Play Both Sides

In my opinion everybody should play both sides not only survivor or only killer because you're only getting one perspective of the game you can't have a full understanding of a game if you only play half of it. So it's kind of crazy people that only play one particular side think that they know the best ways to change the side they don't even play. I've seen this before wire somebody only played a certain side and they were trying to say how they should change a character on the other side that they've never even played. Which by the way is the opposition of your side so of course you're going to think things are too strong and so on. For example if you're having trouble with a certain killer and the technics they use and stuff that they do try playing a few games as that killer and you'll probably get a better understanding of how to go against them and what not to do. If you're having trouble catching survivors as the killer try playing some survivor so you can see what the killer does. I've just never seen a game where people literally only play half of it and think they know how to change the whole thing.


  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    "I've just never seen a game where people literally only play half of it and think they know how to change the whole thing."


    ...Ummm, Is this your first multiplayer video game ever by any chance...? Just curious....

    But yea I agree. Play both sides. It will make you a better player overall. I learned allot about countering Spirit from actually playing Spirit. Though I hate to say it but you know killers are just gonna say "I have played survivor it's easy mode. It's too boring having my hand held."

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    "As a killer main, survivor is hard as hell. No idea how they do it. It is just not my cup of tea. I was made to kill things, not to loop things."

    Now I just feel bad for making that unfair strawman... 😥 That was crappy of me.

    Took me like 500 hours to learn to loop. I like killer but I get tilted and angry instead of feeling like #########. The ######### taste in my mouth after a bad survivor game ends once I exit the game for the day. The ######### taste after a killer takes 30 minutes to go away after I exit the game for the day.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    I agree, I've mained Killer for 4 years but I would always play some survivor games with my pals.

    We would all mostly play Killer so our Killer rank was 1 and our survivor rank was 20.

    Its a great way to bully or be toxic.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    U don't need to be perfect as survivor. Knowing how to waste killer time is more than enough, and if u know how to run for 1 min, it's a win because 3 chases 1 min each = 4-5 gen pop.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    500 hours? See what I mean? You have to respect the craft. It would probably take me even longer because I only play my one daily game except for during tomes where I am on the grind. I feel I need repetition to grasp the fundamentals and never really absorb or apply any of the tips I have learned.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I will. Its just since sbmm launch my killer queue times are 5-10minutes for weeks now, and it seems like it will stay that way.

    So I will probably continue to play mostly survivor

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I played both sides, actually. Enjoyed every aspect of the Dead by Daylight's experience while I could.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    You are correct but may I add that there are THREE sides to play if you want an accurate perspective: Killer, survivor and SWF survivor.

    If you only play solo survivor, or only play in an SWF you will have a vastly different opinion about the power of survivors.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I used to be a both sides player, then solo survivor got stale and frustrating and I started maining killer, then SBMM came and now I only play Huntress and Nurse. Now I'm considering only playing Nurse. Guess I got the other way around lol.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Yes please do. I personally hate playing in swf i feel I have a better chance in solo's so thats what I play. I will explain because I know that sounds nutz lol. Swf (Most of them) will never leave a man behind, take use less hits by hooks, and all end up slugged/dead so easily. Solo's which can be frustrating sometimes but I enjoy it more. My opinions are always based off my own experiences and killer is easiest role for me.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    More like play Survivor, screw killer. I have more hours on survivor than i do on killer since MMR. Playing killer is much worse than before. My play time daily doubled because i can handle the STRESS FREE Survivor.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I play both sides. I prefer killer by far but I find survivor easier. It’s not because I’m good at survivor. I play solo survivor and I’ve learned that just wasting the killers time is enough to do well in a match. I don’t always escape by any means. I cannot loop for ######### against a killer who knows what they’re doing.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583
    edited October 2021

    For someone to get better at this game you have to play both sides. Doing so you learn how to play against certain killers to counter them and how to play a specific killer effectively

  • scorpio42084
    scorpio42084 Member Posts: 39

    That's true I only ever play solo so swf didn't even come to mind but yeah they are too totally different experiences

  • scorpio42084
    scorpio42084 Member Posts: 39

    No this is not my first multiplayer game I've been playing video games for over 25 years so I think it's safe to say I've played all different kinds of games and this is literally the only one I've ever seen where people only play a certain role and think they know how to change the other there's no other game like it. And I'm not talking about only playing certain characters in fighting games because that's not the same as this game. So I don't appreciate your little jab. What other game has a community like that?

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I'll say that I started as a survivor main and got into playing killer to learn the other side of loops :P

    I wouldn't be half as good a killer main now if I hadn't had that mentality going in, and I'd be significantly less skilled as a survivor if I'd not started doing killer rotations.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    I can confirm that persons who are playing more survivor and occasionally killer will complain a lot about killers camping, tunneling and slugging. Once they will play more killer and less survivor they will see why killers do that because they themselves will start thinking about camping, tunneling and slugging.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Playing both sides is good, but there are still big differences within the sides. Playing in a SWF is not nearly the same as playing Solo. Same Playing M2 killer is a completly different story then playing M1 killer.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    I do have to say that i heavily agree with playing both sides since it gives players a sort of insight in the game and a better understanding why some Survivors and Killers that do the things they do and their reasonings, like why a Killer will Proxy a hook or why a survivor will teabag/flashlight flicker at the killer, there are a lot more factors that play into why the killers and survivors do the things they do that most players often forget to factor in when they play, which sparks the toxicity and entitlement in DbD

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    "so I think it's safe to say I've played all different kinds of games and this is literally the only one I've ever seen where people only play a certain role"

    You have not played enough asymmetric games. I think you misunderstand why tribalism occurs. I played Starcraft 2 where people are just as tribalistic about the race they play.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Totally agree. I'm a 50/50 player, which may be why I enjoy this game more than some people, because I'm not bogged down in the politics of survivor vs killer.

    Playing both helps improve both sides by understanding more about how the opponent can react, pov and such. As killer, I've caught a lot of survivors by simply putting myself in their shoes and thinking what would make the most sense.

    Also, it's just fun switching sides, trying all the perks and generally having fun in the game!

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I try to play 50/50, with enough solo survivor mixed in with my SWF games to get a feel for both.

    I've definitely improved my play on both sides by doing so. Watching how someone loops me effectively has taught me how to do that same type of looping when I play survivor. Seeing what certain killers have done effectively against me or my teammates in a game has given me tips how to do the same things when I'm playing killer.

    Plus, it doesn't just help me improve all-around, it also keeps things fresh. If I'm getting tired of playing one element of the game, I can switch to the other to freshen things up.

  • scorpio42084
    scorpio42084 Member Posts: 39

    Exactly that's what I'm talking about how can you judge what someone does if you've never done it yourself

  • scorpio42084
    scorpio42084 Member Posts: 39

    Admittedly I've never played that game I'm just saying it just seems so crazy to me how people that only play survivor can dictate how killers are buffed or nerfed. With the nerfed part being the main problem. Now they're going after Wraith! Seems like some people just want a generator simulator with a killer that they can bully. That's all I'm trying to relay by this post really.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    Are they though? Show me all those nerf wraith threads. I don't see any. I see allot of Dead Hard and Boon threads. But no Wraith threads.

  • scorpio42084
    scorpio42084 Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2021

    What are you talking about I just seen a Nerf wraith thread the other day they were saying that now that they done spirit all the spirit players are going to be switching over to wraith. But I really don't understand what you're trying to argue about are you disagreeing that people should play Both Sides to get a better understanding of the game because that's what this thread is about? And I'm not talking about other games or who needs to be nerfed or buffed I'm simply saying if people would play both sides of the game they would have a way better understanding and a lot of the threads you see now you would probably not see as much.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    I play both sides and hate equally lol