Sbmm mixed feelings

Glad to see that it's an emphasis on survival over occupying the killer. Seeking out the one threat in the game just seemed dumb.

On the other hand, knowing this now makes swf more manipulative in terms of where they place. Already encountered lots of teams before the q&a that would stomp/bully, then one person stays to die intentionally. Gonna see alot more of that now I guess to keep the team average in a cushy spot.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Why would you need to lower your mmr as a swf? I mean, as a swf that takes the game seriously, anyways. That would be kind of pathetic.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Having members that counter adjust a high sbmm means they can more easily gain matches against lower rated killers.

    Not concerned about survivors that go for a straightforward win, but the ones that relish a match where the killer is clearly outmatched.

    Experienced this when sbmm launched; survivor swf would clearly have control over the game and practically refuse to conclude the match until they farmed out all they wanted. This superiority is usually accompanied by insults to complimenting their "greatness"

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    obv it wasnt said, but I'd imagine that the mm will only find a match based on the highest players mmr

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Kinda doubt it. I've been playing some friend from time to time who barely plays the game and whenever I play with him the killers are consistently inexperienced lol

  • I really don't see the average swf going that far to manipulate it like that.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I'd hope so, but seeing as the casual survivors are the devs focus I'd bet they want to make it easier on the inexperienced

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Not concerned with the average swf, they usually aren't pro grade loopers and more likely to finish quickly to escape.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Occupying the killer and wasting their time is the only real skillful metric to judge a survivor players skill in all honesty. That is why the SBMM is flawed to a certain extent with DBD. There are too many unimportant variables that really don't indicate skill. Like hook saving, healing and doing gens. Everyone can do that, but not everyone can run a killer for multiple gens if the killer commits to a long chase. Being able to run the killer and waste their time and pallet usage management during chase are the biggest things that separate average and competent survivor players.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "Glad to see that it's an emphasis on survival over occupying the killer." Ah yes, the least skillful aspect of the game being the main determination for your skillbased matchmaking.

    I can be hooked at 1 gens left, have 0 teammates come to me, die on first hook and I'd be losing MMR, even if I kept the killer at bay for 4 gens, where my teammates, who have done nothing but hold m1 do gain MMR.

    Or another scenario: Hidden all game with a key, does nothing all game, hatch spawns, instantly leaves. Gain MMR because you escaped.

    How is the emphasis on survival any good in any way? Occupying the killer is literally the biggest determination in the endresult of the game. If your occupation of the killer ended up in 3 survivors escaping, you should be rewarded for that. If you didnt do ######### and jumped in the hatch with a key as soon as you were able to, you shouldnt be rewarded for that #########.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I agree that Healing and gens are not a good judge, can practically get infinite BP if there wasn't a cap. Hook saves come with a variety of difficulty though and I wouldn't mind seeing a reflection of the effort to keep survivors from going straight to second stage.

    I do disagree with running the killer and pallet management though, but not in denial that it's skillful in its own way.

    Primary reason is that it denies other survivors of any interaction with the killer which many would attest is the only interesting aspect. This is beneficial for swf that plan for it but solo players are left with gen simulation and reduced BP earnings.

    Second would be that I find there are few reasons to conserve pallets. Many of the maps provide an abundant amount of pallets with the ability to pre-drop them to extend chases against most killers. Aside from having really inefficient teammates on select maps, there is little risk of running out prior to gen completion.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Not suggesting that those cheap escapes are in anyway more skillful or earned for that matter.

    I do like the emphasis of avoiding the killer. Given that your not guaranteed more than 1 hook without team support, it makes sense encouraging players to minimize the chances of that scenario or opportunities for killers to accumulate advantages with perks.

    I already listed my 2 main reasons for disliking the 5 gen loop strategy in an above post. If this is you tactic that's fine, no one is taking that from you. Just make sure you don't slip in the egc and undo all that effort.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    you clearly did not watch stream. Hatch escapes are award zero MMR.

    The only problem with that system they have right now is facecamping. They said they're working on it. so I hope that one changes Soon TM.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I seriously don't get it. They said that they heard lots of feedback from survivors that they didn't like how they played a high skill game while someone was a gen jockey all game, and it wasn't reflected well in rank.

    So what? They just made it 100% irrelevant.