If the NFTs are a scam BHVR NEEDS to say something before someone spends money on it

I think that BHVR does has basic standard of protecting their consumers to uphold and publicly say they are not affiliated with these NFTs if they arent. Simply leaving this at no comment is just going to end badly with someone buying scam NFTs because of DBD. Is it really too much to ask for BHVR to just say its fake or confirm its real?
If they are real I aint happy but if they are fake I think BHVR like NEEDS to state they are fake to protect their customers from spending money on fakes. It will only drag their own name through the mud if someone buys a scam because it said it was affiliated with BHVR when it wasn't.
yeah it weird they didnt say sometging alrady, others companis even if they have free weekends just do some sort of control if ish going down
6 -
- It's the weekend.
- Companies are not liable for people falling for scams. Even ethically speaking, do you think it's reasonable to expect anyone to scour the Internet and constantly dispel false claims like this?
- The claim is just obviously fake and I have no idea how anyone could read that and believe it.
- We, regular players, can just as easily spread the word and help each other out.
12 -
Masters in Communications here, with a concentration in professional communications here:
The fact they aren't saying something is a really bad sign. Yes, even though it is a holiday weekend. De-confirming something like this could be done in a twitter post, it wouldn't require a top level choice, this is what you would be paying your day to day content/social media manager to handle and they would need to be in the know of if there were any major brand deals lined up. Content Managers are 'on call' on holidays in the sense they should be checking in every so often to ensure they don't need to put out a fire like this. So the fact they aren't de-confirming it is troubling, because if it isn't true the choice to say 'We aren't doing this' to something generating a ton of negative buzz in your community should take 5 seconds to make.
It either points to serious dysfunction in their leadership structure, where they can't even do the basic "we are not doing this and it goes against our values" post to judo flip this PR snafu into a way to build positive brand perception, or it being real so they CAN'T deconfirm it and either they aren't allowed to say 'yeah we are doing it' due to responsibilities to their partners, or because they are trying to backpedal because they realized their fans are not about making computers do sudoku so hard it makes the planet uninhabitable in 10 years so they can create artificial scarcity of basic gameplay functions.
26 -
can I just say the fact that you have a masters in communications is freaking amazing. I tried it I really did and just noped out and switched to just media production and content creation. The whole PR side of things is a basilisk I can not fathom so props to you for a masters in it.
2 -
Weekend=Not working hours
It's not normal to work for a company outside of working hours.
1 -
Thanks. It helps that I focused way more on the systems side of things, like algorithmic exploitation, data analysis, things like that.
It is 10000000000000% the job of anyone working on pushing an organization's message to quell scams and rumors that may lead to negative brand perception. It is probably the most important function of any outward facing member of an organization to ensure this. You can summarize the entire field of PR and marketing as 'Make sure people are thinking of you in a positive manner that makes them want to support you' and a rumor that you are a Captain Planet Villain certainly is up there in terms of things you should be worried about.
It is literally an entire subfield of communications to deal with this nonsense, crisis communications, and this situation in 2 days of silence already has developed to the point it is starting to see news play with people uncritically reporting on it. Sure, you may not personally be the demographic for Yahoo news, but we are past the point where you can say 'no one is going to believe this.'
14 -
for quite a few job fields yes, yes it is. its called being on call. If I have clients that are setting me up for a 5 digit cost shoot production. I make myself available. Most content creation fields require to have people on call in case something crazy happens. Bad PR is part of that. it is absolutely the norm in the specific field we are talking about.
12 -
PR does not get days off. I mean they do, obviously, but if a fire starts you are expected to be available to make a tweet and have a few phone calls even on your vacation.
No well run company has literally no one on hand to handle something like this. At the very least you have someone checking up on your brand every so often on your vacation weekend to ensure that nothing bad is happening who can call top level decision makers.
BHVR isn't some small indy early access company. 600 people work there. Your flagship product having a huge negative rumor start over the weekend that could have extremely bad fallout is not something you just blow off for your island vacation as the a social media manager. You can afford to take 5 minutes out of your day drinking pina coladas to log into twitter and say "This is not happening."
I am not saying 'they shoulda been on this at 2 AM if this broke, but its been 24 hours and, again, this is already starting to hit the news because its such a charged topic. SOMEONE should have said SOMETHING and it is a bad sign no one did.
As a PR professional, you put out fires. Fires don't take the weekend off, so while you get days off, you need to be ready to respond if some bullshit hits some tabloid and it starts to actually get play in the public consciousness, which this NFT stuff did (especially because it can be perceived in a lot of negative ways for BHVR even if it ISN'T true!).
If I was at all involved in BHVR's choices on this, it would be the no-brainer choice to release a tweet or reddit post saying something to the effect of 'We aren't doing this and don't believe in this kind of monetization, we loooove you." It is PR 101 stuff: People are worried you are doing something you have literally no intention of doing?
The cost-benefit of deconfirming it is clear: Say nothing, rumors spread and customer anxiety skyrockets. Deconfirm it? LITERALLY FREE positive brand perception. Saying "No this isn't happening" during a weekend is not something that would be hard for a mid level nobody to do without even consulting anyone on one of their check ins during the weekend.
17 -
I'm not saying nobody will believe this, I'm saying nobody with 1 u of common sense should believe it, since there's a demonstrably false claim right there: that the Chatterer will only be available via the Box of BS.
It'd be like me claiming I work for BHVR and then saying "BHVR" stands for "Bear Hugs [are] Very Rad". It's nonsensical.
My bank had some problems with scammers claiming to be them to get people to give them their info. However, they didn't send out emails until work hours, because that's the norm in my country. They also expected people to have some common sense (which most of them did) and realize that the bank has never communicated with us via text, making it an obvious scam.
I'll chalk this up to cultural differences.
I don't think it's a bad sign, I think it's a sign that it's the weekend. I also think a lot of people are intentionally claiming the sky is falling because they want BHVR to look bad.
0 -
As an update its been confirmed by (actor for pinhead) Doug Bradley's wife on Instagram that Doug has done some work with this company and that they were told it was in relation to dead by daylight. They do not know anything more as they are not knowledgeable about videogames or NFT's, all they have confirmed is that Doug did some voice acting work for this NFT company. this is not confirmation that BHVR is working with them. Doug could have been scammed right alongside everyone else. But he did get paid.
2 -
Lets start from the bottom and work our way up.
I don't think its a bad sign, I think its a sign that its the weekend.
PR doesn't take weekends off for the same reason hospitals staff up extra on the weekend: It is the time ######### is most likely to go down. If no one on the social media team is about during their prime time where things are most likely to develop, that is a sign of mismanagement.
Bank scams
Banking fraud is a huge thing and banks spend a ton of money on marketing and PR to combat it because it costs them a lot of money. Like it is a huge thing, you don't just trust people to 'see through scams.' Any time you log into your account you see a message telling you not to ever give anyone your password, for example.
Impersonating employees
Again, a huge thing that companies spend a lot of effort to combat. This VERY SITE has automated systems in place to prevent you from claiming to be BHVR and making it clear who is and isn't representing the company because even a few people believing it can rapidly mutate out.
They trust people use their judgement to see its fake
This is the most hillarious 'Armchair PR expert' take I have seen all year. It basically is saying the entire concept of PR is fake. No, sorry, message control is a thing and you in fact should not trust your customers to 'figure things out.' Even if they do it creates analysis fatigue that makes them just not want to engage with you, and the reality is in most situations it remains this negative point of controversy and anticipation that causes rumors to start in an an information vaccum because you couldn't be assed to say 'We aren't doing NFTs' on twitter.
Don't get me wrong, I also suspect its fake, but everything you described is pretty much the opposite of best practices, and in many cases (ex: Banking scam emails) it is literally not true.
People deliberately misinforming your consumer base to the point it is front page news on all sites associated with your brand for 24 hours and is starting to pick up play on serious news sites isn't a 'Oh whatever' situation. Yes, it is likely not true but it is still really bad buzz that creates negative brand perception. If I may get especially esoteric and into the weeks of the field of PR, even if people don't believe it in the end, the fact they could believe it creates a mental association with your brand you want to avoid because it causes negative emotional responses in people when they evoke your product mentally. Or, in layman's terms: People are more likely to be less happy when they think about DBD in the future without knowing why, even if they don't believe it in the end, because the human brain is weird. And this is assuming most people won't believe it, which is a BIG gamble when the cost is as simple as tweeting 'lol no.'
Saying 'BHVR is reasonable doing nothing here" is the equivalent of saying it is reasonable to hear a doctor say 'Well it is a moderately deep cut but it only has a 10% chance of infection and you won't bleed out, so lets not waste the time or effort to disinfect it and bandage it up." Or to for a hospital to have no doctors because its the weekend and no one ever gets hurt on the weekend.
Suffice to say, no, it is not normal for a company of 600 to say nothing in this situation, even on the weekend. It likely won't bring BHVR down (But, lets be very clear, BHVR is in a precarious situation, if you follow DBD news, the community, and its competitors and it would actually not surprise be if DBD falls apart over something like an NFT scandal) but it isn't something you want looming in your past adding fuel to a fire. Because...
I also think a lot of people are claiming the sky is falling because they intentionally want BHVR to look bad
When your community is rooting for your brand to fail, you have already lost. The very fact this is definitely an element of why this rumor spread so much is significant, and is part of why I said that BHVR has a long history of being very bad at PR. The situation has devolved to the point where even if this wasn't true people indeed would push it as true, and to get out of that hole requires consistent excellence in PR.
If BHVR had good PR practices, this rumor would never have been relevant, but they don't, so now they have to treat every smear and scandal as a threat, because their current priority is (or should be) repairing their reputation.
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0 -
give me a sec ill get it done
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I'm guessing the forum mods are the only people who come here on the weekend, and I'm sure they couldn't say anything.
1 -
I'm still looking if I can just find the direct quotes but this covers the posts
1 -
It would go a LONG way if they themselves said it was BS.
It would take minutes for a MOD to go I asked to be sure and this is a scam in a tweet. The community would then be able to circulate the tweet as they would certainly do.
As a lowly shift manager I was on call when I wasn't on the clock. A company that gave a damn wouldn't have trouble getting it done. It shows crap management whatever way it works out.
9 -
I'm not watching a 6-minute video about a scam I already know is fake, I just want the actual link to the actual Instagram post.
0 -
"since there's a demonstrably false claim right there: that the Chatterer will only be available via the Box of BS." it's a valid claim, you get the Chatterer model in the NFT, you don't get it in DBD by owning the NFT.
The only DBD content is you may get is the DLC, no extra costumes, characters, or voice lines, the voice lines are in the NFT. Some game companies have linked NFTs to in-game content, this arrangement is making no such claim.
2 -
They're saying it's "exclusive" to their Box of BS, which is blatantly false.
0 -
"Im not going to look at possible news sources when I ask for one" fixed it for you. What was that about you needing to do your own research? so maybe do it.
10 -
You're the one who made the claim, I'm not going to do your research for you.
0 -
dude im getting frustrated because you are obviously trying to argue me in bad faith. literally not even an hour ago you were saying how people should do their own research, I did a bit more digging and found new news. present it. and now you want me to spoon feed it to you? I feel like no matter how I go about it you will argue me to spite me, or anyone who has concerns about this topic.
10 -
They're saying only the people who have the box in their NFT (might be a random chance or you need 50 NFTs to get it or something like that) will get the Chatterer added to their NFT.
1 -
Since we're on the subject of false information, I think a little skepticism is appropriate. That means not believing videos showing supposed screenshots of posts (that can be easily faked), not believing screenshots of posts, and only believing the actual posts, on accounts you can actually verify as belonging to the person they're claiming to be.
I can just as easily post a (totally fake) screenshot of a dev on Twitter saying this is false. Would you believe me if I refused to link you to the actual post on Twitter?
0 -
Mods should say something
Mods would, in most org structures, not be in the know enough to confirm or deny this, nor would they have the ability to say yes/no.
This would fall to someone like a social media/marketing/PR, coordinator, manager, specialist, ect. Someone trusted to basically write official communications for BHVR and to know about major partnerships because they helped plan press releases and media assets for them, which isn't that high up mind but isn't "The CEO needs to take this phonecall as their kids cry about their Disneyland Vacation being ruined" tier.
Gotta also say, feel real bad for them and other 'Customer Service' tier communicators in situations like this, because when there is ambiguous communication that is causing anxiety in the community, it gets dumped on their lap both in terms of the work that needs to be done, and often times in perception of the community, because they are the most readily accessible identifiable individuals. I have worked with groups that have basically grinded away at moderator tier employees making them bear the brunt of radio silence in crisis situations and it was not pleasant. So goodspeed to all of them, hopefully people realize they are not part of PR or Marketing decisions.
8 -
"You own the Box, he comes. The Chatterer arrives exclusively to those who own the Box (...)".
2 -
Yes, you get the Chatterer in your NFT if you have the box in your NFT. It's a digital action figure, and it's a digital action figure exlcusive to owners of the NFT box, not sold seperately. Chatter in DBD is not an action figure.
4 -
"(...) NFTs that include access to in-game content in the hit video game Dead by Daylight (...)"
0 -
Yeah, if you get lucky and get the Legendary NFT you get the DLC thrown in. It say that on the website; "grants in-game access to the Hellraiser chapter of the video game Dead by DaylightTM for PC."
4 -
Yeah, they need to say something soon otherwise it won't matter if it's false or not.
6 -
Is he? I'm inclined to agree with Orion here. If a claim is being made of X thing being true, it is on the person making the claim to provide the source. That is how burden of proof goes.
3 -
What they're actually saying is "You only get the Chatterer if you buy this", which is a blatantly false claim.
0 -
Thank you!
0 -
Perception is reality - Lee Atwater
Burden of proof is a concept of law, not of PR.
In PR the standard is 'messaging control' or just 'messaging.' You don't want the discussion and debate to even be possible, because it is way better for everyone to just agree on the reality of the situation, because there is no outside enforcement of the rules of evidence, it is literally a court of public opinion. Even if it is total nonsense, if it is total nonsense you let people believe that is going to affect your bottom dollar as much as if it was true. Heck, even if most people don't believe it, it still can have very negative ramifications down the line, because it becomes easy to toss into a gish galop style pool of complaints and sins your 'company made' that people are going to be less inclined to check if there is a future crisis.
Like I am willing to bet some controversy sometime down the line someone will say 'Remember when BHVR an NFT scam group defraud a bunch of people including Pinhead's VA" and people's half memory of these events combined with the current context of whatever is going on would make them believe its true.
The fact that the VA is now involved is a sign that, if this is fake, its gone far enough that BHVR really would want to step in to control the conversation. Heck, even if it was real generally this would be a situation where you move up an announcement to take control over the conversation, though again that choice may not be in BHVR's hands if it involves agreements with other brands.
10 -
They're actually (I can bold things too) saying the NFT Chatterer is exclusive, which is a blatantly true claim. I can't explain this any more simply, if you just want to wave a pitchfork and don't want to understand there's nothing more to be said.
6 -
Burden of proof is a concept of law, not of PR.
Burden of proof is a concept of debate/discussion, which we're having now. If I make a claim, it's on me to provide proof, not for the other person to go looking for it.
0 -
What I am saying has nothing to do with what you are saying. I am only saying that the poster in question is making a claim, and it is on them to provide evidence if requested.
1 -
Yeah that is nice and all but that is philosophy, and communications is a science. You can talk about how discussions and public discourse SHOULD be all you want, but communications is the study of how it actually plays out, and the go to smart play in these situations is to deliberately take on the burden of providing accurate information about your brand and its activities, because failing to do that causes anxiety among your consumer base and rumors to spread, mutate, and grow.
BHVR isn't in the debate club. WE are having a conversation, and between US there is an expectation claims are backed up, but that isn't the same as saying 'BHVR should behave like rational actors and perfect logicians' which literally my entire field as well as over a hundred years of psychological research says isn't true. You got a bad case of 'too online' and are looking this purely as an internal community debate rather than a practical concern for a company that employs 600 people which should be (assuming this rumor is untrue) treating this like an attack on their brand by a bad actor and not something to hit snooze on.
10 -
WE are having a conversation, and between US there is an expectation claims are backed up
Yes, that's what I'm saying, that @MongolPSR needs to back up their claim, thank you for agreeing.
2 -
Cool! Sorry for being confused on the context! Text chat is a bad format in some ways because its easy for things to mutate and side convos to spread off!
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Let's not act like this is some major news that EVERYONE is talking about. A few people on the boards are talking about it, and one website (which coincidentally or not, shares a building with the people who are selling the NFT's) egmnow traffic ranks #444,120 according to Alexa. It's not a hugely trafficked website. (DBD by the way is somewhere in the 100k's, as is a certain website we probably can't talk about here.) I don't think it was even trending on twitter at any point. This is smaller news than everyone is making it out to be. I imagine if BHVR was involved with the NFT, they would've prepared a statement to release before now.
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He did the research for you refused to watch the video he linked.
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It's no use. I don't really if care if what I found was accurate at this point. They'd rather argue with passive aggressive comments telling people how stupid they are than converse 🙄. Muting the threads, not worth my time. Amazing how it's ok to belittle people and their concerns on here. It's just frustrating over something that really shouldnt be.
5 -
Masters in communications huh? Tell me then, how do I talk to a girl?
1 -
Tell me you've never worked in PR without telling me you've never worked for PR
9 -
Step 1: find girl
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: profit
2 -
Does the video contain a link to the supposed Instagram post from her official account that someone else tried (and failed) to find, or just a screenshot of said post? I've only seen a screenshot thus far, and that can be easily faked. Here's the comment I mentioned, for reference:
Already had this discussion. Let's chalk it up to cultural differences. Here, we value common sense (meaning we don't put our information on random websites or give them to random people just because they claim to be affiliated with something we know and trust) and time off.
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I personally don’t think it’s necessary to make a statement on whatever this NFT nonsense. Without reading about it on the forums , I would’ve never heard about it.
Besides, you’d be probably have to be on another level of gullible to fall for it.
0 -
He doesn't want second-hand information; he wants the actual source. Perfectly legitimate request IMO for the person who made the claim.
2 -
That's what I thought too. It's an extremely common request and especially important in this context.