What is your opinion on Freddy: is he too weak or too strong?

Ever since they nerfed Freddy so he has 5 dream snares/pallets by default, I've felt like Freddy is much weaker on bigger maps. Suffocation Pit, for example, makes it hard to place dream snares across the map where you need them. Is it just me or does anyone agree?


  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    he is promiscuous

  • His power is good, but his add-ons are garbage, that overall makes him okay

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    Freddy is mostly ok but he is on the weaker side of the roster imo. The nerf sucked but you should only be using snares where you're looping anyway.

    His main problem is add-ons. They're pretty much trash. The reworked the slow down add-ons (which were great btw) and then nerfed one of them to be completely countered by Iron Will.

    The dream world should have some sort of penalty or added debuff/effect just for being in it. The dream world is supposed to be Freddy's domain to do with as he pleases, yet all he can do in DbD is place some low tier booby traps.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    He's decent, however not very fun to play as and has horrible add-ons.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392


  • Mistakesweremade
    Mistakesweremade Member Posts: 229

    boring. Makes me wish they brought old Freddy back.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Playing him after his most recent nerf as of October 2021, Freddy feels noticeably weaker than before, and the only real unique thing he has is teleporting to generators. The Dream World mehanic no longer does a lot, his snares are less-than-effective, and pallets got nerfed unnecessarily.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Altarf put it best, but yes, he's boring. There's nothing that makes him particularly stand out or be special. It doesn't even give you the same fun of 'Feeling like' you're playing Freddy from the movies like so many other Liscense characters do in this game.

    Tbh, even if I still don't like Freddy (I never recovered from Forever Freddy...) I wish he was reworked. Even if his power was much more thematically appropriate, I just wish he got more love, as it currently feels like no one wants to play him from any aspect. (And a weak Killer is fine, if he was at least thematically accurate and fun...)

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited October 2021

    The nerf made him just right i think. hes still somewhat strong, but not in an unfair way. He has strengths, he has weaknesses, and none of them are unreasonable. Hes also not overly complicated so he can be picked up by most players and still be played effectively. I think hes a great example of an m1 killer with extra powers, he is what killers like clown and legion should aspire to be. The sad fact though is that m1 killers will always be boring, freddy is no exception.

  • MckFinn
    MckFinn Member Posts: 60

    Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to respond to me and share your opinions! Much appreciated, as I have a friend who is a Freddy main and has mixed feelings about him.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Freddy was my childhood favorite. Saddens me to see his current state of boring. He's not terrible but not great either. All i ask is a add on pass and a debuff in the dream world. With it being so easy to be awake no reason this cant be done.

    I was not around to experience old Freddy but sounds wayyyy more interesting than this flake of a version now. Freddy should be a unstoppable force in the dream world.

  • Animal_Mother
    Animal_Mother Member Posts: 149

    He seems super easy to play and fairly strong to me. It's interesting how people can have such different opinions about Freddy. If you look at popular streamers' tier lists, Dowsey puts Freddy in the middle of A tier. Otzdarva puts Freddy at #21 out of 25.

  • Main_Freddie
    Main_Freddie Member Posts: 12

    He's in a sad moment right now. After his rework he was balanced but the survivors always complain because they don't want to think when playing this game.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    The only thing he's really got going for him these days is the generator teleport, his snares are servicable, the pallets are a meme and the dreamworld is really just more of an aesthetic than anything else. His addons are just really, really bad now and all the good ones can be counted on a single hand which is pretty awful. I'm not asking for anything OP but maybe a few good transformative addons to shake up the gameplay would be nice? But instead all we got are addons that make you louder (in the dreamworld) and one that blocks the gates for 10 seconds (if you're in the dreamworld)

    So really, all I got to say on his addons are ??????

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    He's ok, but his addons are bad and he's very boring to play as.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Freddy is still A tier to me .The slow is reliable and has no negatives just forces pallets down faster to create dead zones or get hits. He also has a fix for every problem that any M1 killer has. Just teleport to generator and kick it immediately with pop goes the weasel instead of other killer who physically can't do anything about a generator he can't reach in time so teleport can also allow him to go more for chases that has the survivor just holding W, he can afford it with teleport

  • ChampagnePapi
    ChampagnePapi Member Posts: 29

    That nerf did nothing to freddy to be honest its the perks that has good correlation with his power such as ruin pop tinker and a random perk of your choice. It is nearly impossible to lose as freddy using those perks on him. I get 4ks back to back with either 1 gen done or not even a single gen done. I even face the most sweaty squads and the matches are sometimes very challenging but I still pulled it off securing the bag (4k) making the right plays.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    He didn't need the change to dream pallet numbers.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Too weak

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    He is garbage right now i think we should have old freddy back.

    The reason i say that is because he is weak in loop and if the survivor hold the w key the killer lose 100%. He rely to much on the survivor being bad and that not great.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    neither. I think he is so extremely mediocre.

  • Badonkadonk
    Badonkadonk Member Posts: 79

    Even though I hate Freddy, he's far from overpowered, though I don't consider him weak either. His kit just isn't very fun to play against. He needs to be changed IMO, just not because he's too weak or too strong but just making him more enjoyable.

  • nickofford
    nickofford Member Posts: 105

    I think he's fine enough

    But holy moly I do not want the devs to spend a single second on him , he has taken way too much development time compared to the roster

  • FreshCoal
    FreshCoal Member Posts: 174

    Freddy's real main power is to teleport to gens. His snares aren't that effective since most times they just mean that the survivor just gets 1 less loop out of a pallet. Fake pallets are even worse, especially with the stun bug. Not to mention that survivors can grab a clock to completely remove the killer's chase power.

    Excellent killer design!

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    His base kit is fine.

    His addons need a complete rework.

    Nerfing either would have been adequate. Nerfing both was overkill. I see more Legion and Doctor players than Freddy these days, he's as rare as Myers or Demogorgon.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I'd like them to give him back at least one testicle

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited October 2021

    his anti-loop sucks and you can completely deny it for 90 seconds now, so the nerf was pretty funny if you ask me lol.

    the gen teleport makes him above the bottom tier, but that's about it. he's pretty pathetic, his power is extremely uninspired and boring, his addons are god awful, and the entire concept of the dream world and freddy being a dream demon was wasted entirely.

    i don't want him either nerfed or buffed. this kit should be trashed entirely and the snares + pallets should just be stuffed into two separate addons. bring back old freddy and rework that kit. ######### this bland version of the killer.

    + i'd like to add that i never play this killer, so I'm not some butthurt freddy main crying about the nerf, I couldn't care any less. I just want freddy krueger to actually have a true "dream demon" power, because it's freddy ######### krueger.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Playing Freddy now is like watching paint dry.

    He does his job and his teleport is a strong weapon. Combind with Pop and BBQ or Tinkerer he can delay the game and apply pressure at all the right points. However his "main power" the snares are just a bad joke. Only their "Hindred" status can do anything to help you, sometimes denying a fast vault, a Lithe or something like that. His pallets are fun but a meme as good survivors will just predrop everything once they know your a pallet-Freddy, thus denying him his fun power. Also fake-pallet spawns are mostly bad.

    His lullaby and the oblivious status can screw some survivors over and confuse them but nothing more.

    Freddy is not nearly as bad as Myers or Legion. However he is just no fun to play. His power has a low skill floor and an even lower skill ceiling. I only play him sometimes for the quest or because I like his laughing.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639

    Freddy is still strong if you know how to play him efficiently, but the problem is that he is just...boring. Uninteresting.

    Why BHVR hasn't brought Freddy's on-release version back yet, who had a perfect design, is a mystery to me.

  • He's definitely op.

    So boring that he puts every survivor to sleep and from there it's an easy 4k against 4 people who are now in a deep slumber in front of their monitors.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    He was always an overrated killer after the rework, the nerfs just pushed him into C tier instead of the low B he was. M1 killer with very mediocre anti-loop and good mobility, but nowadays he's outshined by Pyramid Head, Demo, Wraith, Nemesis and Pinhead.

    The problem is how boring he is to play as and against. The only reason to play him is if you like the movies and even then there's nothing about Freddy that reminds you of the serial killer, and playing against him is super obnoxious because he's just a worse Clown in chase that has stupid synergy with slowdown perks. He honestly deservers another rework.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Last night was weird for me. First game was against Plague (dont get to play often) and the remaining 4 games were all myers. If Im lucky i see one in a week so 4 in one night all back to back........no more myers this week please.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    he’s alright. typical jack of all trades, master of none.

    personally though, i still think hes somewhat strong- just not like how he used to be with forever freddy.

  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87

    I have been playing freddy a while now and just as many said, the pallets sucks against comms teams and the snares wich are overall better are still a bad power.

    His perks are somewhat usefull for some thematic build but they don't stand out.

    And his addons are the worst part, the only ones usefull enough are the paint brush and the chain but like the snares despite being his bests options they aren't particullary strong.

    His only powerfull tool is the generator tp wich works wonder with pop and bbq and that's it.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited October 2021

    Medium strength. His ability to quickly teleport (or fake it) to incomplete generators makes him one of the most boring killers out there. Because of that ability alone it’s rare you’ll ever see him without some combination of BBQ, Ruin, Pop, and most definitely Tinkerer.


    His add-ons are trash though. Just give us old Freddy back with a few modifications.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    He is decently strong, and was slightly stronger before his addon nerfs.

    He is incredibly boring to play as and against. He needs skill to play to fix this.