Medkit Op Since When?

There's this rising sentiment that somehow medkits are too strong. Since when have they been too strong, and in tandem since when did they need to be nerfed? I don't think they do at all. They can be the strongest item if you feel that way, but that doesn't mean they need to be changed. Healing has been this way for a while and it's never been complained about until now.
Maybe this is just because I've seen Scott and Otz talk about it. Normally I agree with them but this time I'm not so sure. I think they're trying too hard to make a bad argument that medkits are too powerful.
I had otz tunnel out my friend at 4 gens because all 4 of us brought medkits. He said in the stream that he played scummy because we all had medkits like what? I don’t complain when the killer brings addons that turn the match into their favor. Medkits are the new keys
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Since the introduction of Boon : Circle of Healing (which is not out yet) and Reworked Built to Last (also not out) there are worries there's too many healing speed increases in this game, and also many ways to make them sustainable.
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Yeah I'm honestly not so sure where this idea came from that medkits are suddenly so strong. They're "strong" I suppose, but no way are they problematic right? I'm curious to see who else says something.
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To be fair keys and medkits are clearly the strongest items in the game after toolboxes were slightly changed, keys are pretty self-explanatory and medkits are because depending on the medkit they can deny ingame pressure from dividing attention to pressure multiple survivors at once fast. In fact, if you make a healing build it's a safe bet that you will be able to take a lot of pressure away from the killer quite fast and efficiently. (Though now that keys are being reworked they are no longer the best survivor item, it's now medkits, toolboxes, maps, and keys in that order obviously in my opinion.)
Being a strong looper adds so much value to medkits that you can win games solely on the ability to deny the killer their pressure from getting injured, it also works against slugging because you won't have to deal with all survivors being injured and potentially losing a war of attrition.
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I’m not opposed to medkits that much for what they do, but it’s mainly their add ons. Gel Dressings for a green add on with no downsides give you 2 extra heals which is nuts. The scissors and that brown add on make you heal faster than another survivor healing you, which is way too much time that is saved. Don’t even get me started on Syptic Agent, you can’t argue that add on doesn’t need to be toned down.
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When most of the killers are addon dependent I don't think its really a fair comparison, especially if you are high enough MMR as otz 4 medkits are strong and deny so much of the killer's pressure you pretty much have to focus solely on a single survivor or else they are just going to heal faster than you can hit them all.
They are quite effective at what they do and strong against most killers, so you will see value out of them nearly every game so they are quite worth it in my opinion, so I am not sure why you are downplaying their effectiveness and the value you get from them.
You do not need items to win as a survivor, but as a killer, you need addons to win not using them is like intentionally handicapping yourself as most killers can't go against survivors basekit, while as a survivor the only thing that you need are perks to extend the chases, etc especially in swf which on its own is 7 overall perks to all swf survivors.
Swf is a free kindred, bond, object of obsession added on top of your four perks of choice, there is four survivors and chances are the swf will have eyes on you the entire match with teammates constantly calling out if the killer is on them or if they are working on generators, etc. (and you don't have to worry about your teammates killing you out of nowhere.)
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Strongest item in the game by far. You just can not split pressure against 4 medkits
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Every heal you get out of a medkit saves your team 16 seconds plus whatever time would have been spent finding each other which doesn't sound that crazy until you factor in multiple medkits or addons. They're crazy because there's no healing speed penalty to healing yourself and you can get 2-3 heals easily with addons, so the survivors stay healthy without nearly as much time bought for the killer as normal.
To answer the question, they've always been very strong but I think people are just now realizing it. Probably thanks to MMR making it so there are less weak links on a team that you can go after to build pressure.
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Oni's hate medkits. They're very strong and players should take them, even if they just leave them at the start.
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The addons or the self-healing speed.
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Medkits have been the most OP survivor item for a long time.
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Which is why I don't understand the Circle of Healing hate. Circle of Healing is a waste of a perk slot because you can bring in a medkit. Circle of Healing takes 30 seconds to setup and use (Not including the random amount of travel time you also waste finding a totem). Self Care takes 32 seconds to use. Medkit beats both, hands down.
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I see what the lot of you are saying, and I don't think any of you are wrong, but I just don't see the need to nerf or change medkits. In fact, I think the only person I disagree with if taken literally is
I don't think they're overpowered or have ever been overpowered. Health states have always been temporary and healing has always been like this. I wonder if it's true: medkits are the new keys after the key nerf.
Even if a medkit does allow one survivor to heal themselves, so what? The medkit gets consumed and you can just hit them again and find them later. If someone brings a big healing build, well that's their build and that's all they're gonna be good for the whole match. I guess I always figured there were plenty of ways to counter healing, and if someone really hates medkits that much they should consider Coulrophobia (did I spell that right?). And maybe y'know Sloppy Butcher. There are healing perks and then there are anti-healing perks.
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Gel dressings adds one heal, not two.
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Free unlimited medkit ill take it lol also I don't enjoy self care since circle of healing is faster I want to use it. Finding totems is not a problem either and time isn't an issue for me.
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It's not a free unlimited medkit though. The first heal off of Circle Of Healing is always 30 seconds. If the Killer doesn't break the very loud boon totem, you still have all that travel time it takes to get to the Circle of Healing's AOE for a second heal.
If the Killer breaks Circle of Healing, it's pretty much a Self-Care that you have to travel to.
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Sinde keys will be nerfed, since build to last will be buffed, medkits will probably be too op
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Medkits have be super strong for long time. Now that keys are finally gettig nerfed (rightfully so) it has become more obvious that they are too strong.
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If I remember right you have to go into the locker for twelve seconds in order to recharge your medkit the first time to 99%, but after that you get diminishing returns so is it really that bad if you dedicate a whole perk slot to that?
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Its not med kit that are problem. It's shift+W from med kits that are the problem. Health states are just WAY too powerful in current state of the game. they've always been way too powerful. The sprint burst component allows you get to busted tiles in the game. Its exact reason why self-care healing was weakened. they need weaken sprint burst of health states from 2 sec->1 sec.
med-kits just enable you to get health states. Its normally very hard and time consuming for survivors to get health state back, but with med-kits. Med-kits make health state far too accessible for too little time efficiency compare to what killer needs to catch up.
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It makes it so if you don't commit to a chase, which sometimes you simply cannot, all of your time is wasted and the Survivor will fully heal in 16 seconds... maybe even faster with addons, perks and skill checks.
Split boosted Medkits among 4 Survivors, and let them have all second chance meta perks, bring a Survivor sided map offering, there are SO many things that stack in the Survivors favor that frankly it becomes ridiculous.
This is not even including Survive With Friends, IT CAN GET EVEN WORSE. It's an unbalanced mess that BHVR lacks the balls to fix.
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If the Killer breaks Circle of Healing
that would require the Killer to go out of their way to start a boon totem hunt, meaning they'd have to drop all gen defense and chases for a certain amount of time just to temporarily get rid of this perk, which has most likely been placed in an area of the map where no gens are left and the Killer really does not want to be in.
So even if the Killer breaks it, this is ultimately still in the Survivors favor.
you still have all that travel time it takes to get to the Circle of Healing's AOE for a second heal
the travel time Survivors have is also not a bad thing, all you have to do is to beeline the, for the Killer, "dead" (so no gens to defend) area of the map in a chase, which is something you want to do anyway.
Now the Killer has to either commit to a chase that is very unfavourable for them and might very well cost them the game (in addition to hunting down the totem afterwards, so even more of a time loss), or drop chase, have you heal yourself up in no time and returning to the gens very quickly, which would result in an overall time loss on time spend to injure VS time spend to heal.
those downsides get outweight quite heavily by the upsides the Perk provides, given the Survivors play smart ofc.
and best of all, this strategy is one every Survivor in the trial can make use of, even if just one of them brought the Perk.
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Medikits have been hands-down the best item in the game (except for best case Keys) for literal years, way back when healing speeds(etc.) were adjusted. People complain about toolboxes but Medikits are usually the better item.
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Medkits have been the strongest item in the game for a while. Nothing else comes close. They allow survivors to maintain good spacing and also reset themselves in the amount of time it takes two survivors to heal. They are an insane map pressure tool for survivors. A yellow medkit is two heals if you add 8 charges. That's an entire trial of healing for one player under most circumstances.
More people would be screaming about medkits if survivors were optimal beyond very basic stuff. The quick single heals are powerful enough on their own, but then you get into the ability to repeatedly tank hits for other players in a chase with a purple medkit+charges. I've proc'd MoM in a single chase before in solo queue. Medkits get crazy.
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I think medkits are fine :/
I sometimes think people forget about survivors who solo, which I do the majority of the time. There are so many times when a teammate would refuse to heal me or keep messing up on a skill check. So I prefer to bring a medkit and heal myself.
If they nerf medkits then people are going to go back to using self-care and complain about that too. Or everyone's going to run inner-strength and there won't be enough totems to go around.
Have a nice day.
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The thing is though, if you have a medikit a lot of players are just going to work gens because they assume you can heal yourself. If you don't there's, like, a 9/10 chance they'll heal you once the gen is complete. I mainly play solo and allies not healing isn't as rampant as some like to make it out to be. At least not on the East NA server. 🤷♂️
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CoH is strong but it's probably not going to be that strong once it goes live. You're roaming around the map defending gens and chasing survivors. You're bound to hear the totem and make note of it at least. I don't think any killer is actually going to navigate around the map specifically for the boon totem unless they already know where it is.
Medkits are nice to have of course, but this isn't new. It's only now for some reason that people think it's too strong. I'm of the mind that medkits are typically the best thing to bring since you're nigh guaranteed to get something out of it. That doesn't make them so strong and oppressive to killers that they would be nerfed though, wouldn't you agree?
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I've always thought that medkits were strong. Being able to heal yourself and save time for one person is pretty big.
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Medkit became the strongest item after key when they change the toolbox.
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Oh yeah my mistake
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So what do you think? Do they need to be nerfed?
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Well its pretty simple, flashlights were never as powerful as a medkit, ever. (Except for that very brief time when you could blind killers any time during a pick up for the save.)
Toolboxes were dialed back a bit. (Although it wasn't enough, base mechanics need looked at there to do anything)
Keys have been, and are going to get nerfed again.
That leaves only medkits.
Just like how now that spirit is getting nerfed people started complaining about blight and wraith.
In fairness, it probably doesn't help that there are youtubers like Pebsie putting out videos where you can get 75 heals out of a crazy medkit with 4 *new* built to last(s).
Personally I think built to last would still be strong if it only had the 66% then the 33%, without the full 99% first. Even if you could built to last back to back to get 99% total from both
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Medkits are just a extremely time-efficient thing. Killers first objective when the game starts is to get some pressure rolling on survivors, hooking and injuring as many survivors as possible is usually the best thing for that. Medkits counter the injured part of this very well. There is nothing worse than injuring 4 survivors ( outside of legion ), just so that they use their medkits and all your pressure goes poof. Yes they are one ( or two or three ) time uses, but that is enough for a match of dbd.
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I believe healing need to be nerf. It could be with a nerf to medkit or a nerf to a survivor healing someone else but something need to be done because chasing a survivor with a medkit is worthless unless you commit to the chase whatever the consequance.
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Me as Hag sees Medkits: Brings Franklin’s, Sloppy, and Blood Echo
Post edited by WishIcouldmain on1 -
Honestly, it's just another thing to complain about. Since keys are nerfed (rightfully so), medkits are going to be the new thing to complain about/demand nerfs for. Medkits are fine.
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Since forever.
Now that Keys are being nerfed it isn't even a discussion of which item is strongest anymore.
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Since forever.
Now that Keys are being nerfed it isn't even a discussion of which item is strongest anymore.
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Never heard people complain about medkits until now. Honestly people stretching like Mr. Fantastic to get things nerfed on both sides.
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... but the whole point i was making was that Survivors will be placing it in an area the Killer does NOT go to, due to the gens there already being finished?
currently Killers will simply drop chase when someone leads them there, as any such area is a huge time waste if they do commit to the chase. With CoH that will literally no longer be possible, as the Survivors will be able to heal up and return to the contested areas much quicker than the Killer could injure and push them away from them, creating a literal lose - lose situation for Killers.
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And of course the new Boon Totems bring ultra-fast healing to all players, effectively giving one or two free perks to the other three players. If you've taken both Boon Totems then Nurses' won't alert that you're healing either.
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I have BEEN saying this community gives WAAAAAY too much power to streamers. The fact a streamer can say one thing and the entire community suddenly agrees and it gets changed is genuinely a scary thing. Everyone I’m begging you to just form your own opinions.
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I've been on about med-kits for over a year now.
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I’ve never seen a single person complain about medkits (only styptic agent and needle) until Otz decided to say how overpowered they are.
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I am not as popular as Otz :(
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I’m sorry :( here you can have an orange 🍊(only popular people get cookies)
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They already nerfed healing a while ago I think people forget this I hope they don’t butcher the only item in the game that is somewhat helpful,
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This isn't new. They're just getting heat from big content creators just now or again.
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So I guess you've never seen someone lose because 4 medkits before huh... being able to have old self care in an item that can be enhanced through perks to increase its charges and healing speed for a single person...
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It's been a longer than a while. I'd wager that most people weren't even playing when healing was nerfed almost exactly 3 years ago.