

Should Dead Hard be completely removed?

Member Posts: 143
edited October 2021 in Polls

If you choose no and you're a survivor main then you're 100 percent a sweaty survivor main who can't loop at all and dead hard carries you.

If you choose yes and you main killer you're killer main who has to get tortured by dead ######### hard (same as me!)

If you choose Yes and you're a survivor main and you never run the perk. YOU ARE A HOLY MEGACHAD AND YOU ARE TOO EPIC FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL WORLD THAT YOU'RE IN!

If you choose and you main killer why. JUST WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Edit: (I just had a game with 4 dead hards I really hate it. I've calmed down now but still screw dead hard.)

Should Dead Hard be completely removed? 51 votes

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  • Member Posts: 143

    There is litterally no counter to Dead Hard. "Waiting it out" just lets the survivor dead hard to a pallet.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    Dead Hard doesn't turn, and is less than the length of a lunge. It has plenty of counterplay if you force it.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    I don't use it, but it should have some tweaks. As in no more twinkle-toes over a trap etc. That's just silly.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Like old ruin, should be removed and replaced with completely different perk

  • Member Posts: 10

    Defo should be removed. They always make it to a pallet with d**d h**d and it makes me want to d**d h**d off a cliff.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I never use DH. I cant due to lag/latency. It would never work for me and I end up exhausted on the ground. Even if I tried to use it for distance it wouldnt work as the distance I perceive would be different than that perceived by the killer.

    SB is far more oppressive if used efficiently. New killers just hate DH more as its more in their face but its literally worse than SB (unless used to get over trapper traps. That just hurts).

  • Member Posts: 22

    I play killer and survivor equally. Deadhard should not be removed whatsoever.

    You can counter it if you just get within range for a quick M1, at that point they have to predict when you are going to swing so the odds are in your favour. Most times they will prematurely Deadhard then its GG you get a free hit.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    As long as we remove noed with it

  • Member Posts: 10,910
    edited October 2021

    Please no. I’ve been crutching on it lately lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    A perk for babies who need a free crutch to get them to their next god pallet because they played poorly. This perk and everything it represents is why Survivors are so obnoxious to go against as Killer: Free second chances multiple times at absolutely 0 personal cost.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    Why do people say removed. Are you suggesting that David just doesn't have a 3rd perk anymore? When people say they should remove Ruin that Hag only has 2 teachables?

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    No perk should be removed, no matter how annoying it is.

  • Member Posts: 65

    Survivor main who doesn’t use it, it’s fine. It’s not stronger than SB or lithe at all.

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