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It's not even fun anymore

Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I just really don't find it fun anymore. At this point I'm only logging in to do one or two dailies, and then I immediately stop playing. Because even those matches are just not fun. This game feels more like a chore now. I didn't start playing DBD to play a competitive game. Every match feels exactly the same. Playing as survivor is like pulling teeth. And playing Killer is even worse. Because even with killers I'm not good with, like ones who are level 15 and have basic ass perks, I'm still going against full meta sweat squads. It's boring to go against a full decked out team when you're playing a killer with 0 useful perks. Try to use other killers to gain BP, but then I have to use all of their add-ons and offerings just to do it. And I only have one killer to use BBQ on because after over 10 bloodwebs on each killer, I've yet to get it. So either I get to play with one killer all day everyday, just to farm this grindy ass game, or I get stomped every game for dozens of games until I get enough BP to unlock useful perks on other killers.

I thought if I kept getting stomped each game, I'd go against less skilled survivors and killers. Nope, just more of the same every single match. And it's just become too much of a chore, and very unwelcoming to both new and existing players. I don't want to play DBD competitively. So after 3 years of playing this game, I'm just gonna stop playing completely, and uninstall. It's not worth the headache. If I wanted to play competitive games, I'd go back to League or something.

Edit: Oh! And, I forgot to mention, even if I do extremely well and get Iridescent emblems, it does nothing for me as the grading system is broken. And after the end of every match it says there was a problem with the emblems system, and I just never get them. So there's always 0 reward for me doing well because now I'm stuck in a grade with no hope of further progression.



  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    In many ways I can relate.

    I was off for a few days, logged on to do the dailies, had one match, switched off.

    It has slight highs and heavy slumps. The Hellraiser dlc was something I enjoyed, but after the novelty faded, it was back to the old grind. The new "boon" totems sound like something that could be a serious pain in the backside.

    I would be far more happier with DBD if it just added bot matches.

    It may actually be games in general, I think I might be just plain bored.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,971

    I feel your pain.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Sorry man can't relate. I'm just playing for fun. I'm giving 8 free hits every match as nemesis so I really don't care I just like using the killer's tentacle hits.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I understand your pain, friend. At first I was getting fun and balanced matches, then I started getting near-newbie teammates against a decent Killer, now I'm just playing against Spirit and Nurse every game. I've literally played against Spirit three times and Nurse twice out of seven games. My other two games were against a Slinger who D/C'ed and a Pinhead. And on the Pinhead game he used a Midwich offering with double box solving addons and went for a 4k slug. Someone ended up getting out the hatch anyway and he only got 19k points... very sad.

    I'm a super casual player, I play to win but I don't mind getting clapped out by good players. But playing against Spirit Nurse every single game is pretty grating. I'm not even in "high" MMR whatsoever... I'm still getting newbish teammates on top of it!

    At first I had faith in the new MMR but it's starting to crumble. I'm a pretty good looper and can last a good bit in a chase, and I actually touch generators and unhook as well, but my MMR doesn't seem to reflect that. I keep getting matched with newer players against Killers who have a decent amount of experience and nearly every game ends up being a wash, especially since I seem to get tunnelled out often while my teammates crouch beside generators or hide in lockers. It especially hurts that I'm trying to get Adept Leon right now. 😥

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    But TC said he didn't play DBD to be competitive? What do you mean he's playing a PvP game to win :)?

    If you're playing a PvP game to win just admit it don't be like TC who is pretending that he's not.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    That's basically where I'm at honestly. Mmr only served to make my experience worse over time and after enough boring matches one way or the other I just said ######### it and uninstalled after over 1k hours it was such a simple and somewhat bitter decision and I've yet to regret it. It's a shame that this game treats its veteran players so badly but oh well what can you do except stop giving them your time and money. The sad part is that there really isn't a successful game like dbd and until there is one I'm still gonna keep track of dbd to see if they make any massive improvements that seem worth coming back for.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    And it should be competitive. Devs need to push everyone to play as team not like AI survivors who complain about everything because they refuse to be better. Game is already heavily survivor friendly. And then balance killers assuming they are playing against swf. So killer players won't face an unbeatable swf wall.

    This is so Bs when someone comes into PvP game and asks other side to be afk while he gets his fun. No, it doesn't work like it and it shouldn't.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Maybe competitive one day, I'd rather it be made more fun first.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551
    edited October 2021

    DBD is a competitive game just by the sole fact that it's a player vs player game get that through your thick skull. A game doesn't have to be tournament level to be deemed competitive lmao. Again TC is pretending that he doesn't play to be competitive you 100% you do regardless of how much you whine about game imbalance. Don't pretend that you don't man up to it. By the way TC is saying he only has ONE BBQ on ONE killer despite playing apparently for three years. Something isn't adding up lmao. Sounds like he's making himself look more of a victim or easier to side with while using problems with the game as an excuse(ergo bloodweb grind). Kinda like his whole post. But I am innocent I just want to have fun I am not competitive at all :(

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    In a way, I know how you are feeling.

    For very different reasons, DBD was not fun for me anymore and I had to leave.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    It may not be a full out competitive gamez but I sure feel as if the devs want it to be. I mean, they did put in a sbmm.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Lol casual at the same time having a competitive mindset? Pick one.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    All his complaints are about him having an underlying competitive mindset. Notice how I am not talking about people in general but him specifically. Stop talking in his defense.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    You don't have to be a competitive person to see getting rolled and BMed by Survivors multiple games in a row may be less than fun for majority of people.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Nah I don't buy his disingenuous post reeks of every red flag in this forum. You can talk all you want you're not him. I want words out of his mouth.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,176

    And again people misinterpreting the word competitive with eSports. And I mean you, not Mila.

    2 sides Steigung for counteracting goals is pretty much a lexicon definition. (And no I didn't look up the correct definition.)

    Maybe but balancing for the casuals will brake every game once some competitive players work out all the tricks that are possible in the game.

    Hence why most pvp titles get balanced around the top and not the bottom.

    Also this is where MMR comes into play. When truly the top play against the top (and not the amalgam of everything from noob to pro like with rank 1, IF they didn't make a low hard cap for MMR) only then they can balance this game.

    The only problem then is for the casuals to refuse to play efficient mimicking the top.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,536

    "The sbmm will continue until morale improves": the devs, probably.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Thanks for playing killer for as long as you did and take a break.

    The game will be the same if or when you come back.

    The only way to play competitively in this game is to use one of the top 3 (possibly 2 killers) with full meta builds after you get so many kills (not wins but kills).

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Lmfao I can't believe you just put the words playing to win and playing competitive is one sentence with a straight face and tell me there's a difference. By the way you're supposed to replace the word "playing" with "trying" otherwise it makes your argument point absolutely silly when you describe the former with the words trying afterward . But I'll be ignoring that aside. All you did is explain someone that's highly competitive person but both are still competitive by nature.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,755

    I know how you feel, hope you find your way back to this game eventually.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Both are possible at the same time. I can play a fighting game casually and still want to win my fights. Same thing with DBD.

    "Casual" just means the player uses DBD a way to pass free time and not as a job, it has nothing to do with how he plays.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Funfact even if you have all perks on all killers there are games where you will get stomped regardless. If survivors want to do gens then there is nothing you can do except you play meta killers.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I feel like you're the type of person to go into any forum just to try to stir up #########. But that's okay, I'll try to break this down for you in a way that's simple for you to understand. And even though it's explained in my post previously mostly, I'll explain it again because there's some things that aren't. First off, DBD is not a competitive game, it's never been a competitive game. It's always been a game that was played casually either solo or with friends. It was designed to be a casual game with lots of RNG based systems. And then you add in a system that's based around being competitive, and it simply doesn't work. This has been said by many people, both be steamers and players with thousands of hours, as well as the devs who designed it. Saying a game is competitive just because you play with or against other people is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I play Elder scrolls online as well, and even when I'm playing PVP all day long, it's still an extremely non competitive game. Do I still play to achieve an objective, in some cases winning? Absolutely. But I'm not playing to be competitive or to be the best. Same thing here.

    I'm playing casually to have fun, but it's not fun to go against the same kind of survivors every match with the exact same builds and playstyle every match. It's boring and repetitive. Getting stomped every game, even if you're just playing casually, isn't fun. Having to run the same builds on the same killer every game, just to have a chance to not get stomped, isn't fun. Even when I'm using my main and I'm the one stomping 9 out of 10 games, it's not fun because it's always the same match, with the same kinds of survivors or killers.

    And to explain the BBQ thing, yes I've played for years. But it was either with survivor, or with only a handful of killers. Mainly Doctor, and then some legion, hag, trapper, clown and plague. I didn't even have Bubba until a few months ago when I got all of the other killers. It's not a difficult concept to understand. But you're projecting your own basic thoughts onto someone else and calling them their own, without being able to see anything beyond your own simple thinking. This was a simple post about how the game has become repetitive, boring, and not fun. Yet you come in, just for the sake of arguing, and without any real information to give, just a one sided mindset.

    Yes, the game used to be fun, because each match was different. One match could be against a gen rushing swf, but the next could be 4 people being super sneaky. It was always something different. Or if I was against a killer, it could be against a fun meme build. But now it's all the same builds and playstyle, and it's repetitive and not fun.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    And I understand that. And I'm fine with getting stomped occasionally. But I don't like the, "Run this build and only this build otherwise you're going to get stomped every game because you're only ever going to go against these types of players."

    It's forcing me into one of two options, get stomped or play in a way that I don't want to play. It's just picking one of two evils.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    You've obviously never actually played a proper competitive game so have a good one.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Well tbh a new trend is building up where ppl play only 4 anti gen perks on every Killer. There is no reason to do that, its just a psycholigical need that the ppl delevope. In realitiy up to 2 anti gen perks are totally fine, the other 2 slots can be up to you, thats now I play on every Killer, even on Clown or legion.

  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361

    While the game is survivor sided, you seem kinda killer biased judging by some of your posts.

    not tryna be rude but atleast play both sides equally

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Umm, I play to win but I'm not sweating my arse off at it. I obviously don't want to be a detriment to my teammates when I play Survivor and I want to be able to use my power successfully when I'm playing Killer. I play to enjoy my games and have fun/good plays. And, like I said, enjoying your games comes down to being able to actually play the video game in some capacity. When you're tunnelled, slugged and camped out of the game you're basically not playing the game... you're just sitting inactive, waiting for back to lobby screen. And when you're playing Killers who aren't meta or whom you aren't especially good at, it does suck to be matched against people far outside your skill level + hours and not be able to use your power effectively and enjoy the perks you brought.

    Playing to win DOES NOT equal playing competitively. Playing to win means that you're not going to be a troll and goof off, you're actually going to try and advance the objective and support your teammates BUT you don't pitch a fit if you lose. Playing competitively means that you're trying your hardest to be the best and you use meta Killers and perks to achieve that objective. They are quite different.

    But anyway, why are you attacking this gamer in the first place? Does it matter if he plays the game a certain way and wants to have fun, fair and balanced games? Your attitude toward the game does not discount their attitude toward the game in any way, shape or form. It's ridiculous to be so critical and demonize how someone else feels about the game just because you feel like your opinion is the right one.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    There a game that are played against player that aren't competitive like Mario kart, Mario party, smash.

    When playing PvP game. You are playing to win but not to the extent to those who play PvP game competitively.

    I never misinterpreted what competitive means which your definition (which has weird wording) doesn't describe it

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,176

    Great examples 👍 /s

    Three Nintendo games usually played together on the couch, as free for alls and not against randoms over iNet and iirc at least the last has even a real competitive niche "eSports" scene.

    DBD is set up with two distinct counteracting sides working against each other and is outside of "kill your friends" "casual competitive" just because you can't distinguish between ranked and non ranked so the extremes have to be taken into consideration.

    Again you never can balance a game for the casuals because the tryhards will break everything going for max efficiency shown by either hardcore nurse Mains or full swf on coms.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Those example might not be the best but still hold up what I meant. PvP game aren't necessarily competitive. Like the you can play casually and not trying to win but still have to do the objective. And of course balancing toward best player are the way to go I was never against that, it was become more unbalanced then it is already.

    Playing a game balance on higher skill level is more fun/fair the. Balancing it toward power skill level.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    I do play both sides. The only thing SoloQ needs is half of Kindred basekit with seeing where teammates are when another teammate is hooked.

    Almost everything wrong with DBD has to do with Survivor strength, bad spawns, and map sizes. Only problematic Killer in the game is Nurse.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Glad almost everyone agrees mmr is ruining this game

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Again the game is competitive whether you like it or not. The game doesn't have to be perfectly balanced to be tournament ready to be deemed as a competitive game. It is a competitive game by nature due to the fact that it's player versus player game. By the way I checked some of your posts, You are clearly competitive gloating over your 4Ks?. Don't pretend that you're innocent mate.

    Mate you played for years yet you only one bbq on one killer? You're flat out lying that's just impossible since BBQ has come out of shrine a lot over the years or the fact that even if you only got LF a few months ago you would still have BBQ just by playing normally.

    The game has been the same for years what the hell are you talking about? People have been running the four meta perks of the apocalypse for years and pretending that you don't see it as often now is just flat out lying. The only difference today is that the game is more lenient now due to broken survivor things being nerfed to smithereens.

    I know it's convenient to paint a narrative due to the fact that people are whining about SBMM now and making a support group for you whining is great :^)

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2021

    The thing is though you can't have fun when going against 4 man's all the time I have always thought red grades etc should not be allowed to queue with lowest grade etc, Hope you find something that is fun 😊

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,939

    It's because killer's not fun, and survivor queues are too long.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Again, mate, it's already been explained to you previously on this post by many people. But either you're blind, and just in your own little world where what you say makes sense. And since you're reading this right now I'm guessing it's the latter. I've been through my posts, none of them in the past year or so have me gloating about 4king. Most are killer, map, or gameplay ideas. Some were about the broken console stuff a few months ago. But don't you think it's a little bit sad, that a grown adult is checking out some random person's old posts just so they'll have something to talk ######### about on a completely different post? One could say, immature.

    I've also already explained how I don't have BBQ on other killers. But if my description was to complicated let me know and I'll draw a picture of it for you in crayon.

    And no, the game hasn't been the same for years. There's been metas where something has been strong, but even then people didn't feel forced to use those same perks or add-ons every game like they do now. And nothing of survivors has been nerfed recently except for keys, ya know, almost a year after Moris were nerfed. I've played both sides since back when survivors had infinite loops on almost every map, and even that didn't feel as boring as it is now.

    This wasn't a post about whining, it was simply a post talking about my experience with the game recently. Which everyone else got that. But I guess you're a bit slower to catch-up. Maybe for future reference, you won't go into someone else's posts just to troll because there's little else going on for you in life :^)

  • Liby
    Liby Member Posts: 1

    If you say it like this then her is my question: one survivor dc 5 gen remamaining and the killer is face camping you, is this your deviniton of because we think only about winning since I played 20 match and got face camped in 17 matches. It realy ist fun pro what you say „paradoxe“?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Sorry, thats thats exremely condescending. Also based, but formost patronizing. "The only reason its a chore" implies that there is no other solution or reason, literally the only one. "If you truly wanted to have fun" ... ugh, what is this? Playground psychology?

    There is a fair chunk of the community that just wants to play the game as a leasure peace, ie having a decently timed chase, hook some people, get outplayed here and there and sometimes getting a kill or two. But nowadays you can't end a chase without reading a book about mindgames and dealing with DH, and if you get a down, 2 possible 3 gens will pop.

    The game is still rather balanced around how it was played during its inception, when no one knew what a loop was, when the killer was big and scary and when the developers thought that seperating the survivors WAS ACTUALLY IN THE KILLERS FAVOR! and made it a killer item.

    The only sorta fun games you have now are those, when the MMR throws a baby squad at your feet that isn't hyper efficient. Then you could play your part as a scary killer, problem is that you might accidentially slaughter them and skin them alive, because you went full on hard mode from the get go.

    MMR is the hallmark of a competitive game, yet DBD was always marketed as the "lol that killer party game with all your favorite franchises". This all doesn`t add up and made the game bleed players like there is no tomorrow.

    Add to this that most franchised killers are more or less a chore to play and the game falls short of miles and miles of its potential. This has all been discussed to death, but its still frustrating every single day, because this game could be so much more, and sometimes its moment of briliance and greatness shimmer through, but then it will all be washed away and drained in a flood of sewage.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2022


    Post edited by rvzrvzrvz on