What are the Top 3 Problems Currently in DBD in your Opinion?

My Current Top 3

-Map/Loop Designs

-The Lack of Strategy & Conuterplay in Generators as Objective

-DBD Meta Perk



  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921
    1. Loops: Starting to get stale. They should start designing maps to give players the ability to maximize their efficiency in chase without having to run in circles. This meaning no more RNG and tiles, and just design every map to have only one iteration.
    2. Survivor Recovery Speed: Survivors heal so quickly nowadays, it’s ridiculous. With the addition of Circle of Healing, this issue is becoming more apparent.
    3. Lack of Dev Communication: This is to reason why this community is so divided. Nobody knows what’s on the devs’ agenda and we don’t know where they stand on the problems in their game, if they even realize it in the first place. This is also why people think the devs are incompetent, because they don’t defend themselves. They pour their heart and soul into this game, they should stand by it.
  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,169
    edited October 2021
    • Map design/Map RNG
    • Most killers being reliant on a select few perks to stand a chance at having a game that's not over insanely quickly, Corrupt Intervention is the main one that comes to mind here.
    • The fact that 80% of the games perks (on both sides) are still mediocre, garbage or outclassed at what it's meant to do. E.G Why would anyone run Gearhead when Tinkerer exists (Gearhead being a DLC perk whereas Tinkerer is free with Hillbilly)
  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Most if not all of the people that created the game and had a vision for it are gone, and that's not an insult to the people that are continuing the game, it's just that it's very unlikely the ship will set sail in a different direction. They tried with Deathgarden, didn't work out. This ship will always be Super Smash Slashers now. The formula works, but I'd say the soul really left when they stopped decorating generators for holidays. The team is a lot bigger now, but that means you have a producer telling everyone what to do, and everyone is executing what is told to them. That will never not be robotic, even in video game studios.

    Everything is much more fast paced now. Animations sped up, things are more spur of the moment instead of deliberate and methodical. Atmosphere has given way to 'pretty' (which again isn't bad) and because the game has to be respectful of other countries laws and what they find offensive the game has put itself into a box. We're never going to see body horror, decapitations, bones in general outside of totems etc. It's very safe. Kinda weird for horror.

    The focus on kills and escapes. When the Killer Cube came out you needed 2 kills and a hook to pip and everyone back then thought that was meh. There shouldn't be a defined win condition. The trial itself should be its own experience...but nah. Exit gates and kills. Do gens and rush out the door or end up on a hook. It is what it is. In my view 10k points pip, like how it was back in 'the day'.

    Just my two cents.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Cheaters, Maps, Survivor balance.

    Fix these and the game will be worth playing.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    survivor/killer balance



  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,239

    Map size/balance/RNG: Maps are too big and often have too many strong tiles that chain together. RNG affects maps way, way, way too much

    Perk balance/synergy: Many perks are too strong on their own or too strong when combined with each other. There are perks like this on both sides. Slowdowns and second chances are too prevalent/impactful/necessary IMO.

    Cheaters: Do something

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    I think iridescent addons should be power fun with no draw backs and alot rarer to get it's a little silly I can okay every game with highest rarity thing every game if I want easily

    The power gap in perks being either useless or meta ei preditor v corrupt and flip flop v DS

    The effectiveness of face camping the first survivor which is made even better with noed

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    Map Variety

    Map balance

    Large volume of bad perks in comparison to good ones

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    1. Hackers 2. Iron Will/Dead Hard 3. Map design/pallet density

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Killer being unwinnable a majority of the time.

    Looping being almost completley abolished with the absurd amount of anti loop killers in the game.

    The abysmal map design.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 924



    Survivor objectives other than just gens and counter play towards gens

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,820



    Issues with particular maps.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited October 2021
    1. Map Design/Survivors Objective: many maps are still survivor sided with current gen times, being too big and offering too many good loops and structures for survivors, but that would also be improved a lot with a second objective. If a second objective was added, many of the not too survivor sided maps wouldn't be survivor sided anymore, and a few more maps would probably even become killer sided.
    2. camping/tunneling
    3. optimization or bugs, not sure

    Although to be fair the game has it's fair share of other problems as well, like the balance disparity between killers, or between swf and solo survivors. I still think it's a good game, I'm enjoying it a lot again, but it's just really rough around the edges and has some annoying issues. And sadly the improvements to the game don't come as fast as I wish they would.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    -The Grind

    -Failing to seperate the casual and competitive players

    -Map design

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508
    1. The meta being the most obnoxious thing in this game. SBMM, which ensures you'll be facing against your opponent's meta, means that you're more likely than ever before to be subjected to DBD's obnoxious meta builds.
    2. Awful maps that are effectively the standard at this point.
    3. Too much grind for perks. It's especially bad for niche perks that require the presence of other perks to be functional.
  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    1. No secondary objective for survivors
    2. The chat filter that censored "Yun-Jin" yesterday
    3. Absurd window RNG turning buildings into either god loops or dead zones
  • BBQ
    BBQ Applicant Posts: 39

    My subjective list:

    1. Nurse
    2. Console optimization
    3. Solo lack of communication vs SWF
  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    1. Script Users - Anticheat needs an update. The amount of PC script purchasers has increased exponentially since SBMM. Close the game engine to users ability to write scripts. Let the players who bring perk picture changes be disappointed and close it off. This alone could prevent many of the hacks. I'd also recommend hiring more personnel to review games/players and begin banning the negative parts of the playerbase. I'm tempted to include adding boxes to the player's FOV to prevent stretched res. I think it's a shame that people only feel competitive with these unfair advantages.
    2. Hook Grabs - I think the two-health-state hook grabs should be removed from the game (obviously, injured players could still be grabbed). I believe killers being able to hook grab a healthy survivor encourages camping. If killer didn't get an insta-down (the hook grab is the equivalent of a chainsaw hit no matter what m1 killer you're playing as), I think many of them would be less inclined to face camp. Even those classic Cannibal killers would be less incentivized since most of them don't revv the chainsaw when survivors approach; they hook grab. Another potential adjustment is just make unhooks take considerably less time. The amount of game delay provided by lazy 'strategies' is I believe an issue in the base game mechanics.
    3. Hillbilly's current state - I agree with GeneralV. Although I am excited at the buffs Hillbilly's getting in the mid-patch, I would prefer addons without activation requirements and fewer downsides. More fun addons is the path I am wishing for. I have made threads on how his addons could be changed, but glad he's starting to get attention.

    Many of the things I felt were issues are supposed to be addressed on 10/19/2021 (Pig addons, Wraith's All Seeing, Trapper base kit, Ghost Face charge time addon requirement, and even Hillbilly's addon buffs). This game has consistently progressed in what I feel has been a great direction. I hope it continues to.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599
    1. The Grind
    2. Survivors are too strong
    3. Killer isn't fun anymore
  • motoane
    motoane Member Posts: 33

    1.map balance

    2.perk balance

    3.hacker/streached resolution

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    1) Hackers

    2) Exploiters


    3) The grind

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    Map Design

    Map Design

    Map Design

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2021
    1. The grind
    2. Lack of new realms (honestly, a new realm makes the game 1000x times refreshing than release a character)
    3. Toxicity. Players are really taking serious the me vs them / survivors vs killer.
    Post edited by psionic on
  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    1. Unbalance of SWF vs killer, especially at high MMR where killer has basically no chance unless you are god spirit or nurse
    2. Ridiculous grind
    3. Sounds like cheating has been bad lately too, but it’s been very rare in my games
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Maps in general

    Perks in general

    Items and addons in general

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    -The disparity between what killers must do and what survivors must do in terms of effort for reward. Killers need to interact with, and outplay survivors multiple times, fast and consistently to achieve their objective. Survivors must hold M1 on a thing for a bit, there's a bit of macro play involved but it's vastly simplified by SWF. This makes it so that survivors sometimes don't even have to outplay the killer at all to escape or win. This is the biggest problem in the game imo. I could go further into how much simpler survivor gameplay is for what it gives the survivor team compared to killer, but i'd be ranting at that point.

    -The absurd amount of things in this games that are designed to either fix your mistakes or safeguard you from a mistake. NOED, DS, UB, SB, DH, Spirit Fury, the new spirit addons, etc. Usually they require barely any effort from the user in order to be massively impactful in the match.

    -Addons that poison the design of a killer. A killer's basekit is neutered for the sake of jpgs that may or may not be available depending on whether you find them on the bloodweb. So instead of having a nuanced power that can be transformed by addons, powers sometimes are barebones and only function with certain addons. It's a horrid system imo.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763


    The Grind

    Map Balance

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The map rotation/offerings, map based rng outliers, and removing maps. They need to fix maps, clearly.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964

    1#. Map/Loop Design

    2#. The need for at least one gen defense perk on high MMR (I mean, you can still win without any, but it gets much harder to counter survivors doing gens efficiently).

    3#. Add-on balance. Seriously, some add-ons are still broken while others are worthless.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568


    Queue times

    I have only 2. I'm ok with everything else. Even that 2 problems not bother me too much.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    Facecamping producing faster games, demanding genrushing.

    Tunnelling producing faster games, demanding genrushing.

    Solo/Swiffer divide.

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732
    edited October 2021


    Base regression.

    Items, specifically tool boxes and BNPs.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    - The behaviour/attitude of many in the "community".

    - Bloodweb grind.

    - Loop design.

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    • Performance/Optimization
    • Game Speed (I'm cheating a bit as this is a mix of both map size and gen speed)
    • The unhealthy mentality of a subsection of the playerbase that bleeds into gameplay.
  • himheart
    himheart Member Posts: 102
    1. Wee
    2. Bit
    3. Overpowered
  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Map design, queue times/matchmaking and optimization

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193


    Slow game development

    Boon totems (soon)

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375


    Console optimization/No cross save


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    1. Performance/Optimization
    2. Survivor objectives (Too dull for survs/feels to quick for killers; survs don’t ‚fear‘ the Killer at all at higher skill) - Maybe Game Balance would be a better title but I think surv objectives are currently the biggest issue here
    3. Hacker/Cheater

    bonus: Accessibility (controller Settings and Accessibility options like for hard of hearing, deaf, epilepsy…)

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    1) too many non viable killers, unbalanced and unfun.

    2) SWF

    3) unbalanced gameplay, such like genrushing.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981
    1. Performance / Optimization
    2. Hacker / Cheaters / Exploits
    3. Balance frequency

    Optimization is the most pressing issue for the game. DbD is one of the few games that allows crossplay over such a wide varity of platforms and that is a very good thing. It brings people together and allows more players to enjoy the game. This allows for a growing community over all boundaries that typical games have.

    However this is damped and tainted by the perfomance problems and the lack of optimization.

    For the game to be enjoyable beyond all "problems" with balance or game design it needs to work properly.

    Hackers and cheaters are just the worst. They are and issue in every game and they get worse in a game with PvP aspects that are so easily tempered. This is the same as the above mentioned problem.

    Now for number three I choose the balance frequency. Even if we admit that some problems like loops and map design or side objectives for survivors (even thou they cry about Pinhead and Pig on regular base) are a thing, in my opinion this is a big downside.

    In order to keep the game fresh an flatten spikes in potential problems there should be more number changes to add ons, perks and other stuff as well as changes to the functionalty of those. The upcoming update is a huge success because there are changes for the better and the worse and finaly something is moving.

    I understand that huge changes are a problem but numerical changes and small functionality updates for add ons and perks are a much smaller issue that keeps players engaged. If you buff a perk people will try to incorporate it into their build (yes, I bought Bloodfavor...) and will have fun trying it. if you change numbers of over and undertuned perks people will explor if they are finaly worth it or not.

    BHVR should try to make numerical updates more often if things are underperforming. Most perks are interesting but their number is just so marginal that they are not worth running. How about a second more of speed on Smash Hit? A quicker activation on Second Wind? A larger penalty on Dying Light? More stacks on Distortion? More penalty time on Forced Penance? There is little to loose when buffing the underperforming perks. and as long as it is just numbers you can rebalance it pretty quickly.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360
    1. Not being able to rotate the killer in the lobby
    2. Having to say Pinheads voicelines myself
    3. The spring has gone on one of my buttons on my PS5 controller which causes me to accidently teabag in chases and then I get camped and tunnelled.
  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    Map design.


    Toxic players (mostly swf's).

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714


    Meta perks

    Bad map design