Any tips for a console blight?

I currently play blight on console and it seems that some very powerful flicks are really only doable on pc, but i still want to try and master this killer as he is the most fun to use.
Become a Console Billy, we have bricks and drugs.
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For some reason billy just doesnt work for me. I love oni and blight, but when i played billy last night i didnt even get a single down.
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I can try.
A good build is essential on Blight. He is good enough that a build will carry you and you will have time to catch your skill up.
You can't flick, you just gotta accept that and play way more heavily into predicting Survivors. It's guesswork, but you can read some people like a book and it feels great.
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Do you think Shadowborn, BBQ, Pop and corrupt is a good build?
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I certainly think that's fine to start with. I like your thinking with Shadowborn!
I personally use something similar to the "Basic ######### Blight Build" which is Ruin, Tinkerer, Bamboozle and Pop. I can explain my choices, if you like.
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I used to run bamboozle instead of shadowborn so i know where you're coming from.
And i think anyone knows why ruin, tinkerer pop lol. I just dont wanna win too much and focus on practicing his power before i get to stupid high mmr
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That's a good strategy I think.
That build will let you practice on your way up though. You won't need to take it seriously at all and it instills some good instincts into you. Spreading out pressure and a general sense for gen progression, for starters.
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I played a few games earlier on blight and I just played like any other killer and used his power to get a speed boost.
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Why bamboozle? Jungle gyms?
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Max sensitivity and I could be wrong but remember to use BOTH analog sticks when charging for steeper turns, this may help with flicks as well.
Blight is supposed to be the same as PC, so any weird crazy flicks on PC are likely exploiting mouse DPI, like Oni's 180 flick. Basically, if it's not intended, don't bother learning it.
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These are very helpful, but one thing I find difficult is getting into the shack in time after bouncing off the door frame. Any specific way to do it or should I just experiment to try and get in in time
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I don't play on console, but i think the "compound seven" add-on is really helpful
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Not to be a rude but that is probably blight worst add on, in a race with adrenaline vial and placebo tablet. Thanks for trying to help though. I appreciate
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I get stuck outside the door and usually can't get in in time unless I use slam duration addons
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My advice would be: choose a different killer, Blight is one of the many killers that were developed without console in mind.
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100% sensitivity always.
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Yes, change the killer if you play in high MMR, cause in high mmr these techs are required to down skillfull survivors who know how to play against blights.
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Good luck.
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Yes, and T-L's.
Basically just helps shore up an area he's weak in on Console since you can't flick.
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"You can't flick"?
Console Blight's have been able to flick for quite some time now, ever since they buffed controller sensitivity.
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That was when he was released, not how he currently stands now, which is far better and near equal to that of a PC Blight.
If you're gonna talk about poorly optimized killers for console, take one long look at Trickster please.
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No, you cannot flick your bounces.
You can sort of flick your swing, but you can't quickly turn to re-adjust your angle when bouncing.
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Actually you can, it just takes proper timing of flicking the stick to do so.
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95% of people say you can't.
I'll test it.
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We can't flick the same way as pc though. On console, you get a gradual 80 degree turn while on pc you can turn 90 in an instant and get damn near 180 degree flicks
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I have one tricked blight since his height got buffed and got to experience most of the states he’s been through. I used to Jflick, I used to scoot surf, but they patched both of these things. As far as I can say, blight is better since jflicks got removed. And I’d recommend you watch LilithOmen and AscensionWho on twitch (even if it’s been a while since ascension took a break).
If you can’t flick due to console limitations, try to go for a hug tech. All you have to do is to simply bump against the object, hug it as tight as possible, look down, and use your second rush. It’s especially effective on cars because of their rectangular shape, and most people don’t expect you to hit those attacks. As for my build, since I usually go against comp players because of mmr, I run BBQ (auras are really useful for info and for the grind), Pop/corrupt because I find ruin to be pretty unreliable against those types of teams. My last perk is Infectious fright, as I often need to slug since i need to apply as much pressure as needed.
For the addons, I pretty much always run Crow/ring for the extra speed of crow and the slugging capability of ring when paired with Infectious Fright.
I know it’ll take you a lot of time to master blight since he’s the hardest killer to learn/master, and being on console doesn’t really help you, but some of my friends, while being on console themselves can hit pretty sick hugs and curves because they mastered him. So while there will always be a gap between controller and M&K, I’m sure you’ll be as good as a PC blight if you just put enough time trying to master him.
Hope you’ll have fun, and be sure to post about your sick hits somewhere like youtube ! Glhf <3
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one thing I forgot to mention real quick. You may slide on objects on some maps. Try to remember where and use it to your advantage to get unexpected hits. Also, patience is key with this killer. Be as patient as you need to start a rush, make sure you’ll get where you want to be. Otzdarva is a good example of impatience with blight (at least his first games with him), as he was trying to get downs as fast as possible, messing with his bumps at the same time. Resulting often in getting into cooldown or missing an easy hit. Try to secure downs instead of trying to speed run them. Patience and bump logic are the keys to master blight, flicks aren’t the way to master him. I’m sure you’ll get extremely good by following my advices as well as Lilith’s. Be sure to watch the streams and interact with him as he’s extremely good at looking at the chat and interacting with it. He’ll give you some amazing tips ! Hope to see ya in the fog someday !
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Thanks very much, I've been try to hug tech and didn't know I had to look down. I also just started watching lilith omen and it helps alot being able to see someone's "bump logic" In action. I have a video on YouTube of an 'average' match if you wanna see and maybe give me some more specific tips.
Also thank you very much
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Hey ! That was pretty good ! One thing i noticed is that you’re not patient enough most of the time. You try to go too fast instead of securing your hit. And yeah the hug tech is pretty hard to master (as seen in the car 1v1). You’re definitely lethal when you don’t have to curve or do a little, but it becomes a problem when the curves are 90-180 degrees, and this is why scoot surfing is good. It’s the same as a hug tech, excerpt you’re using your camera to get more room to flick. I dropped a sub on youtube ! One last thing, pressing the attack button while in rush can be a little risky. You should try to collide with the survivor and hit the attack button as it’ll guarantee a hit, and if you get the right timing you can bypass a dead hard ! Keep on practicing man, and feel free to join ascension’s discord server, we’ll give you more advices !
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Can you really not do all the flicks / techs that PC can do? I was just getting into Blight but will have to retire him if that’s the case.
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You can still do most things that dont require more than 90 degree flicks. While on console blight is slightly weaker, he is still incredibly fun and can do great at high mmr.
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Yeah I really need to try and touch the survivor to get the hit, but my oni main brain keeps messing it up lol. I'll try to put these into practice and upload a new video when I get it down. What is ascension's discord server? How can I join?
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Ignore comment on ascension discord. I used my incredibly large brain to find him on YouTube and joined his discord.