Stop telling people how to play :D

As the title says, stop telling people how to play, If I'm playing as survivor, don't tell me that I need to cleanse before doing x thing, I play and do what I want! The same as killer If I tunnel at the start of the game, don't tell me that I have to do it when there are only x generator left. I though this game was to have fun, so if it is the have fun let me play how I want. And if you want to tunnel only at half of the game or cleanse all the totems before repairing, go ahead! If that's how you enjoy playing, good for you! But let me play how I want 🙂
Oh, people can play how they like. My stance is that if they play scummy, though, they have absolutely zero rights to complain when the other team (or same team) plays scummy back. If you facecamp don't complain when gens fly and 3 people tbag you at the gates. If you clicky clicky all game don't complain when you're facecamped- that sort of thing. If you bodyblock a survivor repeatedly then don't expect that survivor to save you, and a lot of killers will leave them alone to tunnel you because it's a dick move.
Play how you like, but if you're being a dickhead then don't complain if the other side are too.
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If you bring a key, don't complain that I tunneled you down as a priority.
If you teabag or flash me, and I camp you to death - well, you wanted my attention, and you got it.
If you are going to bring annoying second chance perks, don't complain that I'm running NOED/Undying.
If you are going to bring a bunch of toolboxes and a medkit, I'm bringing some nasty addons too. And probably Franklins.
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i mean, this should be common sense.
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This exactly!^^
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Oh you'd think so. But the amount of people that facecamp + tunnel me, then complain when the other people actually do the gens is genuinely concerning.
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You can play how you want but if you make stupid decisions in game people will let you know, as they should
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Also if your doing something that is not specifically stated to be cheating but it obviously is considered cheating, then i will tell you not to do that.
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Oof... that's sad...
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But if 1 person tbag, you facecamp to punish bad manners, then 3ppl tbag you at gates, so you tried to punish toxicity and was punished for "toxicity" xD
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I don't have an issue with people expressing themselves. They're free to tell me how to play. Then they can lay their eyes on the fields where I grow the ######### I give, and they shall see those are barren.
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I'm stealing your line about the fields...
anyway, as for op. I agree, being told how you should play is so petty. Fun is subjective and people need to realise that. I for example have fun playing with Insidious Bubba in basement. But get told "that's not how you play" and "you ruin other peoples experience" I'm playing for myself to have fun.
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As long as you're playing by the rules, no one can tell you how you should play!
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Entirely a you problem im gonna be honest
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The only reason I play on stretched resolution is because it looks better. I do not do it for the competitive advantage. Tee hee.
It just looks so good as that alpha Bubba player stares into my eyes with that extra backdrop. Is it me, or is it starting to get hot in here?
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that first line gives me Deja Vu......were you the nancy I went against when I slugged the entire team?
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completely fair, but don't complain when it happens to you, simple as that. Play like a dick, have fun getting treated like it.
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Lets change it from telling people how to play to telling people about how Legion should canonically use a soft bore flintlock pistol for their power instead
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I know what you mean, but instead of expressing themselves saying things like "maybe you should have camped a bit less" They say things such as "You [Bad Word] tunneler you are such a baby killer and you are incredibly bad because you tunnel" As if I had to play how they wanted :3
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I don't mind at all :D
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Not really mine. I read it on a meme somewhere. It's a good one, it will serve you well.
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Are you sure you don't want to cleanse before x-thing.
It has been proven to have a positive effect on your life choices while having zero sugar and all the flavor
money back guarantee
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You're not my supervisor!
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Yep exactly. I'd also add don't expect anything either.
If you played a great game doesn't mean you deserve the 3-4k or to escape. NOED, insta down, luck may spoil your escape and that's fine. BT saves and coordinated body blocking, bad luck may ruin that kill you were so close to and that's fine.
Things that kinda irk me as killer is constant noise spamming and hanging out all EGC for no reason, excessively bold unthematic survivor play, but they don't justify me being a dick because its only a game. If those things irk me its a me problem.
Things that irk me as survivor, not much really except when the killer seems so outplayed that there is no threat from them. I want killers to be brutal and scary. Camp, tunnel, noed, mori, stab me on hook, let me bleed out all this things just scream survival horror. I don't want to get caught and when I escape I want it to be by "the skin of my teeth" those games are the best games.
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It happens even if you don’t play like a dick.
If you have a rough game, survivors still have the propensity to send you a “ggez baby killer” despite being unprovoked.
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let's not pretend it's just survivors that say things unprovoked, okay?
there was... no tbagging, because she chased me all game. no pointing, she got 2 hooks on me (and tunneled me all game <3), no bt just people bodyblocking well, no ds, no clicky clicky, no anything. but here we are.
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It was an example. I never said killers don’t get salty or toxic.
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well yeah it is a pvp game lmao people act like dbd is the only game people are rude on, it is the internet, there will always be dick heads, it is just a point of rather it was earned or not.
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You’re right, there’s jerks on pretty much every PvP game in existence.
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Use botany as survivor or ur trash
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I'd get sandbagged by survivors and the killers would still chase me.
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When that happens I always make sure to try and leave that survivor alone... I'm sorry man
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It's fine. Most of the time its just my friends messing with me.
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I demand you to play however you feel like, and you have to obey this demand. :D