a bit (unintended) cuz clearly toxicity is on both sides noticable but dang... Can we just not be childish and talk decently about this?

    If it makes more sense: i wanted to just make a Point that no matter what complain it is, you should try decently talking and arguing.. And not just... Idk be so heartless about a issue that's not your problem... If you don't want to read about killer issues or survivor issues then what are you doing on the forums? I Mean....

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'm not necessarily agreeing with you.

    I'm just pointing out this person is being childish because they don't agree with the things you are saying.

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72

    Yeah i know, just agreed on it being childish. No worries, i don't mind disagreeing.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    I say time and time again i don't believe that they have any devs on high ranking status to know how we feel or talk about these issues that idk how they DON't see. We need actual balanced POWER in the killers hands not the survivors

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72

    Thing is developers aren't testers, they don't have time for that. And when testers communicate to dev's how 'broken' or 'underpowered' something is. They might nerf or buff it to much or to little cuz they have no idea HOW Broken or underpowered it is. They just know it is.

    And if the dev's would be testers. Then i don't know why it's not ballanced yet. (But I don't think that's the case, prove me wrong if i am totally wrong about this btw)

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    If I'm being honest I think you should have been more clear. You said "survivor" to imply all survivors act like what you were describing even though that wasn't your intention. You didn't say toxic survivors you said survivors implying all. And some people (including me a bit)took a bit offense to this as people don't like being called toxic even when they are not.

    I hope that clear things up a bit and I'm sorry I took it the wrong way.

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72

    Dev's aren't testers, they're just being told 'this thing is Broken' 'this thing is underpowered'

    They then have to nerf and buff it not know in how Broken or underpowered something is. Just that it is. Wich results in consistent inballancing.

    At least I don't think testers and dev's are the same. If i'm wrong then i just have no clue why the game could still be unbalanced after 7 years?

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72

    I guess that is indeed my fault. My sincere appologies for that. I usually have issues with unintended generalization so that's my bad.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392
    edited October 2021

    There we go that is what I wanted to hear. I apologies as well.

  • If they're bringing 4 toolboxes then you need to apply more gen pressure... that means less chases and especially less time wasted looping survivors. If a survivor takes you through a good loop for even 15-20s then you've probably already lost against 4 toolboxes. Even worse if they all split up because it's harder to come back from that without ruin.

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72

    Okay but is that even possible then with killers who generally suffer from genrushing?

    Cuz I know not all of the killers can put mappressure as much as a nurse/demongorgon or idk what else can.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,037

    Cleaning up this thread a bit, please remember to keep the discussion civil and respectful towards others.

  • freak_115
    freak_115 Member Posts: 72

    So just going gen to gen to gen to gen then?

  • graveyard_7777
    graveyard_7777 Member Posts: 269
    edited October 2021

    If I get gen rushed playing killer it doesn't really bother me. Here's the stuff that bothers me during a trail that survivors do that is solely to irritate the killer and has no gameplay advantage

    1. Teabagging at the exit gates after they're opened

    2. Teabagging after throwing a pallet

    3. Teabagging after vaulting a window

    4. Flashlight clicks during a chase

    5. The instant flood of notifications after a match of toxic messages spam.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    I don't get the mentality toxic survivors have. Not even going into why they're being toxic for basically no reason. Let's talk about the practicality of their actions.

    A Leatherface camps someone to death, and that's the only kill they get. You can argue they should be tbagged because they were that petty to that person and basically ruined their game.

    But that's not even the people they tbag most of the time. It's usually a killer who tried to pressure all 4 survivors, hooked everyone at least once, never went for the same person twice, never camped. Maybe they used full gen defence, but can really blame them? The survivors will still tbag at the exits anyway, like the killer did something wrong to deserve it.

    It's because of this behavior that killers start to camp and tunnel when they never did. They're gonna suffer some toxicity either way, so why not face camp for the 1k? Probably better kill results than actually trying to have many chases and show off their skill. It's the sad story of the killer role right now.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Oh, don't worry, they teabag me as Leatherface too. Even when I purposely let them go. Nothing will stop the twerking, bruh.

  • DbDCasual
    DbDCasual Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2021

    I spent all day yesterday watching various streamers on Twitch. My goal was to find those who were playing killer and just see what kind of an experience they were having. These were my observations.

    1) Finding streamers that main killers is hard.

    2) Those who did play killer never had more than 1 or 2 "good" games in a row but often had large strings of games where they got stomped.

    3) Almost all of them, at some point, said "Well, I'm done with this. It's survivor for the rest of the night for me."

    4) I can think of 4 or 5 off the top of my head that just abruptly ended their streams after a series of brutal killer games.

    5) Not one streamer playing survivor had any of these reactions from their survivor experiences.

    These experiences came from streamers of all audience sizes, experience, and exposure levels("popularity"). This isn't an instance of a handful of people that need to "get good". The game is in a rough spot for killers right now and it's actually pushing people away from the role.

    I don't blame survivors for this, they're just playing the roles they're given. This is entirely on BHVR. I also firmly believe that after 5 years of development that the game is playing exactly the way they want it to be.

    This belief is further cemented by the string of mediocre killer releases, uncalled for killer nerfs(Deathslinger? Really?), coming down on the few killers that actually do well(Spirit), and the introduction of Boon Totems. I firmly believe that the experience killers are having is the experience BHVR wants them to have. For whatever reason.

    I don't know what the answer is but I think it's obvious, to those who want to look at the situation objectively, that killers are in a bad spot at the moment. Anecdotal "I do just fine" experiences aside, what I saw yesterday speaks to an actual problem.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521
    edited October 2021

    Which damn forums you've been on? Here its nothing but killer cry fest....also y'all taking this game way too serious and need to chill out this isn't full time job it's a game... Why are you bothered with what other ppl says? Why are you upset if they complain about complaining and why do you play a game which makes u feel this way?

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I dislike it aswell that we can't switch Killer anymore but this one thing is the Community's fault.

    There were quite some people who wanted a matchmaking system which differs between the killers but if you want such a system you can't keep the killer switch in the lobby because you could join the lobby with a weaker killer to get weaker Survs and than switch back to a stronger killer and destroy the Survs.

    Imo the Community should have asked for a good training mode instead of killer specific matchmaking but now it's too late (not for a training mode, but for the killer switch in the lobby).

    I also disagree that survivors always only get support in this forum. A while ago there was a discussion, where a surv complained about losing 20 games without the MMR-System adjusting to it and a bit more recently someone made basically the same discussion from a killers perspective. Both posts had supportive comments and both had comments like "if you lose that often you are just bad".

    Just like in the game there are people in this forum who are biased towards Killers and people who are biased towards Survivors and people who are neutral, so there will always be people who support a complaint from one side, people who try to discredit the complain and people who try to have a civil discussion about it but that is not specific to the discussion from one side.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    Imo the Community should have asked for a good training mode instead of killer specific matchmaking but now it's too late (not for a training mode, but for the killer switch in the lobby).

    A training mode against bots has been requested many times over the years. And also a ranked / unranked (or casual) queue.

    The problem that Killers have with not being able to switch I think is mostly that Survivors can just equip keys / flashlights at the last second and you can't react to that at all really. If you are a Killer you are currently levelling and so you don't have any good perks on them at least before you had a small chance to quickly switch your Killer to counter the items that were just equipped. Now you don't have that anymore.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    "Whenever a survivor complains they get nothing but support."

    You have only 22 posts on these forums and it very much shows.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    "Get flashlight saved multiple games in a row" - Learn to deal with it.

    I'm sorry but if your letting this happen multiple times per game then your not a high rank player. At high ranks a good player will never let this happen.

    So yes, you got to learn to avoid it or deal with it.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    not a good argument, but:

    LBR, the entire game seems to get skewed for people who don't want to adjust their playstyles. Survivors more so than killers.

    Killers get nerfed to allow survivors to not change their tactics, then killers get some really absurd pseudo-buffs to allow killers to be all played the same with only their abilities being slightly different.

    And that is the issue.

    When people say 'killer has never been easier' it's usually because they (as survivor) have become utterly predictable in how they'll go about every match, regardless of killer. To the point that even new players who only watched matches before know how to bait Dead Hard etc.

    So, of course killer is 'easy' when survivors have only one MO. Easy, but no fun. for either side.

    Thus, bhvr listening too much to survivors is not entirely correct. Bhvr catering too much to the wrong kind of survivors however, is.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I know that people requested it, but I think that the killer specific matchmaking was requested more, but my perception of that might be biased.

    I 100% understand that problem, that is why I said that I miss the killer swap aswell. Most players won't have all perks on all killers with the massive grind in the game and that sucks if you would want to bring a specific perk for a match because of the survs. And sometimes it's not even the perks, for example if there are 4 medkits in the lobby, Plague might be a good idea.

    My point is just that you probably can't have both, killer specific matchmaking and killer swap in lobby, so imo the community was shortsighted in requesting it.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    They do see and they enjoy it. They enjoy making killer's experiences miserable.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Did you mean to quote someone else? I feel like this is only tangentially related to my post.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Most survivors act toxic to annoy the killer in my exp, esp. when they're SWFs.

    And when killers react or just play efficient, most of them just want to win.

    The motives are the difference. Survs actually have the time to act toxic, killers not really.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    It was originally related to your post, then I changed a lot of stuff and forgot to remove the quote.

  • Basically yeah, but if you can't put pressure on the whole map then choose a rotation of gens that you're always going to check. Preferrably ones that are closer to each other, and there are ~5 that meet that criteria. Not every killer needs map pressure and it's OK to give up a couple gens to save the rest of the game

  • LegionMainsRCute
    LegionMainsRCute Member Posts: 25

    Look not every survivor main is like this and the ones that are like this just take the game way to seriously using Dead Hard, DS, Adrenaline and Iron Will every game without change.

  • fsdfsdgsgdsgsdg83
    fsdfsdgsgdsgsdg83 Member Posts: 28

    We don't know the CURRENT Survivor escape rate so where is your data on how killer is unfair? Were you expecting multiple winstreaks? Christ, losing streaks happen. Go play KYF with your own 'rules' if you think the game is so unjust. Are you even using S/A/B Tier killers?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited October 2021

    Shhh! You can't say that around here. Everyone knows how hard it is to play killer with all those evil survivors running around. Every team they go against is a tournament squad.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    What exactly are you solving by becoming part of the toxicity problem?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Not saying killers are to weak, but the balance for casual survivors does undercut the potential to compete in a way that survivors would deem fairly.

    Potential to win against competent survivors usually requires that the killer bypass many opportunities some survivors expect.

    Peak play is not properly balanced and to overcome that aspect many very displeasing tactics are commonly employed.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Stop complaining and instead just accept this is how the game is and change your mindset.

    A survivor teabags you across the pallet? Respond with "uh, ok I guess. I don't really care." Teabagging at the exit gate? "yeah, yeah, just get out of here."

    Getting genrushed? Look at what you did wrong. Did you chase a survivor that is obviously better than you for 3 minutes? Did you play too nice and give up chances to camp a survivor that was 5 seconds away from death, or refuse to hook a survivor that tunneled themselves by throwing themselves at you?

    Getting flashlight saved? Look at walls, or wait to pick up. Try to improve your game sense. Were there signs of other survivors nearby when you got your down? Run perks like Infectious Fright to make flashlight saves too dangerous to consider.

    You can also always dodge lobbies if you see a lobby of four man medkits or four man flashies if you don't want to deal with it. There's no penalty for leaving a lobby before a game starts. Matchmaking time is short enough for killer that you will only be in queue for a few seconds, probably.