A Chase Perk or Slow Perk that might be good for Oni

I tried Pop, Ruin, and Bamboozle, but I didn't need Bamboozle.
Pop catches the survivor in the beginning and by the time he hooks it, the generator is running and he can't use it.
Ruin hates being too influenced by luck.
Dying light Pop is my go to for Oni. Should be easy to snow ball for those stacks most of the time anyway
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Isn't Dying Light too insignificant?
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Deadlock and Corrupt, never look back. Monitor and Abuse/Tinkerer are great on him, Infectious can snowball the game into a complete win.
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Most of the game I had with Oni ended with no one reaching the gates so I would say it helped a lot in keeping the generator hostage enough so I could kick it with pop.
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Did you want perks for a beginner Oni, or a very skilled Oni?
Skilled Oni: Corrupt Intervention and Infectious Fright. If you're a really good Oni, you only need to delay the survivors long enough to get your power. Once a skilled Oni has their power, there's not much a survivor can do to stop him, so you just run perks to delay the early game to get your power (Corrupt Intervention) and a snowballing perk to make Oni way better (Infectious Fright).
Beginner Oni: Sloppy Butcher, Ruin, and Undying. Sloppy will make it harder for survivors to heal which will slow down the game a bit and make it so survivors drop more blood and you can use your power more to learn it. Ruin is an amazing gen-stopping perk but it's downside is it can be cleansed and it's pretty random when it get's cleansed. That's why we use Undying. Undying will protect Ruin from being cleansed once per trial.
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No mention of thana?
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Thana isnt all that good on Oni because it gives survivors more reasons to heal, which is the opposite to what you want
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I use good old streamer build.
BBQ, Infectious, monitor and corrupt.
A bit slowdown at the start, and then its up to you building your power fast enough to snowball survivors into never ending slug, hook, healing hell.
Its focusing more on chase and using your power so its up to you if you want to use it or change it a bit. I like it and find it very fun for Oni
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Spot on, however. Monitor works much better for me, especially as it works really well with infectious. Ruin is way better than deadlock imo. Ruin is luck based as you say, but when you're charging around, you get good ruin value when its up.
I run;
Discordance - Where to Demon dash
Infectious F - Snowball
Monitor - Extra infectious range /surprise attacks
Ruin - Pressure from demon dash
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Ruin against good Survivors is useless, it only works against those who don't know totem spawns. High level play has Ruin being cleansed within the first minute at least 40% of the time. And even then, it is only good on mobile Killers, Killers like Trapper would 100% benefit more from Deadlock.
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I love deadlock on GF and trapper, I did struggle without ruin on Oni last few games as I tried deadlock instead. You say they get broke early, but if they're positioned near a 3 gen, you can try to defend them. I'm not going the Undying route, that's just cruel 🙃
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Go for passive slowdowns. Deadlock, Corrupt Intervention. If you don't like Ruin you can maybe go for Hex: Plaything as it servers as an indirect slowdown and it's more reliable than Ruin.
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Dying Light is pretty much trash.It's "win more" type of perk.It's only noticeable when you're winning anyway
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I recently tried a build with eruption and it did a surprising amount of work, it literally carried me on one game where the last gen was about to pop and it activated just after I downed someone with my demon rush. It had two people on it and I managed to reach thanks to those precious 16 seconds of incapacitated.