What Video Game Licensed Killer would you like to see?
What Video Game Licensed Killer would you like to see? 47 votes
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I would actually love to see a Specimen from Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion as a Killer. Any specimen, honestly, but if I had to choose one in particular I would love to see what they could do with Specimen 8, 10 or 11.
Or else a Clock Tower style map and Killer.
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Inky, Pinky, Blinky and/or Clyde.
I wouldn't want them cartoonified though. Make them scary.
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The Big Daddy (Bioshock)
This is just way too cool not to have in Dead By Daylight. The Bouncer immediately shot up to the top of my list as #1 as far as video game licenses go, whereas I normally would vote for a killer from Outlast or The Keeper from Evil Within.
You just can't say no to The Big Daddy.
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Kinda wish we got a full gameplay concept, dang that looked real...
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The Big Daddy (Bioshock)
I'd love to see the third person arc shot of The Bouncer in a Dead By Daylight map, and the first person view as well. It'd be so cool.
But the way the eight portholes light up and hearing the whale noise is enough to tide me over right now. We definitely need to see The Bouncer in Dead By Daylight.
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A Gatherer (Amnesia)
Please I need this guy.
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Scissorman from Clock Tower.
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The Big Daddy (Bioshock)
What are you talking about? The Blight is already in the game.
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The Wendego (Until Dawn)
The Wendigo would be cool if they could climb walls like in Until Dawn.
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This is all I need right here, The Tank from Left 4 Dead.
Post edited by DBDude on0 -
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Zerg Queen Kerrigan from StarCraft!
With the introduction of Nemesis we now see bots in the game. Imagine raising a couple zerglings from their underground burrows to run amok damaging generators, breaking pallets and walls, and occasionally injuring an overly brazen survivor that tries to interrupt them.
And then for Kerrigan herself, there are just so many possibilities for weaponry, cosmetics, and additional power abilities!
The survivor, of course, is Raynor.
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Other (Please Specify.)
I know we already have a pig...but we could do with a manpig.
I know we have the chainsaw bros...but we could have the chainsaw triplets.
That's why I want Piggsy from Manhunt.
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The Big Daddy (Bioshock)
Personally I think Fiddlesticks could be really interesting. He could have some sort of synergy with the crows on the map.