Why do streamers complain so much about SBMM?

Is it just because they get matched againts better killers/survivors and no more easy escapes,4k's?
Isn't that was SBMM was supposed to be in the first place?
"the game you tried to joined is no longer available"
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Because bullying new players was their main attraction. Now they cant do that and they have to git gud.
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Because it's not balanced? Plus SBMM is awfully done?
You dont even have to play a certain killer but if you're a god nurse that killer will be stupid high mmr even though they cant compete there at all let alone you have 0 hours on them.
Plus it's not the kills, it's the fact some games you get such little hooks/escapes because you was miss matched or the map, tiles etc. Qasnt in your favour.
Rng and bad balance makes its nightmare
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Because SBMM is miserable for people who are good at the game.
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A good portion of the streamers for this game play it a lot, so their SBMM is high.
High-level SBMM DbD isn't fun, or really that fun to watch. Some if it probably also is the no more easy games. They make content, they need their content to be enjoyable. For a lot of people, that's unfortunately watching somebody completely destroy the other side.
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No more easy escapes or easy sacrifices, that simple. I'm going to assume since I don't watch people play live.
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Just because theyre streamers doesnt mean they dont have the right to express their opinions and feedback.
Believe it or not theyre people too
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Simple. The game punishes you for being good at it.
Nobody likes to sweat in a casual game like DBD and ontop of that BHVR enforced it onto us indefinitely and alot of my friends just stopped playing killer because every single match was unfun for them.
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Add hackers on the pile of reasons.
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I don't really know. I don't watch streamers that often but the ones i do still have well over a 85% winrate even with accepting meme builds
My own games were rough at first but now they also are mostly very chill
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Because DbD is a casual game and in its current state not fun at a hight level. Simple as that.
There are games which were designed to actually be really fun when played well, DbD is not one of them. It's designed and balanced for casual gamers and thus it's really not fun to play in a competitive manner.
Sure, there are some folks out there who enjoy playing DbD competitively in tournaments (lol) but that's a super small fraction of the player base.
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Since you know they dont like it, means you are watching them saying it?
Why not ask them? Or why not watch some of the many YT videos about this topic, where said streamers express their opinions and go into big details about SBMM?
Oh yea, that would mean no "haha, no more ez kills for streamers LMAO" comments you are looking for here.
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Why are we focusing on the streamers? Plenty of non-streamers, including myself, think SBMM was a dumb system to introduce.
Why is BHVR forcing ranked matchmaking on us in a casual game?
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Do u think it's all about habit? Because it sounds like they had easy games before and now they don't have it. Also i think devs still mess it up by not clarifying game goals (Is it casual game or are they going for competitive).
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Because DBD is not a balanced game at a high level. Survivors can equip 16 second chance perks, have comms, spawn separately on 4 separate gens, bring loaded medkits, and poor ol Ghostface or Trapper are expected to just deal with it.
It's frankly balanced horribly. That is why it is so miserable.
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I didn't get it at first either but yeah, high MMR DBD is probably legitimately 60% unfun games, that's why SBMM is hated on. Survivors at high ranks almost always have the upper hand unless you're running an S tier killer with an S tier loadout and even then a highly coordinated SWF can still just dunk on you.
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I don't post here, but came to the forums to see whats going on with my games. I wouldn't say im great at the game but I was consistently a rank 1 survivor before the skill based match making and pretty much only play solo survivor with some basement bubba, spooky myers thrown in there.
My survivor games are so unbelievably one sided its really gotten stale. I finally understand the power role survivors have, It's really unfun at the moment. Guaranteed two gens are popping before the first down. There's rarely a weak link and unless we screw up really badly, I've been escaping a majority of my games.
I say this as I come off the back of another 2 games where 2 gens pop before first down, one pops while someone sits on hook, rescue, finish and out. These are good killers with 1000s of hours, they're actual good players. Just, they have no chance unless its nurse spirit or addon blight.
It's gotten to the point where I don't even bother doing gens now. I just run a dumb sabo build and hope they get a little more time to do something interesting.
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Because being matched with survivors and againts killers not close to your skill level is also not that fair.
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Because this game is super unbalanced when it matches people of equal skill, and that isn't interesting content. Nobody wants to see Mr. Streamer having to camp and tunnel to get a single kill against SWF.
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Who cares? It’s a casual game.
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I dont know,to me it seems more interesting to actually have legit opponents that steamroll againts ones that have no chance againts you,where is the fun in that exactly?
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200 years game design experience
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Again, the game is highly unbalanced when you face "legit opponents". You can still have interesting and close games, but you need a weak link.
Every match at high MMR consists of killers camping and tunneling to get more kills, including streamers, do you find that exciting?
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Lots of pretty disingenuous takes here. Think about what makes funny or entertaining DbD content (for most): spins, jukes, crazy flashlight saves, weird builds, etc. All things that aren't going to work in a higher MMR bracket.
The things that make a survivor or killer effective in a higher skill tier aren't going to be very entertaining for most people to watch. Hold W, pre-drop pallets, proxy hooks, 3 gen strats, tunneling, all that. And a lot of streamers find that playstyle boring as well.
SBMM hurt their business. It's understandable that they'd complain. They either commit to a playstyle they don't enjoy or lose a bunch and have their credibility damaged in the eyes of the viewer.
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^ This.
For the average player SBMM is good but at high MMR it's just terrible. SWF sweat fests every single match and normally the games imbalance at high rank is covered up by bad matchmaking but with SBMM that's no longer the case.
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as a streamer myself it's super easy to stream snipe because before you had to be the same rank or atleast in the tier
now that doesn't matter just press ready when they do and you are very likely to get in there game
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It’s because the game is fundamentally flawed and this is amplified at the highest levels. SBMM is great for the average player like myself, but if you’re particularly good, you have to sweat pretty much every match and there’s plenty of frustration to go along with it. You end up fighting the game mechanics more than your opponents.
That being said I’m a fan of SBMM because it has significantly improved the quality of my games, and the issues being commented on are not SBMM related more so flawed game design being amplified, and reverting SBMM does nothing to truly solve the core issues and merely obscures them.
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Yeah, it's almost like people who never played on high level don't understand how it is to play there thus.. blaming people who complain about it.
Can't wait till all the SBMM defenders hit high MMR and see why we complain in the first place.
Edit: Hit high Killer MMR
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SBMM and MMR are fine things, but you first have to make sure you game is balanced well. DBD is balanced for casual players, that is why survivor is so strong when survivor players are good at the game. It isn't because people want easy 4k. People want a fair chance to do well. Instead they have to sweat and try much harder than the side with many when you reach a decent skill level of play, and many streamers are at that level because they play the game for a living.
I personally don't watch survivor mains, I only watch people that play both sides, so idk if survivor mains are complaining about SBMM and MMR much. All the people I watch that play both sides usually just make comments regarding their teammates rather than the killer when playing survivor because I only watch solo survivor players. They have 100% made comments about SBMM and MMR while on killer though.
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Game punishes you for being good by giving longer queue times with less fun matches.
Calling the system "skill-based" is not very accurate due to the metrics used to judge your skill being shallow.
In my case, before they implemented SBMM, I had extremely fast queues. Even if i'd have a bad or unbalanced match, it didn't matter since I could queue up again and find another match super quick. Now I have to wait 5+ minutes to get a match that, while more consistently fair (2k 2 escape), is extremely unfun and stressful with it feeling more like you're playing against perks rather than players.
For streamers, I imagine it's probably harder to entertain an audience if every game at higher levels becomes a meta sweat-fest where they can hardly ever use interesting stuff or do anything different without the match being frustrating.
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Why? if they were good, they shouldn’t have any issues. SBMM is showing how good everyone actually is
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That's only true if the game were balanced and if SBMM worked.
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I don't think it's just a matter of them wanting to go against babies. It's about the gameplay itself.
I've seen a lot of people say SBMM has helped their matches. But I, along with a lot of other people, it's made worse.
90% of my survivor games I'm paired with a bunch of survivors who don't do gens, don't unhook, they don't heal or do totems. They just crouch in a corner all game doing nothing. Which, I admit I'm not the greatest survivor, but I'm also not that bad. But the killers I get in those games, are all running: corrupt, ruin, pop, and undying, with red add-ons. Every single match. Occasionally they'll swap pop for NOED.
But switch to killer side and the survivors I go against are also only using the same perks, Dead hard, adrenaline, borrowed time, prove thyself, and DS. Followed by some brand new parts, red add-on flashlights, insta heals, and a skeleton key. Every match has some combination of this and nothing else. It's so boring to go against! It's the same playstyle, with the same add-ons, every single match. With the only thing affecting the gameplay being how the map decides to spawn itself.
It's so repetitive and boring to play. I had 5 matches last night, stomped 4 out of 5, stopped playing because I got bored, because it's the same match every time. That's what streamers are worried about. People don't like watching everything unfold the same every match for 3-4 hours.
It's not about stomping babies. It's about having more diversity in a game that's supposed to be fun. But it's just not anymore. It's just more of the same everyday.
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Some complain cause no more ez escapes/kills. Some complain due to increase in hackers. Some complain due to the game being unbalanced, even if your on the same skill you ultimately don't get any kills as killer. Some complain cause they have to focus on the game and can't interact with their viewers. It's kinda hard not to hate it if you stream especially if your a killer.
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Because mmr is only good for beginner/casual.
At high mmr you face the same swf/addon/perk/killer/and map offering and more chance to face cheaters and stream snipers.
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Either because they see it needs improvement, i.e not being based on just kills and escapes, or because they're jumping on the "MMR works in every game except DBD" bandwagon.
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Because no more ez matches 🥺
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Because perhaps sbmm was not made for a game like dbd? Perhaps because it’s not fun for them?
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Probably all of the cheaters at high mmr might be the more realistic reason the experience is awful. I mean, besides how imbalanced the game is. I feel bad for any killer playing up there. I pour one out for the homies.
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Exactly. I've been playing this game for almost 5 years and I'm about ready to uninstall it. Playing killer just isn't fun anymore and that was my favourite role to play. SBMM completely killed the casual aspect of the game and you're right, it punishing you for even being slightly good. It's just sweaty match after sweaty match. Also it makes doing Tome challenges next to impossible. It's awful.
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From what I heard,it takes a while to get at high mmr,so by the time hackers get there,they will probably be banned,that if EAC wasn't so bad at least.
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Or they just set their own MMR after they make new account and start playing at the highest possible mmr from game one, in 5 minutes.
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And without SBMM the game is terrible for players who are bad but keep getting matches against really good ones.
I am going to claim now that i am a pretty good player and i dont have any problems playing against good players, i dont want to stomp noobs.
All this only counts IF SBMM works of course.
If it works its great and important.
There is nothing wrong with playing against someone who is on the same skill level as you.
You shouldnt be matched against players you either stomp or completly loose because they are too good.
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Been wondering where you've been Ruma.
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Today is the day that I officially stop playing DBD. I have over 1k hours as a solo survivor. I returned recently for the first time since MMR was a thing and after escaping a few matches I was already going up against non-stop lethal pursuit slug nurses and meta blights with the occasional spirit in between...
This has nothing to do with "git gud". That is just an argument that ppl use when they have nothing better to say. This is about how unfun the game is at high MMR seeing the same killer over and over again. I want to play versus stealth killers or a pyramid or a demo... I am well aware how badly they are balanced versus the top 3. But I really wish to have some diversity in my killers pool.
If I were promised killer diversity in my play sessions... I would instantly unequip some of my meta perks and go for fun builds instead. (If you argue to unequip them now to get lower MMR, the answer is that is exactly how I got to high MMR, without meta perks, I was forced to equip them after every game being a slug and tunnel fest.) Its been at least 200 hours since I have seen some killers... Some killers are just dead right now... At least at the top MMR. And If you are in that same pool of killers as a survivor, you would stop enjoying the game too very quickly. THAT is how you spot someone who does not play high MMR, They just don't know any better and say "git gud".
That right there is the only reason I'm calling it quits. "Killer diversity". If you keep playing, power to you guys and I really wish you fun, I just can't have it anymore.
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I think the main problem is what was pointed out by @xili84 .
There are only 3 killers viaable at the highest level: Nurse, Blight and Spirit. Out of those two only Blight offers some interesting gameplay and even then, when you only face the same 3 Killer over and over again it gets boring. There are probably people who can play a Myers at that level but their number is so limited that it makes no difference.
Yet Killer variaty is one of the main strenghs of this game: One game you play against Oni and have a loud and insta downing opponent. One game you play against a hit and run Wraith and one game you get Hag with her tarpping playstyle. This makes games feel fresh and different. And this is lost to streamers who usually have a high MMR.
The conclusion to this would be a "wilde" mode, where you disable all matchmaking algorythms and just que up and get the next best Killer. Any form of skillbased or playtime based matchmaking is doomed to repeat this effect after all and at least then you could volonteer for SBMM.
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I think it’s fine to let good killers play against good survivors.
also calm down… 🙄
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Taking a break right now, but i will come back soon. <3
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Just taking a small break so i can come back even stronger soon
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They cant do that,pretty sure BHVR detects everyone mmr,even if they could,probably insta ban.